Reader Tips

Tonight, Texas-born songwriter and performer Mac Davis sings a song that sounds smug, but is really a good-natured, self-deprecating wink – as evidenced by the audience singalong: From 1980, here’s the “countrypolitan” hit It’s Hard To Be Humble.
h/t Ed Minchau
The comments thread is open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

29 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. A Third Century A.D. Chinese Description of the Roman Empire!id3SW
    The ruler of this country is not permanent. When disasters result from unusual phenomena, they unceremoniously replace him, installing a virtuous man as king, and release the old king, who does not dare show resentment.
    The common people are tall and virtuous like the Chinese, but wear hu (‘Western’) clothes. They say they originally came from China, but left it.
    They have always wanted to communicate with China but, Anxi (Parthia), jealous of their profits, would not allow them to pass (through to China).

  2. Laughably bad column by torstar’s leading Marxist/socialist:
    His prime example cited is sasktel installing cellphone service in the province. What he doesn’t say – and likely has no knowledge of – is that sasktel was one of the veryast provinces to get cellphone coverage and the high quality systems they now have were installed by Telus – a publically traded company that has it origins in a crown corp – AGT.

  3. This is most interesting.
    Carville was on O’Reilly’s program today. (For some reason they did not post the segment on Fox website so far).
    Quite unbelievably, Carville blamed the Syrian situation and the US government response to it on……….Bush.
    Bush must have so much power that even being out of office for 6 years he still rules.
    What’s wrong with these people?

  4. No comments on the three brave Toronto cops who could not control an 80 year old lady so they had to taser her. When she fell, the unfortunate woman broke her hip.

  5. Re: Mac Davis ”Oh Lord it`s hard to be humble.”
    One of the finest country songs ever written. Great song for a campfire.

  6. Great campaign slogan:
    “Weiner Delivers ……with his pants down”.
    (ouch. I’m almost sorry I said that…snicker.)

  7. AGT may have been government-owned, but it was a good service. Back in the day, my uncle died. My parents were down the Oregon coast, and I had a vague idea of where. I tried the Oregon police, but no results (though my parents, in an Olds Cutless with BC plates, would not have been common). So I went down to the local library, got a list of likely motels, and came home. Got to an AGT operator and explained the situation – as I had to find Dad that day or he would not be able to get to his brother’s funeral. The operator was truly great. We went through the list – gratis – until we found the motel where my parents were registered. When my parents came back from their day out, they called and I gave the bad news. They moved out instantly and were just able to get to the funeral. I’ve always been grateful to AGT for their help. Wonder if we could get that now.

  8. Another example of wind power not available when it is really needed. From the Calgary Herald:
    AESO issues formal appeal to Albertans to reduce power use
    This time around, several factors have combined to put pressure on the grid. Unseasonably hot temperatures are creating high demand, while a lack of wind has nearly halted electricity production from the province’s wind farms. (Wind energy is still a small component of Alberta’s electricity grid, amounting for just six per cent of the province’s total generation capacity, versus 46 per cent for coal.)

  9. Trustworthy? Wow. I see him as a mentally defective offspring of a terrible PM. And as Jim Lahey has said, “the $hit apple does not fall far fron the $hit tree.”

  10. Read Daily Caller story about Bill Clinton being vegan. He is about as comitted to vegan as he is in aa comitted relationship with Hillary.

  11. I forgot about that song. We used to sing it all the time about the OU Sooners. This should be played everyday with a singer who looks like obama singing it. This should be obama’s theme song. Why don’t the Repubs take advantage of it?

  12. You really need a play book to understand who to back in Syria.
    Iran is backing Assad. Gulf States are against Assad. Assad is against Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood and Obama are against General Sisi. But Gulf States are Pro-Sisi, which means they are against Muslim Brotherhood. Iran is pro-Hamas, but Hamas is backing Muslim Brotherhood. Obama is backing Muslim Brotherhood, yet Hamas is anti-US. Gulf States are pro-US, but Turkey is with Gulf States against Assad, yet Turkey is pro-Muslim Brotherhood against General Sisi. General Sisi is being backed by the Gulf States.
    Yea, this whole Obama foreign policy makes total sense.

  13. I doubt Trudeau would be into country music but it would make a good theme for Justin Trudeau since he and the Liberal Party du Canada think he’s their savior…OR it would make a good song for Conservatives to use as a truth ad parody.

  14. Interesting accusation about a Canadian company at one of Ace’s links:
    “But my book does uncover (with full-documentation) how the media’s top go-to-guy on Cuba, Phil Peters (he’s consulted and quoted relentlessly from the NY Times to WaPo, to CNN to NPR, etc.), gets under-the-table payments from one of the Castro regime’s top business partners, Canada’s Sherritt International.”
