26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I believe the first hard drive I ever bought was a 20MB model in 1981. Fast forward to the present and I’m now buying my first 4TB model. The newer one has 209,715 times more capacity than the older one!
    P.S. Throughout that entire time, government at all levels runs pretty much as inefficiently as it did 32 years ago! 🙁

  2. If you look at mainstream media pictures of Trayvon Martin, and now pictures of his ‘girlfriend’ at the trial, it seems there’s a bit of a disconnect. Shouldn’t she be charged with child molestation or something?

  3. Excellent threads on High River and Cumberland House Indian Reserve. I think it is safe to say that Kate and the good stewards of this site have once again made a difference and had a positive influence through the comments of their readership.
    /kissup (really though, bravo.)
    Now… The good folks who are blaming Redford and agenda 21 global fascist behavior are spot on. Here’s a little evidence you may or may not have seen before. Watch the distribution of relief funds very closely.
    Preface: The Simpsons.
    High River is to Springfield as Okotokes is to Shelbyville

  4. Jeez, if you listen to MSNBC , Obamas visit to Africa is all love and adoration. If you listen to other sources, he’s not exactly a soul brother.

    And I’m gonna go waaaay out on a limb here and guess that he won’t making any pride week SCOTUS gay-marriage victory speeches during the African tour.

  5. Only a month after the tragic collapse of the garment building in Bangladesh, killing 1100 people, the ruble has been cleared and the new building is under way. Apparently using stringent building codes and government oversight it should be a vast improvement in safety according to the lowest bidder that won the contract.

  6. Katrina/NOLA and High River AB. have shocking similarities – soviet styled martial law and military/police looting and gooning of peaceful civilians – like an occupying soviet army in an invaded country – see for yourself and I hope the similarities scare you into realizing that police belligerence of the public under the guise of continuity of police order is a global phenomena – and we all know where these global civilian and gun control control memes come from right?
    RCMP brass were just acting on their globalist indoctrinating in the “new policing roll” where civilians are all suspect of high crimes and contempt of the power structure and are herded about like they are under house arrest. No respect for property, legal or civil rights for a population of occupied “suspects”.

  7. Damn wind won’t blow when we really need it! Who didn’t see that coming?

    CALGARY, ALBERTA, Jun 28, 2013 (Marketwired via COMTEX) — The Alberta Electric System Operator is asking all Albertans to voluntarily reduce their use of electricity due to a number of generator outages and low wind generation. The AESO is importing electricity from B.C. and Saskatchewan to help meet demand.

  8. “……….and you “think” Canada isn’t a Police State?…….time to wake up!!”
    “By thebiggreenlie
    Of course an emergency situation calls for emergency personnel to be present to help citizens and provide services that are limited during emergencies such as the one occurring now in Alberta.
    Canadians are tolerant people and are well known to be more than polite and understanding when placed in a stressful situation, so when a Government takes advantage of that peaceful and docile acceptance of controls and restrictions then as a Canadian you should be alarmed at how much has changed in recent years when it comes to excuses to unleash Emergency (Police and Armed Forces) measures that have become basically an “overkill”!”

  9. O’Adolf.
    “Obama Urges Africa to Embrace Ailing Mandela’s Legacy to Prosper
    “Scuffles erupt in Soweto at protest against Obama honorary doctorate”
    “Protesters at the Soweto campus shouted “Go back Obama” and carried posters that showed Obama with a Hitler moustache, others held posters that read “Free the Cuban 5″.”
