17 Replies to “Let Me Fix That Headline For You”

  1. George Alexander Louis known to the majority in England as
    King Mohamed the 1st.
    What would make me think something like that?

  2. “What would make me think something like that? ”
    It’s the most popular English boy’s name?

  3. I’m in Prince Albert right now.
    The Herald wrote an article of a new baby girl who was born the same day because her last name is ‘Prince’, so a pretty neat coincidence there. But alas, maybe next time! I would expect William and Kate to have another child (again, possibly a boy) and there’s still always Harry/Henry.

  4. A lack of faith, just for starters. The gates of hell and its legions, from Rome, Berlin, Moscow and Mecca, have had centuries to prevail against the Defenders of the Faith.
    Why? Because there is a God, and it is by His grace that the House of Windsor are the crowned heads of England, Scotland, Ireland, France and all the Canadas. Prince George’s great-grandmother lived to see the burial of the communist and national socialist menace to Britain and to Christian civilization. I doubt the Islamic menace will outlive King George VII.
    Me, I am looking forward to witnessing the coronation of King George, though whether it will be from this world or the next only God knows.
    (I will grant that reasonable people can doubt the fitness for the crown of a Protestant nation of the man who will be King Charles III. He is, thank God, too old and frivolous to try to turn Britain into an Islamic state, as James II tried to turn Britain into a Catholic absolute monarchy. He knows very well that if he tried anything of the sort, he would start a civil war, and lose.
    If the Prince of Wales were our only concern, and not the ministers of all parties of dubious loyalty to his mother, all we would need worry about is outliving him.)

  5. As several of my friends in university used to say, “Prince Albert is a great place to be from.”

  6. Naturally, and the second reason is that Prince Albert National Park also sports the provincial bird:
    the species known as Culicidae or the MOSQUITO!
    Also the colloquialism “By George!” will be making a comeback.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. Dick, your Defenders of Faith (just faith) were a philanderer who murdered or divorced his wives and the current one legalised same-sex merriage. There is a hold-out against this located currently in Brazil. The joke that Prince George may one day be Mohammad is one told in a dark humour and a fatalistic reality. Britain already IS a failed Pakistani state. Charles will further help it along. That’s what you get for allowing an incestuous form of government continue for ages, I suppose.
    But what about Prince Edward Island?

  8. I suspect they chose the name George to honour George Zimmerman and get back at Obama for returning the bust of Winston Churchill. 😉

  9. My great grandfather came from England but I am to much a Republican to have any use for the monarchy. Before coming to Canada the other side of my family fought in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 against the British monarch. I always thought that Canada should have thrown in with the Americans can grown a couple those many years ago. Canada as suffered from a top down mentality for over 500 years.
    Call him Herbie for all I care.

  10. Canada could have very well been American were the Americans not so stupid. Nova Scotia had a large population of New Englanders but, in their wisdom, Americans decided it would be a great idea to raid the coastal towns forcing them to seek British protection. Also the Quebecers and Americans couldn’t have hated each other more after close to 200 years of continual warfare. While I love visiting the U.S., I am not a fan of how they run things.

  11. A beautiful baby boy was born to a nice young couple who happen to be part of the Royal Family of Britain and the Commonwealth. He’s been given traditional names befitting his future role as third in line to the throne.
    It’s a happy time for those of us who are Monarchists and appreciate the fact we live in the stability of a Monarchical system.

  12. “It’s a happy time for those of us who are Monarchists and appreciate the fact we live in the stability of a Monarchical system.”
    Cripes. Another one who needs to open a history book. Unless you like living as a serf, Liz J.
