Cold, Wet Hands


I am phoning my MP today and will be asking them to advise how many firearms have been seized from the Cumberland House Indian Reserve as they have been evacuated as well. I suggest you do the same.

40 Replies to “Cold, Wet Hands”

  1. Beauty…..the mask is off….
    Cops anymore are on powertrips and jealous of their percieved monopoly on the use of force and possession of deadly force.
    In principle, the police forcibly removed the citizens then engaged in B&E/looting…..what else did they take.
    Hereabouts there have been instances of police looting while “investigating” a burglery/home invasion.
    This coupled with the rampant militarisation of Police in North America is disturbing…..cops make inept soldiers and soldiers make inept polce…..power corrupts. It’s more than the us vs them attitude but increasingly an evolution from being servants/guards to being rulers/minders.

  2. sasquatch >
    That is why they call our National militarized police force “Members”.
    “us & them”
    Just like the Hells Angels.

  3. Odd that the RCMP could make it into the homes, but the homeowners were kept away. Last I heard, “several hundred” firearms were seized/collected/stolen by the cops. Were the homes of firearms owners specifically targeted or did they just happen to find a few hundred long guns in random entries?
    I’ll bet a dozen Timbits they were targeted.

  4. Canuck66 >
    “I’ll bet a dozen Timbits they were targeted’
    Yea, another poster “Richard” mentioned the same thing on the other thread. I commented abstractly that most probably 99% of High River residents own a firearm.
    That said, I wonder how many of the home invasions were of “Handgun Owners”? Obviously handguns are still legally required to be registered for easy police state access to law abiding citizen’s privacy and property.
    Handgun owners are typically long rifle owners as well.
    This can and should be a multibillion dollar national investigation I can finally get behind.
    Rose >
    Another great point!
    If it’s not Obama’s IRS it’s Redfrauds Stazi putting down political dissidents.

  5. MPs can ask this question as an Order Paper Question, which requires the RCMP to respond as if responding to a Question in the House of Commons put to the Government.
    Questions like whether the Canadian Firearms Centre was contacted or consulted or involved in any manner, whether decisions about which residences to enter were based on any information or records developed from, copied from or derived in any way from the former Long-Gun Registry data and records before the Registry was abolished and the data therefrom ordered destroyed, and how many and what kind of firearms were removed from all residences entered, can also be asked by any MP as an Order Paper Question.
    Also, any Canadian can use ATIP (Access to Information and Privacy) requests. For example, one could ATIP the High River RCMP detachment, the RCMP K Division (Alberta) headquarters, the Canadian Firearms Centre, Public Safety Canada, the Alberta Premier’s office, Alberta Emergency Management agencies or offices and relevant provincial ministries, and the Mayor’s office in High River for:
    –all records of written or verbal orders or authorization (including contemporaneous notes), emails, policy documents, correspondence, briefing papers, briefing presentations, and operational records related to the deployment of RCMP members and supporting personnel, including other emergency services, Canadian Forces personnel and locksmiths from any level of government or private contracted locksmith, in High River during and after the flooding,
    –particularly with regard to planning and executing house to house searches and associated firearms removal from evacuated properties, records relating to whether and how residences were identified as being owned or inhabited by firearms owners and/or PAL holders, whether the Canadian Firearms Centre was contacted or consulted or involved in any manner, whether these decisions were based on any information or records developed from, copied from or derived in any way from the former Long-Gun Registry data and records before the Registry was abolished and the data therefrom ordered destroyed, records of how many and what kind of firearms were removed from all residences entered, and regarding the RCMP’s storage of said removed firearms and processes for said firearms to be recovered by their rightful owners.
    –Thse materials should include all relevant records related to the federal Minister of Public Safety and/or Alberta Premier and/or Mayor of High River and their staffs authorizing, co-authorizing, agreeing with, disputing, disagreeing with and/or endorsing these activities.
    –Then file the same request for RCMP activities regarding the evacuated Cumberland House Indian Reserve.

  6. “…how many firearms have been seized from the Cumberland House Indian Reserve as they have been evacuated as well…”

  7. The angry but decidedly orderly conduct of the good people of High River under extreme duress makes the police action doubly reprehensible. After all, the left/media routinely claim the average citizen is simply too volatile and untrained to be allowed to possess firearms. I am sure the police were hoping a confrontation would erupt and provide them with media cover but those fine folks kept their powder dry. Good for them.

  8. Yeah because calmly and meekly surrendering will get results!

  9. My message to Stephen Harper:
    As someone who was at your CP leadership campaign launch and shook you hand and wished you well, I feel I have your ear.
    The RCMP officers who were responsible for the forcible, illegal and unwarranted (literally) invasion of Albertan homes and STOLE their personal protection and hunting devices, should be charged with breaking and entering and theft and burglary.
    They should have their uniforms publicly shreaded and be stripped of all honour.
    If this does not happen, I can only assume I am working for and donating to a party overtaken by the bureaucratic Borg. If that is the case, I QUIT!

  10. Right. Did they take anything else? It was break and enter. It was a massive theft.

  11. Danielle Smith isn’t “the leader”. She’s the leader of the official opposition in the Alberta legislature. It’s her job to question the gov’t in its effectiveness and direction, and perhaps to lead her party by example.
    Are you asking which provincial riding is hers? It’s High River. Where she’s been working with those displaced citizens. There’s no shortage of photos of her doing this work, of leading by example.

  12. Danielle Smith is actually helping the people in the area. And you really have to ask yourself why the Redford government cut Smith out of the conference calls in regard to her own riding. Absolutely disgusting. Terrible nonsense from the Redford fascists.

  13. Firearms on Reserves are not a concern…because never in history has one been used in the commission of a crime, on or off a Reserve. It’s whitey you have to watch out for. As well, possession of firearms are inherent Native right, due to the thriving firearms industry that preceded the arrival of the Europeans. Sarc/off.

  14. Roxy Graff · NWSS
    I do not believe that they will return guns…they will come up with some excuse.
    She has the right of it. Just like the RCMP kept the gun Registration. Now this “police” force is issuing fatwas on what are to be sold as weapons to Citizens without a vote by our representatives.. Not out government, but the Police.
    One wonders what else these guardians of purity have taken from homes. Taking guns is confiscation of property period.Theft.
    Harper acted in good conscience calling them out on this. a Hat tip to the PM. He seems alarmed as well.
    This is what happens when Unions run teachers to Police.
    They change the character of any organization into one of their own political fronts for collectivism.
    Maybe its Time to have a Provincial force with no Union & no connection with the Government. We could vote for a Police Chief & his council

  15. For all operational issues, the RCMP in Alberta (“K Division”) are under provincial authority, not Ottawa. It is the effect of the 20 year deal the RCMP signed with AB to provide provincial policing a couple of years ago.

  16. “Danielle Smith ..her riding …her leadership…where is it ?”
    Man, is this mess ever gonna blow up in your face… If Redford’s fingerprints are anywhere near this she is toast.

  17. Danielle Smith has turned against her constituents as a matter of political expediency. On the Breakenridge show this morning she stated quite clearly that she is “OK with the invasions and gun confiscations” by the RCMP in High River.
    Creeping Death at 7;49 PM : Brave words from someone at a safe distance. Given that the RCMP have the truncheons and guns, what exactly are you suggesting?

  18. I think the ole “State of Emergency” government excuse will do just fine in this case.
    Your rights revoked for their own good, stand down or you will be arrested (or worse).
    The RCMP being used as government thugs? Going door to door making sure Mein Kampf isnt there, is as bad as making sure it is there..
    What the hell is going on out there?

  19. I want to know the NAME of the PERSON who ordered this crime. I don’t want to hear “it came from above, it came from HIGHER UP, All a line of bullcrap We need names and have him/her enplane the action.

  20. Right you are…..according to the provincial Emergency Management Act, the Minister must authorize entry into buildings, etc. Which “Minister” provided the authorization? If none, then the RCMP acted alone and illegally.

  21. This crazy crap was more than likely instigated by the person in charge, the local Sergeant of the RCMP. The Sergeant has quite a bit of latitude when dealing with the public and a stupid sergeant can damage public relations to the point where it takes years for the RCMP to regain the public’s trust.

  22. Did they also confiscate any kitchen knives and pressure cookers that were not in locked storage? Will these also be returned upon providing proof of ownership?

  23. RCMP snooping may make Canadians less likely to evacuate when ordered in the future
    And that’s the problem here. Police who sweep through disaster areas in search of victims are heroes. Police who take the opportunity presented by an emergency to go rooting around in people’s things are something else entirely. It may indeed be the case that the police were far too busy during their efforts to do anything but seize guns left in extremely plain sight. But they aren’t saying how many firearms they took. This creates the impression of an opportunistic gun-grab under the guise of an emergency response.
    The police need to say exactly how many guns they took, over what period of time, and under what circumstances. They must also establish that they only took firearms that were indeed stored unsafely, else they were wrongfully taking private property without lawful excuse — and that’s entirely unacceptable. It would also help if police clarified what exactly will constitute “proof of ownership,” which they have said will be required before they return the firearms. With the long-gun registry scrapped, what will police consider proof of ownership?
    Matt Gurney: The RCMP picked a bad time to seize people’s firearms

  24. My opinion as to what constitutes safe storage of firearms is that a locked house is isomorphic to the “locked container” specified in C68. My house has good locks and sturdy doors as well as an alarm system that is used when I’m away. Thus, according to C68, I can leave my firearms around my large locked container when I’m around or away. Nowhere in C68 does it say that firearms must be stored within a locked container within another locked container.
    Thus, if the federal gestapo think they were enforcing C68, they are completely mistaken if the house was locked. Time to hit these bastards very hard with every single porcine totalitarian wanabee charged with breaking, entering and theft. The house as a locked container is a no brainer for anyone who understands logic, but the federal gestapo has no need for logic preferring to make things up as they go.
    There’s an Albertan lawyer who used to post on cdn-firearms (Skeeters old site) who’s quite knowledgable about firearms law and might be just the person to get involved in prosecuting the federal gestapo. Can’t remember his name, unfortunately, but I’m good for $200 to support the cause of sending porcine criminals to jail.
    Also, instead of ranting on SDA, it would be worthwhile for every individual who’s as incensed over the totalitarian kleptocrats who’ve raped High River as I am to write some letters (not emails, typed letters sent via snail mail protocols) to PMSH and Vic Toews. Ask, respectfully, for the criminals involved in these actions to be drawn and quartered after first being put in public stocks for a few days. The federal gestapo has shown what it stands for and it’s time for this corrupt organization to be disbanded and the non-corrupted members might be allowed to hand out parking tickets.

  25. Harper has washed his hands of the firearms control issue when he went against party policy to only reform one smaller part of the armed civilian oppression regime instead of decriminalizing lawful use/ownership of sporting arms by repealing the firearms act and rewriting it so it is constitutionally linear. As well, he’s too intimidated by the police brass lobby to clean up RCMP policing politics, and the DIPs and Libranos are squarely in the service of the Tides-funded globalist civilian disarmament lobby – essentially civil libertarians are back where we were 20 years ago, on our own with no political party support in stemming the tide of systemic police abuse of lawful civilian firearms owners.
    However, the recent rogue actions/policies of police (a natural descent into police state confrontation with civil freedoms which occurs when too much unchecked authority, politicization and lack of public accountability is afforded to the police function)has spread beyond the injustices and abuse of just the firearms owning community into the wider majority group communities. Civilly hostile police politics/policy is now pissing many people off and policing reform/accountability is on the public radar screen even if Harper wished it was not.

  26. Why did the military pull out of High River so fast on Tuesday afternoon? Was it because they heard rumours of the so called “minister” Denis and his brown shirts, with the Rat Queen’s Ok, where pulling a Kristalnicht in Alberta, Canada?
    With the equipment the military had, every home and business could have been cleared and safe and everybody moving back home this weekend. Oh…and when you do get back to High River, do not forget to ask the cops for your knickers.

  27. I had been wondering if there are any homes in High River owned by RCMP members. Of course, their homes would have been left alone.
    It is true that the Nazi analogies are a little over the top. But it is also true to say that this is how totalitarian regimes start: when the police and military are no longer seen as members of the society but as elites with a separate set of rules.

  28. Not only the Cumberland House reserve, also the Siksika, Stoney and Blood. No mention of a gun being siezed at any of them. Also no mention of any property being confiscated from any of the flooded houses in Calgary. The question needs to be asked, who gave the order? Redford, Jon Denis, Chief Firearms inspector who is still ticked about losing his private registry?

  29. This smells to high Heaven, IMP. Good posts everyone, the dots are connected..Boston was the dry run for bamarama & gang; High River for Red big A (Aleson) & progressives in Alberta. The UN disarmament monstrosity in action. It is working way too well. PMSH was alerting us in his statement, IMO; we must always remember that PMSH is working with the turdo charter of 1980ies not the BNA Act of 1867. The BNA Act enshrined rights, the charter ‘gave’ suggestions of rights from the big turdo(gument) to certain tribes of people. What fools Canadians were to allow that turdo critter into the Parliament buildings.
    All patriot Canadians will stand beside High River residents. I am one.

  30. A philosophical question… If you have to kick down the door was the gun really in plain view?

  31. Police stealing guns vs people living in a slough…er…bowl taking confiscated taxpayer money so they can continue living in the slough…er…bowl.
    What’s the difference?

  32. What will likely come of this is the following scenario: houses were broken into to ensure all occupants were either absent or safe. Having broken into houses, the houses were no longer secure. Firearms brought out into rooms from storage to be safe from high water, are now exposed by the police to theft due to fact the police have compromised the security of the property. ergo they took them. For long guns, of course, there is no legal requirement to containerize them except for transport under hunting regulations in some provinces, where game may be present and hunting regulations are in effect.
    So that leaves the question – having compromised the security of the premises for a body count, did the police then return the property to its previously secure state? If not, why not? There would have been no need to remove anything if the property’s security was re-established.
    We need to revisit the whole concept of mandatory evacuation, period. Its simple enough to require a waiver from those that stay behind that they accept the consequences, and cannot expect to be rescued. Mandatory should only exist for those who are infirm or medically incompetent.

  33. Mandatory should only exist for those who are infirm or medically incompetent.
    Heh, for those who deliberately live in a slough…er…bowl, that would mean everyone.
