37 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. Oprah suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder, or more correctly she has ADD and others suffer because of it. When people stop paying attention to her she will say whatever it takes to get the spotlight focused on her again.

  2. Hee, heee, heeeee!
    Think it probably should be called LADD: Lack (of) Attention Deficit Disorder.
    Some people shoplift rings and get themselves ‘manhandled’ by Chinese cops; some people grow silly little pussy beards and hold tax-payer subsidized speaking engagements; and some people just fabricate “the honkey in the purse shop”.

  3. How much longer will it take till racism is eliminated against whites. When will “honky” be banned from all dictionary’s? Viking suffering must stop!

  4. I love this, and I love that swiss shop girl! Cowprah has gone from over-entitled diva who imagines racism where there is none, to bald faced liar who makes sh1t up so she can claim racism.
    Go Swiss shop girl!

  5. If Oprah’s ancestors had remained in Africa, Oprah would not be as well off.
    Other than that, there wouldn’t be much difference. It would still be “whitey’s” fault.

  6. As a white christian male, who observes Christmas and still calls it…..Christmas, I whole heartedly appologize to all offended people of color.
    I want to make things better between whites and the negro nation, by giving back.
    Here you can have Detroit…..

  7. “Remained” in Africa implies that they might have made a choice to stay. How’s about changing this comic to say “If Oprah’s Ancestors hadn’t been abducted to the US”. I guess that would be too honest and honesty isn’t policy here at SDA. Also, Oprah has blamed food for weight gain. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20250039,00.html
    Can’t say I’m a fan of Winfrey, but she’s smarter, better, wiser and richer than every last one of you overall stains could ever dream of being. This flap is mostly a media blow up, but hey… the lady at the high-end shop refused a Black woman service. I would draw a similar conclusion. Why would she tell any potential customer “oh, that’s too expensive”. What is her job? Why have a shop if they don’t show people what they’re selling? Did Winfrey walk in wearing curlers and a housecoat? Probably not. She probably figured “this N!ger probably just wants to steal it”.

  8. You know it’s bad when even TMZ is rippin on you. They usually won’t disparage the big celebs lest they lose access. Sort of like the White House Press Corps.

  9. Easy now John, Oprah is just trying to get some free publicity for her latest movie, which I hear is going to be a bomb. No one is arguing that she isn’t rich or gifted to amass the fortune for all of her hard work.

  10. “I would draw a similar conclusion.”
    That’s because you’re a progressive that can’t keep the card in the deck.
    “Why would she tell any potential customer “oh, that’s too expensive”. What is her job? Why have a shop if they don’t show people what they’re selling?”
    Never been inside a high priced shop have you? I’d be kicked out of that shop so quickly and it wouldn’t be because of my skin color.

  11. She’s an over-rated, unintelligent narcissist who has done untold damage to thousands of people, for which she has yet to apologize.

  12. This is a typical incident where linguistic and cultural differences lead to misunderstanding. I advise all English people, when in similar situations, to just pretend your French đŸ™‚

  13. Whether Oprah is guilty as Kate mentioned it or not, I think everyone is playing the race card wonderfully here which ironically makes this posting loosing its stature as a level headed discussion place.
    Read the comments from the linked article to enlighten the bigotry shown here.
    Black folk are treated with suspicion, especially in Europe. Just like if some white slob looking type walked in. Store clerks there are sobbish as well. It wasn’t a total trace card but I”m sure it played heavy in the store clerks upbringing/thinking.
    The other side of the story is salespeople who work with luxury items put up with a lot of flack and egos to make their commission sales. This would have landed her probably $900-1000 commission, you really think she’d only play the race card for Oprah?
    The saleslady was clearly bigoted in this case.
    Sad to see so many pound on Oprah and totally miss the articles point – no one deserves to be treated like a beggar.
    TO balance the thought, probably Oprah’s staff went around while there and got the same treatment thereby setting up a perfect scenario for her.
    Then come back and apologize for saying it was racist to throw the ball back in the store’s court.
    So yes, it could have been semi-staged, but the point is most posting here show the same ignorance like the shop keeper.

  14. If she had remained in Africa, and became rich, she would be the
    one wearing a gold Rolex around her waist! A great diet tip.
    Her current “I been disciminated against” rant seems to be the
    result of a clerk trying to steer Oinkra into purchasing a
    less expensive product that was just as good as the higher
    priced item.
    It sounds like the clerk was doing her job!

  15. I assume if Oprah had produced the platinum Mastercard rather than the Chicago race-card things may have progressed differently.
    However since this is all about free publicity, I could be wrong.
    Orpah lost the obama’s she now has to play to the Chicago sistas.

  16. Perhaps I should have been more specific.
    Oprah Winfrey ruined lives through her promotion of the “recovered memory” fraud and other flavours of psychological Koolaid. It should have been the end of her career as talk host.

  17. I was good with the first comment. Her show has done more to dumbify America than any other single media production. The “recovered memory” scam is like the cherry on top.

  18. The “Johns” are too dumb or arrogant to click on the links and then ampliy my assertion in their blather.
    Oprah has done well selling false narratives on her show; now she carries on into real life.

  19. 40 grand for what once was a cows udder. Yes indeed-y the very finest purses are made from the “3 titters”.
    If snobby b*tches only knew….

  20. Human beings equally enjoy building up and tearing down their idols. Oprah is not exempt from this law of human nature. This is possibly her third hubris act-pride goeth before a fall applies to all. Oprah had the opportunity to deal with the perceived racism then and there, it’s not like she’s shy or timid, she chose to not clear up the matter then and there-instead she turned around and walked out without saying a word, yet she portrays herself as a great communicator and reconciler of peoples of all faiths and colors. This is not the first time she has made these same said accusations against high end shops and used these alleged incidences for her own gain.
    It’s not like rich patrons don’t steal-Lindsy Lohan and Winona Ryder come to mind.
    Store clerks keep an eye on all customers; regardless of colour or appearance.

  21. “Remained” in Africa implies that they might have made a choice to stay. How’s about changing this comic to say “If Oprah’s Ancestors hadn’t been abducted to the US”.
    You do know that slavery still exists in Africa, yes?
    Oprah’s ancestors were probably slaved by other Black African’s(the other alternative being Arab or part-Arab Muslims…eg. Obama’s ancestors) and their choices ended there and then.
    After being captured in a slaver raid, being brought to America was the best case scenario that faced them.
    The worst case scenario was to become the Black African slaver’s next entrĂ©e.
    Yeah, if they couldn’t sell them they ate them.
    The Pygmy population in the Congo is being eaten out of existence right now.

  22. “…She probably figured “this N!ger probably just wants to steal it”.
    You’re the Chris Matthews of SDA trolls, John.

  23. She went in wearing a $3000 dress, and asked to see a $36,000 purse. If the shop assistant was any good, she would have considered how the customer looked, how they carried themselves, and what they were wearing before deciding whether whether the customer could likely afford the purse.
    Oprah under-dressed, the salesgirl made the right call. Oprah lashes out showing she’s a race baiter.
    And John seeks to prove that he’s a master baiter.
    So nothing has changed.

  24. Is there anything more delusional, psychotic and pathetic than a rich, successful person who wallows in self pity and imaginary victimhood?
    I think (like her homey Obumbles) she has to claim some form of discrimination so she is marketable to the “hoodies”. Neither she nor Obumbles have any claim as victims nor can they relate to inner city blacks in any way, they have both led coddled privileged lives – color was never a consideration to them until they realized using the race card made them immune from the same social, moral and legal strictures the rest of us must abide by – in essence they want more privilege than they have now – how sick is that.
