Not A Muslim

Charley McCarthy;

…The marriage to Anthony Weiner, a prominent Jewish progressive, enables Huma Abedin to deflect attention from her associations with various Islamic supremacists even as, during her tenure as a top State Department official, American policy embraces Islamic supremacists.


19 Replies to “Not A Muslim”

  1. And to think we all worried about Communists infiltrating the governments of the West…We should have been watching for these lunatic Muslim radicals.

  2. A marriage of deflection which has become most inconvenient for the Muslim Sister infiltratress.
    Clearly a Muslim marrying a Jew could not be cause for worry, leaving aside the question of the dick’s true Jewishness.
    I find myself fondly recalling a nutty lefty friend’s view that a Jew’s criticism of Israel had to be valid coming from a Jew, leaving aside the fact that said friend hates Jews.
    And finally, you have to chuckle at Santayana’s silly formulation that people who don’t know history will be forced to repeat the mistakes of the past, for as we all should know, a knowledge of history, leaving aside the authenticity of such “knowledge”, matters not one whit.
    The only real question I grapple with is: is MB infiltration a result of stupidity or EVIL; the latter I contend, leaving aside the question of the actual existence of EVIL.

  3. Indeed! The notion that Huma Whatshername puts up with Weiner because she is an agent in place
    seems thoroughly plausible.
    Why does he remain married to her? Perhaps she pays him – or her handlers pay him.

  4. You can’t make this demented stuff up: “Weiner wagger for mayor!”
    Vote for your favorite functionally insane corrupto-crat today, tommorrow, often!
    Drudge got it right “Huma-iliation” for the defenders of the race to the gutter.
    Rodney Dangerfield never got any respect; but these clowns haven’t even a modicum of self respect.
    Fire. Them. All.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. “The notion that Huma Whatshername puts up with Weiner because she is an agent in place seems thoroughly plausible.”
    All Muslim women ‘put up with’ their husbands. It’s a tenet of their religion.
    Also, all Muslims who live in Dar al-Harb are ‘agents in place’.

  6. Why does he remain married to her?
    I’m of the view to maximize past service contributions to the Saudi Retired Western Politicians Pension Plan (SRWPPP) There is most assuredly such a plan, tho not of course formally documented.

  7. If he’d do that to his own family, what would he do to the New York taxpayer?

  8. Huma Abedin — “Agent in place” “Hiding in plain site” — how devious of this agent of the Caliphate to have herself be born in Michigan, study at Oxford, work for Hilary Clinton and marry a New York Jewish politician.
    Back when she worked for Hilary, she was “outed” as her lesbian lover !!
    This “I danced with the man who danced with the girl who danced with the Prince of Wales” article is a retread [note the verb tenses].
    All sorts of “links” — see, they are right beside each other in the sentence.
    But anyone can play that game. Charley M’s main venue is family security matters, where you could have read one Philip Atkinson recommending that George Bush nuke the Eyeraqis —
    “He could then follow Caesar’s example and use his newfound popularity with the military to wield military power to become the first permanent president of America, and end the civil chaos caused by the continually squabbling Congress and the out-of-control Supreme Court.”
    “President Bush can fail in his duty to himself, his country, and his God, by becoming ‘ex-president’ Bush or he can become ‘President-for-Life’ Bush: the conqueror of Iraq, who brings sense to the Congress and sanity to the Supreme Court. Then who would be able to stop Bush from emulating Augustus Caesar and becoming ruler of the world? For only an America united under one ruler has the power to save humanity from the threat of a new Dark Age wrought by terrorists armed with nuclear weapons.”
    Philip Atkinson

  9. A conservative would suggest that a fellow who is incapable of governing his own whims and appetites has should not be trusted with governing anything else, but in the democracy of the U.S.A.’s Democrats, he is a fitting representative of their electors.

  10. They where to be another Power couple like the Clintions. Unfortunately politically he’s even more creepy than the Bill Clinton that We all know.
    As for the Women , well Huma Abedin was Hillary s BFF during her whole tenure. Where Islam became King. Embedded Islamist infiltrated every organ og Government with Obama’s approval no doubt . So can we all say! Muslim plant?
    Anthony Weiner’s love affair with his pud, is more powerful than lubricated Cigars.
    His wife’s extra curricular night life with other Women well known.

  11. Gotta call you out,RD. “His wife’s extra curricular night life with other Women well known.” Links,please.

  12. There are those who believe that no citizen is safe while government is in session – so in a perverse way New Yorkers might actually be better off with Weiner as mayor – given his libertine obsession. Might well be a welcome relief from Bloomberg’s penchant for micro-management.

  13. Try everybody who knows anything about Abedin at all and wasn’t born yesterday.
    Hillary Clinton seduced Abedin in 1996 when Abedin was assigned to Clinton as an intern, and Abedin remained her “body woman” in every sense of the word till her sham marriage to Weiner. On the pittance she allegedly earned as an intern she could somehow afford her own condo and designer suits.
    Muslim families like hers, Pakistanis living in Saudi Arabia, have committed “honour killings” over far less than what their Huma played in public, never mind in secret. (How Huma might have convinced US senators with the sense to know better to shoot any messenger bearing honest questions about what game Abedin was really playing in DC and on whose behalf only she, they and God know for sure.) That Abedin is still with us is proof she was more use to her family alive as a Muslim Brotherhood agent in Clinton’s entourage than dead.

  14. What is the M.B. penetration in Canada?
    Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Parties are never going to ask that question of themselves. It would be too “Islamophobic”.
    Note- last Sept., after the Benghazi terrorist attack, there were protests across Canada calling for the imposition of the Sharia Law against blasphemy. It appears to have been a very well co-ordinated world-wide M.B. operation.

  15. Here was my introduction to the Huma/Hillary scandal —
    Oct 30, 2007 // We’re still a bit incredulous on this one, but a top level U.S. Department of Justice official is telling Big Head DC that Michael Musto’s rumor about Hillary Clinton fooling around with one of her top female aides Huma Abedin is based on reality! //
    At the time, I actually poked about a bit. A search on “Huma Abedin” brought up a whole underworld of sites with identically-phrased exclamations.
    None of these sites are Claiming that Clinton and Abedin are —
    No, NO, they are merely REPORTING on rumours of an affair. And, of course, it is a FACT that there are rumours, eh?
    [“rumours are swirling” is the most common phrase of these … swirlers. ]
    They can rely on people like you to turn their rumours into facts.
    To understand this, the only fact that one needs is that Hillary was the then front runner for the Democratic nomination.
    Back in the 90s the similarly confected rumours were that Bill & Hillary were serial [some wrote “cereal” killers] There was even a 12-part video.
    Eat your heart out

  16. I don’t really care if they’re true or not, but I think the fight against the Left’s desecration of North America would go much better without all these rumours popping up every other week that this or that big-name politician in the Democratic party is homosexual. It’s their bad ideas and totalitarian worldview that must be addressed, not sexual orientation. That is not only irrelevant, but also a serious distraction from the important issues at hand, probably one the Left fosters on purpose because it unnecessarily drives so many “conservatives” nuts.
