6 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Yeah and pigs can fly. I have to wonder how people like him can lie with a straight face and live with themselves.

  2. It’s to be noted Ban Ki-Moon said since Israel is a member of the UN they should have equal rights without discrimination or bias. He can say they should but what does he intend to do to make sure they do have equal rights without discrimination or bias? Appears he doesn’t agree with the accusation but what would he do about it that wouldn’t cause a stir in that leftist organization?

  3. Peace talks? There hasn’t been enough war yet. The Palestinians love being the victim so much, there will never be peace. If there was peace, they would have to accept responsibility for their own incompetence. They love being thrown on the slag heap of failed victim oriented cultures that we know so well.
