One of the Shiny Pony’s Friends in the Spotlight

Justin Trudeau appears to be surrounding himself with some people with rather “interesting” views. As BC Blue has reported, his Social Media Manager* Ashley Martyn appears to have no respect and little tolerance for anyone who believes in God. A few days ago she tweeted this:

Religious people are less intelligent than atheists.

It would be interesting if the Media Party asked Muslim, Jewish, and Christian leaders how they feel about a representative of a major Canadian political leader saying such derogatory things about them and their congregation. A logical follow-up question would be to ask Ms. Martyn how long she has felt this way towards Muslims and Jews. Furthermore, if she feels that she is smarter than all Muslims and Jews, isn’t that the textbook definition of a bigot?
Update: SDA regular Mississauga Matt has provided this link to a most fascinating photo of Justin Trudeau sitting with a group of Muslim men. The Shiny Pony should clearly come clean and explain why he has someone in his political organization who has so publicly revealed her bigotry and feeling of intellectual superiority towards them.

35 Replies to “One of the Shiny Pony’s Friends in the Spotlight”

  1. Ashley Martyn seems to be a few bricks short of a load … hmmmm … I wonder what church she goes to? Oh! Surprise! The LGBTQIAxyz church:
    From an article she wrote last week in the Globe and Mail:
    This change of heart [Conservatives becoming more gay-friendly], whether from public pressure or because of more influential MPs like Baird, place the Conservatives on the right track, but much work still remains to be done before they can genuinely declare themselves as warriors for the gay rights movement.
    Martyn, a volunteer for Trudeau, appears to be as predictable and addle-brained as her boss, both of them having drunk deeply of the Libtard Kool-Aid.
    BTW, Martyn is not Trudeau’s “Social Media Manager” as reported in the Globe and Mail last week. They’ve amended their mini-bio of her: Editor’s note: an earlier version of this opinion piece incorrectly described the author’s role with Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada.
    I’m wondering why millionaire Trudeau gets free PR in the Probe and Fail? Are any volunteers for the CPC or the NDP given free space to voice their opinions in “Canada’s National Newspaper” (sic)?

  2. “It would be interesting if the Media Party”
    It sure would be, so I will be watching Sun News, as we sure know the rest of the leftards media whores won’t be asking. To busy calling us racist bigots to ask actual questions.

  3. This stuff should be saved for the election. Although the guy is amassing a treasure chest full of attack ad material right now.

  4. When Ms Martyn is let go, she won’t be saying “Oh God!”
    And, I just have to get this one in…..
    When Ms Martyn is coming (assuming that happens to Libtards), what does she moan????

  5. The Liberal Party of Canada has a longstanding and serious problem with solipsism. Nothing seems to have changed.

  6. About the only thing sillier than ‘studies’ are those who attribute insight being gained by them. Since everyone including atheists subscribe to a ‘religion’ we are all less intelligent than our fellow human beings. Since all of us have a ‘god’ we are all more intelligent than our fellow human beings. Personally I would rather spend time with man with subnormal IQ and great wisdom than a super genius who is too foolish to come in out of the rain.

  7. I think this only helps to prove that little by little the world is being taken over by immature twits.

  8. Looks like the music school of which she is a part owner had its summer concert here:
    Summer Concert 2013
    June 22, 2013
    Sacred Heart Theatre, Stittsville
    I’m guessing that Sacred Heart Theatre must be the theatre at the following Catholic School:
    So like all left-wingers, she is a *** hypocrite ***. This is what I really cannot stand about the left. They have no consistent moral compass. They simply blow in whichever direction gets them ahead.

  9. “Since everyone including atheists subscribe to a ‘religion’ we are all less intelligent than our fellow human beings.”
    Actually, no. Simply not believing in something is not a religion at all. Just because 1 billion people believe something to be true that has zero basis in reality does not make the person who points this out a “believer” in a different reality. You guys don’t believe in Zeus. Is that a religion? Does that make you a “Non-Zeusist”?

  10. John ‘religion’ is simply a world view or a belief system by which we make sense of our world. Those who don’t subscribe to a Supernatural (something beyond natural causes) belief system often refer to themselves as atheists. However that does not preclude their belief system/world view from being their religion.

  11. I don’t think anyone who’s promoting Justin should be calling attention to the notion of intelligence.
    I wonder if frat-girl superbrain realizes that she’s just alienated a bunch of dum-dum’s potential voters.

  12. This “man child” is doormaat for every self destructive ideolody and malignant special interest out there. NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME!

  13. Is Justin God, or merely Son of God? That is the burning question. His worshippers have negative IQs anyway.

  14. Johnny (toilet)
    Joe is correct on this one, ppl are believers, so it’s not who IS, butt what is their belief system. Try taking psycho 101 before opening yer yap and agin proving yerself an idiot.

  15. Before you pat yourself on the back, keep in mind one study that supposedly supports this theory comes from a well-known eugenicist with racist views and another comes from an atheist with something of agenda to push.
    Hang your hat on that.

  16. “…he [Harper] secretly believes that gay people are second-class citizens.”
    Ashley Martyn is secretly an idiot, one wonders why would she go public with that.

  17. Mississauga Matt: … incredible fotos of Justin.
    It’s one thing to meet and greet, try to win some votes over for the team. But actively “praying” in their house of horror? uff

  18. Let’s see some Muslims praying in a church, the way Christians do, crossing themselves and all and participating in the Mass. You know . . . to promote “dialogue”, enhance “tolerance” and promote “acceptance” and “diversity”. the way nominally-Catholic Justin T. is kowtowing to their religious beliefs. Tolerance, understanding and outreach should go both ways, don’t you think?
    Or, perhaps, Muslims understand that a Muslim shouldn’t pray in a Christian house of prayer. And Christians (should) understand that they shouldn’t pray in a mosque. We don’t worship the same God.

  19. Joe,
    Atheist: “One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods”
    Religion: ” Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe”
    An atheist does not have a religion. He/she may subscribe to a set of ethical and moral principles, but that does imply being religious.
    /Johan, a Protestant Atheist

  20. NME666,
    You definition of being religious is a very novel one. “Everyone is religious” according to you. You have thus re-defined language to suit your purposes. Kinda like 1984.

  21. Trudeau’s handlers will go to any lengths pandering for votes. Joining Muslims in a prayer session with media in tow to photograph the “event” one has to wonder if the men in that prayer session enjoyed being used by the Liberals for a photo-op?
    Wonder if Trudeau will join Muslim women in a prayer session as well, after all they do have a vote in Canada, equal rights under his Papa’s Charter.

  22. The point of this thread is not about which group is the most intelligent; it is about a Liberal operative trumpeting something that offends the very group the son of Margaret is trying to pander to. The Liberal Party always did seem to hold an elitist scorn for the unimportant Canucks they seek to pilfer money from when in power.

  23. Johan i Kanada please stick to things you understand since philosophy and humour are well beyond your ken. nme 666, as normal, is trying to make fun of my contention that all humans are religious including atheists. Hence his ‘psycho 101’ attempted barb. My point that atheists are religious is not twisting the English language. It is a matter of philosophical discussion. From my perspective any group who expends as much energy as atheists, like nme 666, trying to refute a given religion is a religion and I like your term protestant atheist to describe them. Oh and btw a little English lesson for you. Protestant does not mean one who protests. It core meaning is the same as Evangelical. Breaking the word down it has three parts PRO (for) TEST (testifying) ANT (one who participates). Unfortunately the meaning became somewhat reversed when the anti Catholics contributed to the discussion in a negative way instead of a positive way. Kind of like the political moniker ‘Progressive’ which once meant moving forward however now it means going backward.

  24. Johan is using a self-serving and inadequate definition of religion. Try defining religion as “one’s understanding of his relationship to those aspects of the world that are beyond the capacity of his intellect to grasp”. On that basis atheism is obviously a religion like any other.
