Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

When even the Guardian objects…

In 1989 – four months after Libya bombed Pan Am flight 103, killing 270 people from 21 countries – Ziegler launched the annual Muammar Qaddafi Human Rights Prize in Tripoli, boasting it was the “Anti-Nobel prize of the third world”. Winners have included Fidel Castro, Louis Farrakhan, and a leader of a Ba’ath party women’s organisation in Saddam’s Iraq. In 2002, the recipients included the convicted French Holocaust denier Roger Garaudy, and Ziegler himself.
In 1986, Ziegler acted as an adviser to the Ethiopian dictator Mengistu, helping draft his one-party constitution. In 1993, Le Monde reported on “Jean Ziegler’s trip to visit Saddam Hussein and Kim Il-sung.”
Ziegler proclaimed “total support for the Cuban revolution” shortly after Fidel Castro had imprisoned many journalists. While visiting Cuba as a UN official he refused to meet Cuban dissidents but lavished praise on Castro.
In 2002, he praised the Zimbabwean dictator, saying, “Mugabe has history and morality with him.”

Jean Ziegler has been elected to the advisory committee of the
UN Human Rights Council.

9 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Yes he is advising them to give no rights what’s do ever . Pretty sure this reminds me if a certain book. Naaaaa couldn’t be.

  2. “The election to the UN Human Rights Council of a man who has served as an aide to a dictator is a scandal”
    No it isn’t,it’s just business as usual in that corrupt organization.
    “Corrupt” isn’t a strong enough word,but I can’t think of any synonyms right now, maybe “wicked” or “evil” might do.

  3. The UN is another one of those things that need to be completely torn down, and rebuilt with a clear and proper purpose.

  4. Ziegler was Che Guevara’s chauffeur in Paris in 1964 and that tells you two things:
    1) Ziegler has jerks for clients
    2) Che Guevara was so incompetent that he couldn’t drive a car.
    In 2002 Ziegler won the Gaddafi prize along with Roger Garaudy the Holocaust Denier that sheds light on two other things:
    1) Ziegler again keeps the company of jerks – Gaddafi and Garaudy
    2) Ziegler was responsible for launching the prize in the first place

  5. Inch by inch, The Guardian is becoming a conservative newspaper. Not so much because the writers and editors are in any way conservative per se, its just that the Left they used to belong to is dead. Dead and replaced by people so crazy that merely reporting what they say and do amounts to denunciation.
    Case in point, the Guardian juxtaposes Paula Deen with Alec Baldwin.
    In this case, the UN has become a nest of vipers run by third world fascists, and The Guardian just can’t bring themselves to play along. Probably because unlike the American media there’s no money in it for them.

  6. No, John Galt. Che Guevara never dirtied his hands with prole work. What are little people for, anyway?
    The UN is a running joke now. Withdrawing from it is a must.

  7. I still say create a League of Democracies, which will exclude most of the world’s tryannical idiots (note the qualifying adjective; regular idiots will still be accepted (see: Barack Obama)). Membership by invitation only, of which a super majority of current members must approve. Leave the UN in place for a number of its programs, but drop all funding and ignore all rulings on things like human rights abuses, one-world style treaties, and all things mid-east.
