10 Replies to “The Religion of Peace”

  1. Its an insult to Canadians and the institution of parliament to close up business and govern by convenient fiat.
    Our politicians are well paid. They have made a mockery of the senate. Now they do the same to the House of Commons

  2. I’m no fan of HP, but let’s give the commenters their due here instead of reflexively slagging them. I sorted the comments by “Most Popular” and here are samples of the top ones:
    “Not only those HP bury this story of massive religious hate against Coptic Christians but blacking many posts from going through. amazing media total bias”
    “INTIMIDATION”???? They’re KILLING Christians and have burned down 52 Christian Churches and/or schools so far. I would HARDLY call that “intimidation.”
    “This — “Islamists paraded three nuns on the streets like “prisoners of war” — is straight out of Berlin circa 1938. Where is the outrage and condemnation from the Western media?”
    “This is truly tragic. Coptic Christians are one of the very first Christian communities. Ever. As much as I hate the idea of the Egyptian government using such brutal force, we have to ask ourselves if they had any other alternative. My sense of the situation is that they didn’t have another option. Salafists had invaded the leadership coalition with the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists, as we know, are totally committed to creating a theocracy.”
    Perhaps credit is due to conservatives for making their voices heard at HP. This is hardly the typical progressive slant.

  3. According to one report, some Egyptian lawyers have been claiming that 37 Brotherhood prisoners have been tortured by the Egyptian police. I wonder if the Egyptian police would like some assistance – I have some good ideas they might not have occurred to them.

  4. “The latest target of Islamist mobs in Egypt includes Christian nuns.” No doubt at least one commenter on this blog would have no problem with this, as do many western leaders. They seem to prefer a h*ll hole like Iran rather than anything that smacks of military dictatorship.
    Ya sure David. When the McGuinty Liberals do it or the previous Chretien Liberals did it it was no doubt fine. Btw, wrong topic here, go back to the Red Star and complain.
    What John Lewis said. There is a world wide war happening, and some in the west are choosing to hide their heads in the sand and hope that a few more verses of kumbaya will deflect those bent on world domination. The Egyptian army appears to know this.

  5. HP publishes comments from both sides of arguments, unlike CBC which censors comments to reinforce their leftist agenda.

  6. I expect the Muslims to be soulless inbred monsters. The HP crowd.. it actually took me aback to hear some comments that sounded like they came from real human beings. The rest… well… let them walk around Tahrir Square with an Israeli flag on their backs and see how well they fare.

  7. “Progressivism” is an ideology or a set political ideas. Not a religion. (You really need to check your definitions.)
