9 Replies to “The World Is Being Run By Crazy People”

  1. A lot of intelligence types act as if they are little kids playing 007 in a Spy vs. Spy sandbox. Most of the police intelligence guys used to be a constant source of amusement/derision for the uniformed troops .
    Some little boys end up realizing their childhood dreams by driving big red trucks and doing something of value. Others……

  2. Remember peoples. Any body in any Forces promoted above light colonel is a political animal.And what’s wrong with Star Trek? Heck,we got one who believes in UFOs!

  3. It’s not that the world being run by crazy people is any new revelation – it’s just that all the crazy people end up in unelected administrative empires with a running public trough, too much time on their hands and no real public accountability. Sxxt happens but big Sxxt happens when there is a lack of public oversight/interest.

  4. “Any body in any Forces promoted above light colonel is a political animal.”
    Boy do you have that right.
    Well, Mackenzie King talked to his deceased mother in a seance room, and Bill had his best moments partially under a desk.

  5. I’m guessing there was no Inspector General auditing the expenses?
    Could be worse, he could have gone for the war room from Dr. Strangelove.

  6. “Everybody wanted to sit in the chair at least once to pretend he was Jean-Luc Picard,” says a retired officer in charge of VIP visits.

    That’s you’re problem right there, USA military industrial complex. Either the time of sensitive PC-type captains is done or western civilization is. Less conversations about feelings over cups of earl grey – more punchups and belly-dancing green chicks please.
    Who else, at this point, should the world be run by?

  7. How interesting it was the bridge from Star Trek TNG — I always thought Picard & gang was more like Bureaucrats in space. 🙂
    I also like the list in the comments section of the original article of “30 incredibly stupid things that the federal government is spending money on…..”
    It basically supports what I always believed, governments & bureaucracies have a spending problem — and a lack of common sense.
