38 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Tell us how you really feel sweetheart!…..like omg!!
    Liberalism is a mental disorder!

  2. A little while ago there was a post here about the corruption of the Obama administration.
    We had one commenter go to the fact that Obama has filled the White House with black America haters. And a predictable response about the inherent incorrectness of that point of view. Ok … all you sensitive precious finger waggers.
    Never Get This Kind of Power Again
    Because they are culturally corrupt and morally corrupt … the skin colour is just their excuse.

  3. It’s a mess out there online and on twitter. I’m so sick of having to remind all the h8ters and bigots out there: Not All Episcopalians Are Terrorists!!!

  4. You should get out more, out of Vancouver that is. 😉
    Occam, NASA have a road to Damascus moment?

  5. Re: Her most recent piece.
    I raised a daughter with an attitude like that! I love it!

  6. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “China Manufacturing Unexpectedly Contracts in Test for Premier”
    “China’s manufacturing is contracting in May for the first time in seven months, adding to signs that economic growth is losing steam for a second quarter.”
    “Stocks Slump With Metals on China Data as Yen Strengthens”
    “Global stocks fell, led by the biggest drop in Japanese shares since the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster, while metals sank as Chinese manufacturing unexpectedly contracted and speculation mounted the Federal Reserve will cut bond purchases.”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  7. “wilson says:
    May 23, 2013 at 12:12 am
    This was mentioned above, wow what an honour!
    ”Stephen Harper will be the first Canadian prime minister to formally address the British Parliament since the Second World War when he visits London in June.
    Harper will speak to MPs and members of the House of Lords on Thursday, June 13, according to his Twitter account.
    The G8 leaders’ summit in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland takes place the following week.
    William Lyon Mackenzie King spoke on May 11, 1944 in the Palace of Westminster’s Royal Gallery — less than four weeks before D-Day.”

  8. Chicag’O.
    “Chicago-style politics on full display in IRS and other Obama scandals”
    ““I’m afraid Chicago is dying. There is some semblance that society is running as normal. But as soon as you go two blocks outside the downtown radius, it’s a wasteland.” Chicago Rapper Lupe Fiasco
    This past year saw increased bloodshed in Chicago. An almost 20% rise in murders pushed the total murders to 506 for 2012.”
    “chicago’s bloody year
    Jon Lowenstein
    south side”

  9. I found this interesting:
    Sort of puts the lie (surprise, surprise) to the Liberal-media narrative that Canada’s international reputation has suffered since Mr. Harper became prime minister, doesn’t it? Of course, we don’t have any historical data, so we don’t know what the trend line looks like, and we don’t know the countries in which the survey was conducted — so it might not, on the face of it, meet pristine Liberal criteria for “evidence-based decision-making”.

  10. What’s behind the latest attempt to bring down Rob Ford? Americans pay no attention to what’s happening in Canada, but suddenly Ford is getting lots of attention in the US (including on the comedy shows — very suspect!) I really do not believe that the drug dealers would on their own have the where-with-all to bring something like this off. Where is the concern about the extortion happening? Instead of being outraged, the Canadian media is assisting with the efforts to discredit Ford — and as is often the case with Conservative politicians, they are deemed guilty until proven innocent. This type of harassment undermines democracy and everyone should be outraged.

  11. Mohammed Wants Cameron … dead.
    “Cameron Calls London Meat Cleaver Killing ‘Betrayal of Islam’” (Bloomberg)
    “Islamists kill 20 in suicide attacks in Niger”
    “(Reuters) – Islamist suicide bombers struck a barracks and a French-run uranium mine in Niger on Thursday, officials said, killing 20 people and wounding dozens in attacks that …”

  12. I raised 3 daughters as a single dad like that North of 60. I’ll have to forward that onto them, they will get a kick out of that.

  13. Ici Le Socialisme Libre.
    “Forget Paris: Stymied by Socialist Policies, the French Start to Quit France”
    “Ernest Hemingway once described Paris in spring as a time when “there were no problems except where to be happiest.” Clearly Hemingway did not foresee the springtime of 2013. For many of Paris’ residents right now — in fact, for many French in general — the answer to the question of where to be happiest is: pretty much anywhere but France.
    The French, to be sure, are famous for their grumbling, regularly ranking near the bottom of global happiness indexes. Malaise, after all, is French for ill at ease. Yet even given the usual predilection to gloom, this year has been a standout.”
    “IMF chief Christine Lagarde to face questions over $520 million pay-off”
    “The court hearing threatens to sully the reputations of both Lagarde and France.”

  14. This must be a province wide deal because they did this in Victoria the other day. They had the transcanada road blocked and were checking every vehicle.

  15. Neo-AGW PR Outlook.
    “Arctic cold front.”
    “Frost warning for
    Deep River – Whitney – Eastern Algonquin Park issued
    Near zero temperatures tonight.
    Cooler air will become entrenched over Southern Ontario tonight in the wake of an of an Arctic cold front.
    Unlike typical frost situations, winds may not drop below 10 km/h and skies will likely remain cloudy in most areas. However, temperatures are forecast to drop to near or below the freezing mark due to the cold nature of the incoming air mass.”

  16. “Rob Ford crack scandal: Could it contaminate the right?
    Toronto Star”
    “updated: Has a Rob Ford impersonator fooled media over-eager to attack him? Will lawsuits follow? See ad from January 19th”
    “Looking for Rob Ford look alike/imposter (Toronto)”

  17. OK, for all of you Ford haters, here’s an article from Toronto Life that’ll drive you crazy. These are all the good things Mayor Rob Ford has done for Toronto and Torontonians — that is, all of us who don’t belong to the chattering classes who could care less about us — after Moron Miller decimated our infrastructure and bankrupted our coffers:
    Philip Preville: A sober assessment of Rob Ford’s shining achievements
