8 Replies to “Hunting the Wild Cunning Linguist”

  1. Uncle Noamy, the Leftie’s Lefty, is under CIA surveillance?
    Another useful idiot, finding out that Big Brother doesn’t have friends, and sometimes the crocodile will eat you anyway, even though you’re feeding it. Not to mix metaphors or anything.

  2. Noam Chomsky is one of the biggest ass licking liberal Obama
    sycophants in existence. Do you think this Marxist twit will
    ever reevaluate his beliefs? Not a chance!

  3. Old grey Noam is really gonna hav’ta get going and ‘manufacture some consent’ for himself.

  4. Chomsky and the NSA should be shipped off to a Ruski gulag – you act like a vile soviet you should be treated like one.
