The Tolerant Left

Sun News;

The man who championed the Occupy Calgary cause and made a failed bid at running in last fall’s Calgary Centre byelection has been charged with threatening two prosecutors. […]
Christensen, 27, was arrested last Friday and charged with six counts relating to March 13 allegations he tried to get two prosecutors to drop charges against an admitted child molester.

h/t Dan H.

14 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Why is it that the left always aligns itself with degenerates like mass murderers, drug addicts, and pedophiles? And why do we tolerate the left at all? We should be beating these POS morons with clubs every time they assemble! It’s not like they get together to do anything productive. I believe the criminal code defines it as “unlawful assembly”.

  2. For the same reason Alinsky dedicated his book to the Devil himself. Leftism is inherently nihilistic. They seek to destroy the existing society in their effort to produce the New Soviet Man, and allying with all manner of outcasts, criminals, and human garbage serves the goal of making society just a bit weaker and more demoralized.

  3. Great! Another lefty loon out of the Bridge! Now, if we could just be rid of the rest of them. Whoops, there goes the U of L!

  4. It always amazes me when a person with a sordid history puts themself in a situation where they are vulnerable to be discovered for what they really are. (Anthony da Wiener for example).
    Also, instead of these degenerates trying to get others to stand up for them, they should take some advice from Dennis Miller who once said about pedophiles “it’s time for you to step into the plate and take one for the team”. I can’t agree more. If you’re a sick f*&% and can’t seem to stop, put your self out of everyone else’s misery.

  5. Read the whole thing. A very informative thumbnail sketch of Ben Christensen emerges, much to his detriment.

  6. MissAnthropy nails the bitter hatred of the left. We should never forget
    their motto is: ” By any means necessary “.

  7. “Threats against the judiciary are taken very seriously,” he said.

    Unlike threats against kids.

  8. I guess “Occupy Young Boys” didn’t have the same ring as “Occupy Wall Street”.

  9. This guy is friends with and one of the biggest Nenshi boosters in the city.
    It would be nice to see the populist gloss fade away and expose the mayor for the loud mouth communist wanna be he really is.
