Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Scratch a leftist A “secret” Facebook group of foreign correspondents and human rights activists quickly devolved into an anti-Israel hate-fest on Tuesday following the release of a new Israeli government report that cleared the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of wrongdoing in the 2000 death of a Palestinian boy.
More from Michael Coren.
h/t Adrian

19 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Really? They’re still pretending that Pallywood staged video is true? Wasn’t the French TV network successfully sued over this thing? Don’t we have all kinds of documented evidence that this thing was a propaganda flick?
    Meanwhile guys are getting their heads chopped off in broad daylight by crazed Muslims.
    Personally, I don’t care. I don’t watch the TV these schmucks create and I don’t read their coverage in the paper. May they all end up selling pencils on a street corner someplace.

  2. Yup. Put a bit of Palestinian meat on the lure, and our diligent journalists can be counted on to swallow it hook, line, and sinker…even if there’s no blood on it.
    Thousands of years of lies, backstabbing and intrigues, and our modern media dickheads still accepting this crap without an iota of skepticism. MSM: a low life form produced by the interbreeding of willful blindness, incompetence, bias, and naivety.

  3. I don’t know anything about any 12 year old being shot (or not) in 2000. I do have three words for what I think of these guys’ credibility: Green. Helmet. Guy.
    One more: Jenin.

  4. I must constantly laugh at the naïveté in dogmatic leftoids when they go postal trying to scapegoat one of their little pet peves and hang all the ills of oppressive globalism on them/it. The latest lefty scapegoat seems to be Israel, and although they are a militant corporatocracy, they are only one very small player in the big game of globalist hegemony.
    Their (the zombie left foot soldiers in the media and UN NGOs) bosses and mentors have direct connections to the global power structure, where as Israel is just fighting to keep their little acre of sod from being eaten by larger globalist wolves – they have bills to pay too, just like Europe and the rest of the world hooked into the global finance/corporate continuum. Thei military actions are dwarfed by the military and covert adventures of Europe, America, Russia, China and NATO.

  5. Accusing a nation of falsifying information is not hate. Oh wait, it’s israel that’s being accused. Oh, that’s different. THAT is definately hate. Definately. Never saw so much over-the-top hateful rhetoric in my life. Cripes, pro Isreali Conservatives are getting just as bad as those who call them hateful Islamophobes. “Ooooooo it’s hateful……” LOL. You people really need to get a grip. Isreal is no more righteous than any other civilized nation and just as prone to self serving lies and moral corruption.

  6. Staged or real, who gives a crap? Even it it’s real, it ain’t the first or last Arab kid to be killed in a stupid middle east battle. If he was killed, it’s just another notch in the Galil of an Israeli soldier. Not the first, not the last. People mustn’t be too harsh on the Israeli justice system. The freest Arabs in the region live there.

  7. Sure dude. Except for the part where the video they’re crying about is a proven hoax, and they are still trying to hang it on the IDF anyway.
    Besides, its not hate. Its -propaganda-. Should journalists knowingly spread the propaganda of enemy groups against countries allied to their own? Historically that’s been viewed as a bad thing.

    You want vows? I’ll give you vows. Here are about 75 passages from the Torah and New Testament. Have at her. Prove whatever point you have in mind.

  9. What really has them in an uproar is that Israel is making a law (I am unsure of what stage it is at present) that would allow soldiers or the IDF to sue these groups for slander. If they ever have to pay for the damage they do, they just may learn to try at least to relate the truth instead of propaganda.

  10. Uh, the talmud isn’t scripture, so what’s your point?
    Anyway, their religion (talmud) teaches to lie, same as the koran.

  11. scar: if your point is that you can take verses from the Bible, out of context, to support almost any ridiculous statement you care to make, then I have to agree.

  12. Redneck – you betcha
    I read the Wikipedia on the event. Despite multiple gunshot wounds including one that caused the intestines to be outside the body there was no blood. When someone gets shot in Canada, they bleed – a lot. The timeline is all screwed up and the kid at the hospital had blood already darkened. The times on peoples watches in photos doesn’t match with when they said it was. Add to it that the Israelis were firing from a fixed defensive position that provided no site=line to the kid. Unfreaking beleivable.

  13. Apparently some think verses from the koran, er talmud, have been taken out of context 🙂
    So hard to distinguish one from the other.
    Kethuboth 11b
    “When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this — that is, less than three years old — it is as if one puts the finger into the eye — tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.”
    Out of context, no doubt…

  14. Strad – are you a sick phuk?
    5. Kethuboth 11b, concerning betrothals. “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye.” A footnote to that passage says that if a man were to have intercourse with a three year old she should not suffer the consequences of loss of virginity when she become eligible for marriage. The comment is actually a defense of victim’s rights. The man who did such thing would be punished, but the victim shouldn’t be.

  15. The man who did such thing would be punished…
    Uh huh…
    Sanhedrin 54b
    Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that.24
    24. I.e., Rab makes nine years the minimum; but if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three the minimum.
