Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

UN Watch:

In a scathing and unprecedented attack on a UN-accredited NGO, top UN Human Rights Council official Richard Falk is publicly calling on the 47-nation body to investigate and potentially expel a watchdog organization after it mobilized world leaders — including his own boss, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon — to condemn his comments blaming the Boston Marathon bombings on “the American global domination project” and “Tel Aviv.”

15 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. The next article (opposite of Diversity) condemns a lack of free speech. I’m not sure that we can just have free speech for people who are on our side.
    Attacking this man’s ideas is fine, particularly if you have reasons for what you say.

  2. Why do we still fund this horrid UN joke on humanity?
    From rape to Insanity, thievery totalitarianism. NO one is better at it than the UN.
    Its like having front row seats at a Petting zoo for psychopaths.

  3. If the brothers Tsarnaev were not muslims, they would not have bombed the Boston Marathon. Full stop.

  4. There ya go again,gordinkneehill. Completely screwing things up with facts! You gotta get in touch with the huggie/feeling side of your as….er…brain.

  5. I don’t perceive that the issue raised is free speech but rather free association, namely, why should Canada be a member of an organization that tolerates the views expressed by Falk if we don’t agree with them? Just because an organization exists does not mean that we have to hold membership in it. We were never members of the Warsaw Pact even when Trudeau was PM. If the UN functions as a dupe of global Islamist and far-leftist green-fascist interest groups, then we should boycott and not renew our membership. And so should other free nations but of course most of them are already hopelessly compromised in their domestic politics so the UN is a perfect cover.
    As to this UN Watch group holding some sort of official status, that is mildly encouraging but rather like Hitler having a goodwill ambassador touring concentration camps, really.

  6. There are 206 countries in the UN. I stopped counting at 52 the number who were muzzie,dictatorial,or despotic governments. PMSH…you are a racist SOB,against most Canadians, for supporting this corrupt entity.Our contribution can be better spent on supporting our corrupts here in Canada.You know,the Lieberals,Queerbec,the pseudo greens in BC.Wish this was sarc,but it isn’t.

  7. It sure seems that there is something about adding the words “Human Rights” to any job title that really brings out the @$$-whole in a bureaucrat.

  8. All unaccountable governing bodies turn into despotisms – it’s a mathematical constant.
    If historic record even matters in the disinfo age, the UN is less a peace keeper than a war making body – and war makers are always in bed with weapons makers and war financiers. To me the greatest hypocrisy is UN small arms control treaties which essentially disarm civilian populations and leave governments free to arm to the teeth. Given that the permanent UN security council members are the globe;s largest weapons manufacturers and marketers as well as the globes greatest war machines, perhaps UN arms treaties is like a mafia-like program to remove competition.
