The Children Are Our Future

Spare a few minutes for this small but instructive drama in which a self-described “bottle blonde bacon-eating vegan,” one famed for railing against “privileged people,” “conservatives” and “heteropatriarchal crap” – and for complaining about the burden of student debt – is shocked to discover that her degrees in “social justice and peace studies” and of course “gender studies” are not entirely useful in the job market.

19 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. So her series of tweets reveals she is a clueless, gullible, can’t plan, doesn’t know the value of money, prefers whining to doing and expects society to step up and help her.
    Which just proves she is qualified to do nothing and get paid nothing for it.
    Just like so many Kool-Aide chuggers of her generation.
    Wait until she realizes ObamaCare is going to really, really screw her over.
    Life is a series of lessons.
    Lessons will be repeated until learned.
    Or in her case, forever.

  2. My degrees mean NOTHING
    She is not saying that she has found the error of her ways, and is at a crossroads of change.
    Properly translated from Progressive, this means “society refuses to recognize my achievements, and my greatness. They will pay.”

  3. Oh man, what a winner that one is. With a resume like that I wouldn’t hire her to do -anything-, not even to shovel manure from one place to another. She’s an unexploded lawsuit looking for someplace to go off.
    Doomed. Poor Lefty. I’ll see if I can work up a tear for her…

    … nope, nothin’.

  4. This has been the “Captains” contention in damn near every article and book he has written for several years now.

  5. What interests me in all this is the inherent contradiction. The recipients of “angry degrees” spend their time largely in berating the capitalist free enterprise system. And they’re even more bewildered and angry when they realize that they were counting on the very system they so opposed to provide them a living.

  6. As much as this pains me to say, this type of emotionally disturbed reality depraved parasite will probably end up in some civil service job as the technocratic state expands.
    It may meet a saturation point where these ill-educated types are assured a government job but by that time there will be more parasites in a bloated unproductive public system than in productive private workforce and the whole thing implodes – but the designers will start all over again convinced that if there were only more government and everybody worked for it ,then statist socialism/collectivism will work and kleptonomics will work – of course on the second attempt they put a gun to your temple and demand productivity quotas – and of course positions for Wymin’s revised history studies will not be required – only productive trades/professions the state can profit from – so it all works out in the end, under total capitalism or total statist socialism there is no place for the unproductive – only in decadent klepto-socialism are the non productive rewarded, and these systems come with an assured shelf life.

  7. Ahhhhhhhh. But you are all forgetting a small point.People like Miss Basket Weaving are Soooooooo easy to take for more bucks. Met an almost identical ameboa like her,who asked me what I did for a living.When I told her I was ex-military,and had taken up home reno as a hobby,wellll.Re-did her whole kitchen for 45,000(yeah,you read that right) at a grand total cost of time and material of 4,000 to me.When she found out I was going to use re-cycled appliances,saved from the landfill,and slate flooring quarried by not using child labour,(cheap facsimlie from local hardware store)I honestly think she had her biggest orgasm ever,just so happy to be saving the planet and exploited children,and having me help. Idjits do serve a purpose. Oh. And she can repay her edumacation loan,just not in a way I think her gender studies leftard taught her(wink,wink). Phantom…you really must find some of these for an exterior paint job of their houses using milk paint.No dangerous chemicals,ya know,and they pay through the teeth for that privelege. Just make sure you get cash up front..:):)

  8. Only two words for this fool.
    “Marry money.”
    Course, given her graduate degree, she’d probably take offence to this wise advise.

  9. When the Roman empire (western end) went down the tubes, classically edumacated literate bureaucrats were replaced by illiterate superstition spouting monks and nuns and priests. The peasants learnt to love the tithe, or burn at the stake.

  10. She’s really clueless. Otherwise she’d have a gova-mint job by now. That’s what the “studies” programs prepare students for.

  11. Da Poor Liddle T’ing.
    If only she would have listened to her HS career counsellor’s first choice: a community college diploma as a certified Astronaut’s Assistant.
    It would certainly have been just as useless as what she ended up taking, but she would only have wasted 2 years and ten grand, and, at least her field of study – zero gravity – would be a ‘made-in-heaven’ match for her intellectual density.

  12. However, in all fairness, there are a fair number of math PhD’s walking the streets these days. And as it turns out, the world doesn’t need nearly as many rocket science majors as we once did. EE’s are a dime a dozen I hear.
    So, it’s not just “Feminist Critique of Medieval Plumbing Studies” grads that are applying for hotel front desk jobs.

  13. I thought two comments were particularly apropos, the first being Mark Twain’s pronouncement that “It’s easier to con someone than it is to convince them they’ve been conned.” and “It’s harder to con an honest person than another crook.”
    Essentially poor little miss vegan was a crook from the get go. She had it in her mind that with virtually no real effort, intellectual or otherwise beyond complete self-indulgent narcissism paid for by other people’s money she was going to sit on high, point fingers and command people, whom she regarded with disdain, to do her bidding. And guess what? She got conned by smarter crooks in Big Education. Now she’s going to find out what it’s like to be the flunky while others point fingers at her. Boo hoo. And she is so indoctrinated in her angry studies rubbish that she will be incapable of taking the long hard look at herself required to make any meaningful change.

  14. Isn’t it strange that for all their “Critical Thinking” classes they never bother to think critically about the education system and its practical use (or lack thereof) for their own futures?

  15. This is just a side issue but – how can you call yourself a vegan (who supposedly eats no animal products of any kind) and then eat bacon? Am I missing something here?
