31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Perhaps the best way to rid the universities of this c**p is too bring in a few valkrjya,”choosers of the slain.” I am pretty certain these warrior Goddess’ would not look to fondly on “zombies” or Harry Potter (or Jane Fondue,for that matter) And if the latter even existed, my bet goes with Freyja.
    Meanwhile,who or what actually hires “grads” from these pseudo-courses?

  2. Thanks for the laughs EBD. Probably not so funny for the university graduate who’s $100 K in debt and trying to pay it off on a Starbucks salary. I do recognize some of the popular culture figures mentioned but who’s Lady Gaga?
    Also, in the current academic puritan culture, I wonder if it would be possible to bring up some of the musings about Superman as Larry Niven did in his short story Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex? I found the part about Superman’s adolescence particularly amusing as holes appeared in his Smallwood home and sperms traveling at nearly the speed of light caused miniature sonic booms throughout the town and large numbers of women found themselves mysteriously pregnant.

  3. Knew there was a reason I clicked on the usertips link before getting distracted by the useless university courses.
    For those who want an easy to setup encryption scheme, I recommend:
    It’s by far the easiest encryption system that I’ve run into and setting up a 10 Gb virtual volume on one of my computers yesterday was trivial. For an open source windoze project it’s surprisingly well done (usually most open source projects run far better on Linux than windoze) and there was seamless performance in accessing various type of files from the encrypted virtual drive. When Truecrypt is exited, then all that one sees is a 10 Gb file filled with random numbers as Truecrypt also fills unused space with random numbers.
    For reasons of tracking how much time I spend on the computer doing various things I run a key and mouse logger but then it occurred to me that other people might be interested in this information. Rather than writing my own encryption code, I now use TrueCrypt to automatically encrypt data from that program. Given M$ being the first company to start handing over data to NSA, I wouldn’t trust any encryption product from M$ as their bitlocker supposedly provides high quality encryption of the whole disk drive in a similar manner although it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if there was a back door for statists included.

  4. If animals were fat we would have the Toronto Star making more fraudulant and false stories up than there are trees to print them on. “Grizzly Bear seen smoking Crack”, “Deer caught in the Headlights, could be crack related”, Hyenas kill prey, could be due to crack addiction” “Crack at the bottom of Plumber being killed by Cougar” Oh I can see the CBC and CTV and the Glob just salivating over this.

  5. http://code.google.com/p/truecrack/
    Make sure you use a long pass-phrase. An 8 char password would be cracked within hours.
    At least 24 characters with some uppercase etc thrown in. Don’t bother with the old trick of converting a letter to a number or symbol. It doesn’t provide for any increase in encryption strength.

  6. Bartinsky – nice, and accurate, comments on the Toronto Star, Globe and the CBC.

  7. “Wind farms are a ‘complete scam’, claims the Environment Secretary who says turbines are causing ‘huge unhappiness’
    Owen Paterson says communities will get new powers to block turbines which are ‘regarded as a complete scam’
    Warns of ‘huge unhappiness’ across the country caused by wind farms
    People who live near developments to get 20% discount on energy bills”
    “Current Ontario Wind Output”
    “117 Megawatts (MW)”

  8. All The Premier’s Men
    Starring ‘Dalton I Am Not A Crook’ McGuinty
    “TORONTO – Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford would know what to do.
    We could use them, now. With the deleted e-mails caper, we have our own Watergate.
    A scandal like this needs its own movie — All the Premier’s Men.
    So who’ll play former premier Dalton McGuinty?
    Anthony Perkins, who played Norman Bates in Psycho, would be perfect. Then again, he’s dead. But he had those shifty eyes.”

  9. Here’s totalitarianism in action in the US. A soldier, who is a Christian, a conservative, against gay marriage, against Obama, is being reprimanded for his beliefs.
    He waa reprimanded for serving Chick Fil-A at a promotion party (that he paid for); reprimanded for reading, backstage, to himself, books by Levin, Limbaugh etc.
    So much for freedom of speech and belief.
    But don’t think that this just occurs in the US; leftist totalitarianism is everywhere. In Toronto, it’s evident in the witchhunt against Ford by the Toronto Star and the Globe.

  10. Good grief,ET. You just can’t make that stuff up. And it is only two baby steps to the guy being arrested,charged,and summarily executed for reading non-statist material.And the others around him will be properly cowed. And the USA is not far from that.I just wonder how all the welfare,food stamp,and free phone users are going to react when there are no benefits “left” for useful idiots.

  11. Day late, and a dollar short, dizzy.
    Kate posted that story about a week ago. Oh, those EEEEvil Koch brothers!

  12. justthinkin- exactly.
    The soldier was told that his reading the material made ‘other people uncomfortable’. So what? Their reading of Marx or Obama would make ME uncomfortable. Again, so what? The world doesn’t revolve around the dictates of a govt on ‘what makes people comfortable’. [Unless you are part of the Canadian Human Rights supporters or a leftist or an Obama-ite).
    The food stamp ratio, the disabled ratio, the entire ratio of those dependent on Obama’s govt, and thus, slaves of Him Master Race, is increasing. The comparison, frankly, with the rise of the Third Reich is disturbing. The same gradual removal of rights and freedoms, the same increase of dependents, the same centralized control..the same intolerance, the same sophist rhetoric, the same lies, refusal of accountability, blaming others..targeting of groups (in this case, Christians, conservatives)…
    No different.

  13. The Conservative Party highlights a few of the lies in Greg Weston’s false story on CBC.
    I guess the fact that watchers of the MSM broadcast media, and the vast majority of MSM print readers, won’t have an opportunity to read/hear about the falsity of Weston’s story nor read the CPC’s debunking of the lies unless they happen to stumble across the linked blogger’s posting of the Conservative’s point-by-point counter-response is proof that the Conservatives are doing a bad job of communicating with their “base.”

  14. The ” West Block ” show just had the shiny gelding on talking about the issues of the day. Unfortunately,I don’t have a link to the show. Justin says that Harb will be welcomed back to the senate if he pays up the expenses because his problems are more of an honest mistake. Yeah sure.
    Justin also goes off on a disjointed ramble trying to explain his comments about the advantage of senators for Quebec. He includes Ontario now,and comes up with the idea that an elected senate is a disadvantage to the west. I don’t know how that works,perhaps the pony has been indulging in horse tranquilizers.
    Later,Nathan Cullen questions Justin’s expenses with a comment about his trips to give speeches for big bucks. If Justin did fly on our dime,or paid for his ‘Maggie’ to join him on our dime,he should be done.
    Is it too soon for another leadership convention?

  15. “Here’s totalitarianism in action in the US.”
    ET, in some degree this is how it started in the Soviet Union. I thought our family left that behind in the 1920s.
    Justthinkin, “And the others around him will be properly cowed. And the USA is not far from that.” Agreed, Christians meeting in the forests is not far away.
    Regarding Canadian Senators.
    Travel and living expenses of members of Canada’s Senators.
    The top rows show those whose travel expenses are over $150 thousand and show Liberal Senators lead slightly in this category. The living expenses appear to be all over the map, but most appear to be quite reasonable.
    By clicking on the Travel or Living Expenses tabs just above the pictures you change the order.
    I know, I know, this comes from the Toronto Star, the Liberal media organ, but occasionally the paper does publish some unbiased information. Besides, it could be considered covert surveillance of what they write.
    After checking this listing, the question could be abolition or a radical overhaul of their allowable expenses in various areas such as partisan advocating during election campaigns for their political parties and living expenses. Possibly the Senate should adopt the expense reporting that Parliament has.

  16. Why is this false story not a surprise. This has been happening for years.
    Greg Weston et al should be getting a retainer from the Liberals.
