42 Replies to “The New Math”

  1. Well, technically, I suppose that 3 + 4 = 11 is true… but only if you’re working in base-6 math, and I’m not confident that many elementary school math teachers today can really wrap their heads around that, let alone teach it to their students.

  2. It will take someone with a sense of higher math to appreciate this, and my wife does not (!), but I love the joke about 2 = 2 = 5, for exceedingly large values of 2.

  3. It takes some higher math to appreciate this (and my wife does not-!), but I love the joke about 2 + 2 = 5, for exceedingly large values of 2. : )

  4. And you wonder why I call the majority of public school teachers “crooks”.
    I expect teachers by the 1000s will gladly pick-up their paychecks for “teaching” this drivel. Where is the pride in an honest day’s work?
    Most other professionals in other fields would refuse to comply such mandates coming from above as it would reflect on their own judgment and likely damage their ability to work in the future.

  5. oops, I just failed binary arithmetic.
    0100 x 0011 = 1100
    I see two elevens here!

  6. Right method, wrong results imperils life.
    Wrong rupture disk on a vessel due to error in calculation causes an explosion, could kill people.
    Wrong calculation on fuel load due to a miscalculation for a passenger jet could cause a crash.
    Wrong dosage of a drug could cause a death.

  7. Now I know how my kid got 13 out of, ” 4×4 = ? *4 = 13 I kept telling her the answer was 4 but she was right!
    This Obama world is going to kill America. Guess I’ll go to the store now and buy a loaf of bread for $16 + or – what ever the storekeeper say’s it is per Obama, Holder and the tax man and the Death panels with the IRS & 62bb3wNSA overlooking the transaction!

  8. Should make for some interesting architecture in the near future. If worst comes to worst they can always become professional activists as they always pull statistics out of their asses. Future financial advisers, economic professors, EPA officials, IPCC groupies and many more careers could benefit from this new math concept. Fits right in with our new/improved education system.

  9. With that kind of math ability they are perfectly suited to calculate glowball warming or an Obama deficit free budget calculation.

  10. Do they still teach math? I thought the Ontario curriculum was all about same-sex fisting and stuff.

  11. So our educational system wants the chillen to know “the how and the why” that three times four equals eleven.
    Perhaps with the how and why they should include the oops!

  12. Yes the correct answer is not required, you just need a really good explanation of why you got the wrong answer. Liberals are completely insane. Would you fly in a plane designed by an engineer who was educated in this way?

  13. The message from Obama nation – it’s ok to be wrong as long as you well, tried, that your intentions were good. Then you get to call the guy that got the right answer an extreme right wing yahoo, who got us all into this mess in the first place, the one we can’t correctly calculate.
    Good thing we’re all part of government, eh.
    Anyone who invests/doesn’t divest in the US deserves to lost their money.

  14. Math is hard Barbie just explained to the assembled (mostly) wimminz teachers that there are no losers in the new math, everybody gets a prize.
    The victims then move on to study their useless degree carefully avoiding any math content. Best example-Obambi-he obviously was never held up to any identifiable standard in any course work, the black kid MUST pass the course.

  15. So if we underpay the teachers and the bureaucrats who thought up and teach this but we can explain how we got the answer they will accept lower pay. Sounds ok to me.

  16. I first heard about the “new Math” in the late 1960s.
    Are we now dealing with a new new Math?

  17. Just out of passing idle inquiry: Would these teachers notice if the state made a simple error when calculating their paycheque but had a really good reason for coming to that conclusion.

  18. Not entirely. There was a strong trend toward this in the ’80s. It started being suppressed when the Harris administration brought in universal skills testing. This is simply another pushback from the useless wastes who inhabit OISE, precisely the same folks who brought in new math in the ’70s and banished phonics in the ’60s.
    Teachers are not the fundamental problem. This lies with the education institutes and government ministries which create this sort of drivel and then foster it through the curriculum. School boards have at best limited authority to push back against it.
    A serious consequence is that universities have had to lay on a large number of remedial English and Mathematics courses for students who come out of high school unable to parse a sentence and unable to multiply or do long division, let alone handle calculus.

  19. I wrote about this sometime ago regarding the Charter Jr High School my daughter attended for the last few years. The math teacher WOULD NOT grant any partial marks even if the question was correct all the way; except for the final answer.
    Initially I was upset, because I’d tutored my daughter to put as much down on paper, even if she was not sure about the answer for some partial marks. A few times she came back, for example, with a ‘0’ marks for a math question where she answered ‘2/4’ instead of the correct ‘1/2’.
    Shortly after speaking with the instructor, and revising my daughter’s test and study preparation, I was not upset at this method of marking .My daughter learned very quickly to give the instructor ‘exactly’ what she is looking for, which was an accurate answer.
    My daughter has benefited from the unforgiving marking system because she learned that: if she doesn’t do it correctly, she gets no credit.
    Recently, she has entered high school in grade 9 where she has qualified for grade 10 honors math class. She tells me she is quite far ahead in math, and other subjects, compared to other students who a) didn’t go to a charter school; and b) didn’t have such a strict no nonsense instructors.
    Today, she reports that “high school is a breeze”.
    Because of this, I support only giving credit for correct answers. JMO

  20. More g d**ded female teachers. Tell them to get the h*** out of the classroom. Women generally are no good in classrooms – in school I had precisely two female teachers who were any good, and in university such female lecturers and TAs as I encountered were a dead loss.

  21. Audience member: “But we’ll be correcting them, right?”
    Presenter: “Absolutely, we want our students to compute correctly…”
    There’s a lot to criticize in public education, but I’m having a hard time getting worked up over this one. It sounds like she’s saying that they’re emphasizing knowing how to get the answer over just knowing the answer. She explicitly says they’re not going to let students go on believing that whatever answer they come up with to math problems is just as good as any other answer.

  22. I was taught to memorize the times table in my early elementary school year(graduated from high school in the late 60’s). That is the foundation. Why 3×4=12 becomes obvious. What that teacher is saying in the video is pure drivel. She would have high school students still counting their fingers.

  23. Rubbish. I had both good and bad instructors of both gender at all levels of education. All of which proves absolutely nothing, just as your anecdote proved absolutely nothing.

  24. That’s nothing but misogynist codswallop.
    Gender has nothing to do with the ability to effectively teach.

  25. I work in engineering; we still use ‘old math’ because that’s what works in the real world.

  26. Exactly right. Grok groks it.
    I encourage all to read a paper, available online. “Basic Skills versus Conceptual Understanding”, by H Wu. At the university level, there is truth that a student should get partial credit if he shows how to solve a problem, but made a calculation error while doing so. This is not true for basic multiplication. In that case, knowing how to solve it, and solving it, are the same thing.
    That being said, my grade 12 physics teacher, Mr. Durdle, had excellent advice for students who always wanted partial credit up the wazoo. “I asked you to find the length of expansion of the Angus L MacDonald bridge, in a 30 degree summers day. Those of you who concluded that it would expand by 45 kilometers need to stop plugging numbers into an equation, and use your common sense.”

  27. I believe teachers have a moral and professional obligation to their students. This might sound cheesy but I believe it. A teacher must do everything he can to prepare his students for the world. If some of them fail, at least he can say he tried if he really did do everything he could do. THIS “pedagogy” is setting kids up to fail.
    Millstones around necks and so forth.

  28. I have a friend who taught on a reserve in Northern Ontario. He was the worst kid I ever saw in class. When I met him at a 25 year class reunion, I asked: “Joe, for God’s sake, at best, you had 45% average in class, how did you ever become a teacher??”
    “Teaching on the reserves is easy!” he exclaimed. “You ask the kid, ‘What’s five plus five?” If the kids answers “eight,” he got the answer 80% right, so you give him 80% on the exam.
    Of course that was originally meant as a bar joke. I can’t believe my eyes.

  29. Actually – it is quite simple. When “they” now teach that 3 x 4 = 11, it is not really that much different than moral equivalency. The answer “11” is morally equivalent to Whoopy Goldberg saying that the criminal pervert, Polanski, did not “rape…rape” the 13 year old girl. If you’ve read the biography of Stephen Jobs you will come across the term “living in a reality field distortion”. That is what this math shit is all about. It is just another part of creating an alternative reality. Why are we allowing this to happen?sasd7u

  30. they are simply teaching progressive reasoning:
    bad math, wrong conclusions, long winded explanations of nonsense…

  31. What she’s trying to say, is when you graduate you will get
    3hrs a day X 4days a week @11hr

  32. And yet studies show that people are getting smarter with each generation:
    And did you hear the bit where somebody in the audience says “and correcting them?” and the speaker says “Absolutely! Absolutely, we want our students to compute correctly…”
    So once again, the rage monkeys blow something completely out of proportion by taking it out of context and not paying attention to what educators are doing here. That they’re attempting to get kids thinking about how they achieve an answer vs rote memorization, but that they WILL ensure students are corrected when they are wrong.
    Don’t you guys ever get tired of being angry?

  33. “More g d**ded female teachers. Tell them to get the h*** out of the classroom. Women generally are no good in classrooms – in school I had precisely two female teachers who were any good, and in university such female lecturers and TAs as I encountered were a dead loss.”
    Did you go to university in either this or the last century? Because it doesn’t look like it from your post.

  34. uh, how many people here actually listen to – and absorb – what’s happening in the video, rather than just disregarding the facts in favour of reinforcing some narrow, right wing talking points? Just another of those imaginary right wing grievances, of which there are so bloody many.
    Do conservatives ever stop complaining?

  35. What are the facts ? Are these the same facts that accept a system where many graduating students leave grade 12 with the inability to master basic math and are lost if the batteries on their calculator goes dead ? There was a time , not all that long ago, where this would have been unacceptable. You see it as OK and a imaginary right wing grievance that doesn’t warrant complaints. The USA has slipped to 17th place in education but you see no cause to complain ? Some of us do.
