18 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. The UN and the “Rolling Stone” magazine celebrating losers and murderers…because they want to preserve and celebrate ‘world peace’ as long as you’re on the other end of the gun receiving the bullet or pressure cooker bomb. According to them the solution to world peace is to carry out more mass killings…if they are the help, who needs enemies?
    Luke 13:27
    But he will say, `I tell you, I do not know where you come from; depart from me, all you workers of iniquity!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Sorry Brian, I luvs ya long time GI, but think you missed the mark here. The Che t-shirt crowd often (and in the case of their programmers – always) DO know he was an executioner and are A-OK with it. That’s how they roll baby.

  3. Yeah, because the guys Che was fighting against certainly weren’t thugs and bullies himself. Most revolutionaries do things that in polite society would be considered ‘icky”. I’m not going to defend that. But people you think of as heros are just as brutal. What about the pilots who dropped the A-bombs on Japan. Biggest mass murderers in history. Oh… no… that ENDED the war. A demonstration of that kind of power would never have worked. They HAD to use it on civilians.
    And just so we’re clear… you guys advocate torturing people. So maybe just shut up.

  4. The UN is corrupt as it is useless.
    It’s not about whether it honours Che Guevera or lets China forever sit on the security council. It will do that anyway. The question should be why are we still a part of it? It does not serve our interests. It actually rails against us. It’s time to withdraw from the UN, particularly the money part.

  5. John, Che would have killed you if he had had the opportunity. Sometimes, life’s unfair like that.

  6. Just out of curiosity, John, who are the “you guys” you refer to? Do you imagine that SDA readers are some homogenous non-thinking entity who all have identical opinions on any and all matters that come up?
    They have a term for people that think they can deduct everything they need to know about someone by some small fact (the colour of their skin, their ethnic background, their choice of reading material). It’s called bigotry.

  7. “Biggest mass murderers in history”…as mentioned above, read history. Mao,Stalin,Pol Pot…why am I feeding this commie troll?. Bored,I guess.

  8. CHE is an acronym for Castro’s Head Executioner.
    John, you need to read a stack of history books to counter the leftist indoctrination you have been victim of.

  9. john (as in toilet), the “bombs” are credited with about 150k deaths, Fiddle Caster and company are credited with 140K kills, so , yah, Fiddle is a laggard. Did you know john that fiddle’s own sister fled to Miami to get away from the needless killings, Fiddle and che had won their war and still kept on killing, the bombs were dropped during a war, started by the nation that the bombs were dropped on. U really are stooped ain’t cha Johnny?

  10. From Wikipedia….the battle of Okinawa, the 82-day-long battle lasted from early April until mid-June 1945.
    “The battle has been referred to as the “typhoon of steel” in English, ………….. The nicknames refer to the ferocity of the fighting, the intensity of kamikaze attacks from the Japanese defenders, and to the sheer numbers of Allied ships and armored vehicles that assaulted the island. The battle resulted in the highest number of casualties in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Japan lost over 100,000 soldiers, who were either killed, captured or committed suicide, and the Allies suffered more than 65,000 casualties of all kinds. Simultaneously, tens of thousands of local civilians were killed, wounded, or committed suicide. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused Japan to surrender less than two months after the end of the fighting at Okinawa.”
    So John, if you bothered to look up your history, you would realize that the US saved millions of Japanese lives, when they surrendered. The Japanese were defiant to every last civilian and soldier, and would rather die than surrender, until the A-bomb showed the futility of continuing the war. Plus the Americans did not want to endure pointless casualties, in a bloody war of attrition.

  11. John can be honestly confused as taught history tells us that dropping the bomb on Japan was solely a demonstration of American power not to the Japanese but to the Soviets. The actual experience in Okinawa and earlier at Iwo Jima is conveniently ignored.
    Sadly as time marches on the sacrifice of our WW II vets is forgotten.

  12. Time NYC really took out the Human trash called the UN.
    Why are we even talking to this scum ball, Islamic run orginization that hates Democracy.
    Its club Dictator.

  13. John, you are purposely blurring the distinction between (i) aggressive force as used by totalitarian nations and psychopathic individual thugs like Che Guevara, and (ii) the right of nations and individual persons to defend themselves against the criminals listed in (i). It won’t work.
