13 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. In the interests of fairness the foxes are now in charge of hen-house security.
    Why are we a member of the UN? Other than standing up for Israel, which is ineffective, I think the vote for Palestinian statehood went 154 to 7 for the palestinian hoodlums, what is Canada accomplishing by being a member?

  2. “U.N. officials say Iran’s post is merely the result of an automatic rotation.”
    Ah, I see,it’s all quite reasonable then.
    Meanwhile,Canada is committing genocide against it’s “Aboriginals”.
    Not to even mention what we’re doing to baby seals and children.
    Has the whole world become a f***ing farce while I was napping?

  3. Actually, both of those issues are a national disgrace. First, that Canadians still tolerate apartheid and second, that we are still a member of the UN. The later would be much easier to resolve than the former.

  4. But the UN is a great equalizer, making the world a fairer place. To even out the injustices that take place crazy regimes get an unusual amount of power. Everyone wants to know what Iran thinks about human rights and disarmament. Next month watch for the DPRK to use the UN to trade AK-47’s with Syria and Somalia.

  5. And while they’re at it, let’s have Saudi Arabia lead the women’s rights committee, Burundi lead the polar regions research committee, Mongolia establish the tsunami warning system, Zimbabwe the economic development organization . . . oh heck, why should I do their work for them?

  6. Fred Rubin, “Assassination Attempt”
    So when does the UN announce Mr. Ahmadinejad is the delegate responsible for “Jewish Advancement, Safety and Security”?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. You realize that when the UN talks “disarmament” they are talking about disarming civilians not governments – and seeing how the member-state governments of the UN are responsible for the vast majority of death, murder and immoral violence, you an see once again it’s a small club, and we ain’t in it. UN disarmament is all about removing our right to protect ourselves from criminal violecne, either from freelance thugs or the ones who own/run our governments

  8. My Letter to my MP, Pierre Lemieux – to show 454 guy he’s not alone ;).
    Dear Mr. Lemieux:
    I just learned today that Iran will chair the United Nations’ disarmament negotiating forum during the May session, which opens today. If I may use a very crude but accurate analogy, this is like putting Hitler in charge of the Department of Jewish Welfare.
    Can you give me even one valid reason why we are still a member of the UN? I think the time is long overdue for Canada to set an example for the free world by vacating our seat in this corrupt and farcical organization. It would be to Canada’s great and everlasting credit if we took the lead in organizing a coalition of nations committed to democracy, decency, and the rule of law.
    Yours truly,

  9. Letter to my MP. (Now 454 guy won’t think he’s all alone ;))
    Dear Mr. Lemieux,
    I just learned today that Iran will chair the United Nations’ disarmament negotiating forum during the May session, which opens today. If I may use a very crude but accurate analogy, this is like putting Hitler in charge of the Department of Jewish Welfare.
    Can you give me even one valid reason why we are still a member of the UN? I think the time is long overdue for Canada to set an example for the free world by vacating our seat in this corrupt and farcical organization. It would be to Canada’s great and everlasting credit if we took the lead in organizing a coalition of nations committed to democracy, decency, and the rule of law.
    Yours truly,

  10. Canada is committing genocide against it’s “Aboriginals”.
    Not to even mention what we’re doing to baby seals and children.
    Posted by: don morris

    Canada’s “Aboriginals” are doing it to themselves.
    I have no idea what you are doing to baby seals and children, and really don’t want to know, just don’t include the rest of us in your “we”.

  11. Perhaps its not such a bad idea. After all, before much longer, Iran will be providing direct evidence of how nuclear nonproliferation can be enforced by air strikes.

  12. We are in the hands of a great evil, who presume they are our masters.
