22 Replies to “And The Wheels On The Bus Go Round-Round-Round”

  1. “IRS Exempt Organizations Division director Lois G. Lerner, who has been described as “apolitical” in mainstream press coverage of the IRS scandal, is married to tax attorney Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. The firm is based in Atlanta but has a number of offices including in Washington, D.C., where Miles works.
    The 400-attorney firm hosted an organizing meeting at its Atlanta office for people interested in helping with voter registration for the Obama re-election campaign.”

  2. Wow just wow. They are not throwing gas on this fire they are hauling it in by the truck load.
    My guess is that she went against the administration on this one and is punting the ball upstream. This just blew this wide open. This went from there is no there, there to how much and where.
    I don’t know about anyone else but I am enjoying this immensely.

  3. “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. We just pick up their tab” – Geo. Carlin

  4. Immensely enjoyable, really troubling, and outraged. 3 in 1. Pull up a chair and open a beer, I’ve been waiting 5 years for this train wreck.

  5. When the burglars were arraigned the day after they were caught breaking into the watergate they were represented by (non-criminal) uptown high-priced lawyers with close ties to John Mitchell and CREEP.
    Just saying.
    Striped pants-style lawyers are not the kind you want advising you on how to invoke the fifth. She didn’t heed that lesson and she may pay dearly for doing so. Or she may roll.

  6. And of course these geniuses are all trained constitutional lawyers…
    1st Amendment: burn it
    2nd Amendment: seize those weapons and sell them to our enemies
    5th Amendment: hide behind it and then saw off the branch you are standing on…
    So who exactly is ‘shredding the Constitution’ now?
    Have these people ever met an amendment they did like? Not that they didn’t swear to “up-Holder” the Constitution in any case.
    Of course, now I’ve got it, “Owe-bama-Nation(tm)’s” Hollywood crew is writing the comedy script for this surreal Administration of cockups.
    Its Keystone Cops Constitutional Capers and these are all the ‘smart people in the room’!
    Mike Krüger – Nachts steig’ ich beim Nachbarn ein
    (At night when all is asleep, I break into my neighbour’s house)
    Ha hahahaha hahahaha haha,
    Ha hahahaha hahahaha haha
    Es ist kalt, dunkle Nacht und es ist auch schon reichlich spät,
    Ich steh hier vor der Tür, neben mir steht mein Schweißgerät.
    Ich will rein, durch die Tür, kurz noch eben das Schloss zerstört,
    Ich bin drin und ich weiß, dass das alles jetzt mir gehört.
    Oh yeah!
    Nachts, wenn alles schläft ist meistens keiner wach (pass auf die Bullen kommen).
    Und weil ich das weiß hab ich mir gedacht (hast dir viel vorgenommen).
    Nachts wenn alles schläft, steig ich beim Nachbarn ein (pass auf die Bullen kommen).
    Und was ihm gehört, das ist dann einfach mein.
    Oh yeah!
    Was war das, ein Geräusch und ich knie hier vorm offnen Safe,
    Oh mein Gott, ich bin dran, denn ich riech Derrick‘s After – – – shave.
    Oh was bin ich so blöd, dass das wieder mit mir geschieht,
    Dass der gleich alle kriegt, weiß doch jeder, der Fernsehen sieht.
    Oh yeah!
    Selbst schuld!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. And of course these geniuses are all trained constitutional lawyers…
    1st Amendment: burn it
    2nd Amendment: seize those weapons and sell them to our enemies
    5th Amendment: hide behind it and then saw off the branch you are standing on…
    So who exactly is ‘shredding the Constitution’ now?
    Have these people ever met an amendment they did like? Not that they didn’t swear to “up-Holder” the Constitution in any case.
    Of course, now I’ve got it, “Owe-bama-Nation(tm)’s” Hollywood crew is writing the comedy script for this surreal Administration of cockups.
    Its Keystone Cops Constitutional Capers and these are all the ‘smart people in the room’!
    Mike Krüger – Nachts steig’ ich beim Nachbarn ein
    (At night when all is asleep, I break into my neighbour’s house)
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  8. Sooner or later the match that will burn American cities will be lit. The moment that Obama is impeached, the cities with large black populations will burn, sure as God made little green apples. It matters not to the racist blacks, it will be racism pure and simple and nothing will convince them that this is not so. No wonder ammo is in such short supply.

  9. As I was saying to someone the other day, Obama didn’t need to do any break-ins of anyone’s offices like Tricky Dick. Thanks to technology, this can all be done electronically now – (Rosen, Atkisson, etc) – and on a much larger scale. He’s 10x worse than Nixon.

  10. There is nothing on Drudge stating when the hearings resume and when Leiner is scheduled…Anybody knows?…This has become my favorite show overnight…

  11. An interesting comment by Carol Trongeau on this at: http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2013/05/22/186102554/lois-lerners-brief-and-awful-day-on-capitol-hill.
    “There is no Fifth Amendment privilege to refuse to testify before Congress. A subpoena from Congress (or a committee) is within the speech & debate clause (Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 of the Constitution) & therefore not subject to judicial interference; i.e., she could not move to quash a subpoena & therefore must testify. See Eastland v. U.S. Servicemen’s Fund, 421 U.S. 495 (1975). That’s why, during the days of HUAC, Hollywood people either testified or went to jail; there was no third option. Even if there were a 5th Amendment privilege, she waived it by reading a statement, but it shouldn’t have mattered in thte first place.”

  12. They are also warming up the bus for O’s senior Whitehouse counsel. Buzzfeed supposedly has an articel up saying she advised the Whitehouse not to say anything about the IRS issue sooner. Seems the strategy for Obama is blame the lawyer. Nothing speaks to the competence of your administration like following the OJ strategy.

  13. Patsplace wrote: “Sooner or later the match that will burn American cities will be lit. The moment that Obama is impeached, the cities with large black populations will burn, sure as God made little green apples.”
    I think the population make up of the Dem inner city plantation underclass is broader than you think. Demographics aside, I think this is a very real possibility – even if Obama finishes his term and the Dems lose the house, senate and Oval office. This inner city welfare-addicted underclass has known nothing else but fed welfare supplements (food, income, housing, child care) for generations. In the past decade the Obama latter-day Alinsky corps (Unions and sundry other fed sponsored Marxist foot soldiers) have now radicalized this demographic to the point there is an entrenched mindset that they are “entitled” to be the non productive drones of the Dem welfare plantation. They have been conditioned to think that any return to constitutional governance or republicanism is tied to their existence. They will literally mobilize and fight any federal regime which is not a welfare state nanny – that includes urban warfare and rioting.
    Let’s face it there are millions of inner city Americans who are not intelligent enough to provide for their needs/neither do they want to. Anyone that foolish will certainly keep voting to be fully reliant on an unstable tyrant. And they are surely foolish enough to destroy their own nest to do it (burn the wretched inner cities). But once they burn and de-civilize their environment where will thy go? It ain’t west Hollywood or uptown Manhattan baby, that is reserved for the Dem elites. No I think we need look no further than NOLA and Boston to see what the new fascist fed regimes do with disaster area underclass – FEMA camps, private for-profit prison systems or Warsaw ghetto lock downs and starve-outs. Mass riots will empower the martial law police state Obama signed into being by executive order. It won’t be pretty and it certainly won’t end the way the we;fare rioters believe it will.
    In the wider perspective it matters not if Dems or GOP oversee t disassembly of the welfare state. It will happen as a matter of necessity because it is unsustainable and certainly unsustainable in a period of crushing unpayable Federal debt, currency meltdown and prolonged forced austerity due to a defacto depresion. The underclass, as it was in the dirty 30s, will be the first to go extinct. Nothing is more expendable in the engineered technocratic state than useless eaters – and we have 2 ruling juntas of big government technocrats in Washington
    Where do the frogs go when they drain the swamp – escape to the desert?

  14. Now that’s funny!
    ‘Straight’ and ‘White House’ in the same sentence!

  15. Problem is a Negro will never be impeached. he’s teflon because of his color.

  16. There is no honor among thieves and this woman is about to learn that the hard way. Imagine the look on her face when she realized she’d been screwed by Obama after having done his dirty work. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer lady. Who’s the next speed bump to run over on the bus to oblivion?

  17. “Where do the frogs go when they drain the swamp – escape to the desert?”
    They rot on the dried crackled surface of the mud and, in time, are plowed under.

  18. Good Lord, this same lady was Enforcement Officer of the FEC in the 90’s and ended up suing the Christian Coalition, lost, but sued them anyway for violations of the campaign laws.
    Lerner then got promoted as Enforcement Officer for the IRS and targeted over 500 Conservatives Groups with audits, denials, and investigations from the FBI and the DOJ.
    Now Lerner is the Chief Enforcement Officer for ObamaCare. Damn, sure hope no Republicans need any life-saving surgery.

  19. Well. there’s another good thing that has come out of all this IRS, and Fast and Furious, and Benghazi stuff.
    We can only hope that with the continuous (and predictable) inability of our political whiffle-sniffers to hide even the most simple things, that this will send a message to our conspiracy theorists that there is no way our administrations can orchestrate something as grand as a 9/11 cover-up.
    Face it: ‘bama and Company (or Bush, or Clinton’s crowd) couldn’t organize a two-man rush to a three-hole crapper. So let’s stop crediting them with things that are far beyond their means.
