35 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. “Muslim militants,” “Jihadi Terrorists.”
    Thank you, Tarek Fatah. Too many of the headlines have simply talked about “gunmen” with no mention of the connection to Islam of these two massacres.
    This covering up by Western politicians and media of “the religion of peace’s” despicable terrorist attacks and the slaughter of thousands of innocent people, very often their only “crime” being that they’re Christian or non-Muslim, has got to stop. It amounts to a cover up of genocide: jihadists murdering people because they’re not Muslim, they’re infidels.

  2. Sincerely hope our External Affairs investigate this one thoroughly as to just who comprised the so-called “militant group”. Were there any Somalians with Canadian citizenship/passports involved with this attack group? If there were,they should never be allowed back to this country as a free person.
    This country would do well to listen to Tarek Fatah who has put his own life in jeopardy by speaking frankly about something he knows a lot about.

  3. Nice time for Omar Khadr to apply for parole; I hope the parole board actually follow the news and lose the key to his cell.

  4. “…This country would do well to listen to Tarek Fatah who has put his own life in jeopardy by speaking frankly about something he knows a lot about…”
    Amen. Pity that the average Canadian doesn’t have a tenth of his guts.

  5. I think it is time for the Christian world to issue an ultimatum to the islamic/muslim world. For every Christian killed in the name of islam, ten muslims will be ended. For every Christian church, Jewish, Budda, or Hindu temple burned or attacked, ten mosques will be destroyed. And, for our gutless dhimocrapts and government, no more mosques in The United States until Christian churches are allowed unhindered in muslim countries. And, for the next dhimocrapt and news prevaricator that refused to call terrorists who are muslim – islamic terrorists, arrests for the high crime of endangering the people of The United States. NSA, how about them apples!
    Additional note, since the peaceful palestinian muslims seem to think it takes one thousand terrorists to exchange for one Jewish soldier, maybe I should amend my first paragraph to 1000/1 in deference to islamic law.

  6. No no you have it all wrong, bigots. They’re no different than Mormons or Mennonites. Your rampant islamophobia alienates these potentially fine citizens until they feel excluded, at which point they go on homicidal killing sprees. Please report to your local community reeducation centre for rehabilitation.

  7. Maybe we could help out Tarek Fatah by writing a letter to the Conservative government asking what they plan to do when the 60,000 muslims we import every year begin to spontaneously experience sudden jihad syndrome, like that seen today in Pakistan and Kenya?

  8. What an absolute dipshit. Mind you.. Canada has mostly become a country of absolute dipshits when you get right down to it. Oh well, inshallah. Which way to the pride parade?

  9. It’s the utmost in morbid stupidity to continue importation of Muslims to this country as long as we continue to have Multicultural policies along side the Charter which encourages people to ghettoize and not mix with the mainstream. Is Immigration Canada keeping track of their travels back and forth to their “homelands” and what they’re up to when there, whether they’re practicing Sharia in their enclaves, not treating women as equals, having several wives,etc,etc? Trusting is foolhardy until it is earned and to earn it they need to accept our way of life unconditionally by living among us, contributing to our country, not in isolation
    We all know what the Khadr sire did with his sons, he took them back to Pakistan for terrorist training, we’re still dealing with one of them today, little Omar wants out of jail then some shyster legals will sue us for a few cool million.
    This nightmare in Nairobi should be a wake-up call, calling for more than just mention of the fact it happened and hearts go out to the victims families and that’s it, that’s all until the next time.

  10. According to PM David Cameron this was done in the name of terror not religion. Earth to that IDIOT david cameron – THIS TERRORISM WAS DONE IN THE NAME OF THE RELIGION OF ISLAM!!!!!

  11. He gets paid a lot to act the traitor to his own Nation, by Mid Eastern oil barons.
    Just a tool for stealth Islam.
    In the end folks like this will be bitten back by tier own lies.
    There children will curse them as the villains they are.

  12. Cdn. security experts estimate dozens or more of Canadian Islamist jihadis have gone to Somalia to fight for Al-Quaida.
    Now the Canadian government security agencies logically worry what danger they’ll be to Canada when they return here.
    Meanwhile, deciding to not let Islamist terrorists into the country in the first place or even confronting their ideology here is obviously too little, too late.
    Quebec’s Charter of Values, is being protested by english media as being offensive to Islamist jihadi and Muslim Brotherhood.
    It attempts to foil the M.B. attempts to infiltrate government departments in order to further the destruction of Western Civilization from within and “sabotage it’s miserable house”(Holy Land Foundation Trial).
    The Saskatchewan government plans to repeal a labour law reference to Sunday as a day of rest, lest it’s Christian origin “offend” the Islamists.
    As obviously committing terrorist acts on a Sunday is compliant with Sharia Law, why?
    From a family friendly province to one where compulsory overtime and working 2-3 weeks steady, 10-12 hours a day is the new normal.
    I believe the tradition of a family farm/labour culture was superior to the minaret one we are bowing down in submission, too.

  13. Knights of Columbus going to be taking on a whole new meaning soon.
    Or more like taking back the old meaning, from the days when the Knights of Columbus weren’t a bunch of old fat guys playing poker in the church basement.

  14. As my Muslim friend would say, “these were not true Muslims, true Muslims would not do such a thing because they are called to live in peace with other religions”. Sounds a lot like the true Scotsman arguement doensn’t it? Islam needs to recognize its violence problem and start dealing with it, its not the responsibility of Western media types to act as apologists for Islam anymore than its their responsibility to act as apologists for Christianity….

  15. “I think it is time for the Christian world to issue an ultimatum to the islamic/muslim world. For every Christian killed in the name of islam, ten muslims will be ended. For every Christian church, Jewish, Budda, or Hindu temple burned or attacked, ten mosques will be destroyed. And, for our gutless dhimocrapts and government, no more mosques in The United States until Christian churches are allowed unhindered in muslim countries. And, for the next dhimocrapt and news prevaricator that refused to call terrorists who are muslim – islamic terrorists, arrests for the high crime of endangering the people of The United States. NSA, how about them apples!
    Additional note, since the peaceful palestinian muslims seem to think it takes one thousand terrorists to exchange for one Jewish soldier, maybe I should amend my first paragraph to 1000/1 in deference to islamic law.”
    this is satire though right?….

  16. “Islam needs to recognize its violence problem and start dealing with it…”
    Actually, I think its more like the West needs to recognize Islam’s violence problem and deal with it.
    I like the Israeli method, myself. Islamist shows up at the mall, whips out an AK, yells Allah Akbar… and gets shot 15 times by some old grandma before he can get a round off. That’s the right way to do it.

  17. Islamists do not consider non-muslims as innocent. That’s why they can go on TV and say that Islamists ‘do not target the innocent’ with straight faces, to them it is not a lie.
    The jihadist interpretation of the Koran is the only one that matters, they kill and terrorize and we should listen to them. Apologists, politicians and media interpretations are irrelevant.

  18. “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country.” – Obama
    Ahem…while I don’t have a Harvard law degree, I did learn to read in school. My readings of American history tell me of only two instances of islamic influence on colonial and early independent America. First is the heavy involvement of African and Arab muslims in the slave trade. Second is that of the Barbary Pirates, sea-going for-profit terrorists who preyed on shipping in the Mediterranean, requiring a series of US Navy campaigns to free Americans enslaved and end the Barbary Pirate depredations. (“Plus ça change…”)

  19. If that is a quote from Obama he’s part of the problem. Where did he actually go to school during his formative years?

  20. I’m so sick of it all!
    I’m writing my MP and giving him the goods about Islam and why he needs to start advocating it’s abolition from Canada. this is out of control.

  21. Our Foreign Affairs Minister Baird is off to the UN today. Wonder if they’ll be discussing Islamic terrorism or will they be more worried about human rights abuses in Canada?
    Can anyone tell us what benefit the UN is to Canada or anywhere else beyond a place for despots and dregs of the world to spew their guts.

  22. So it’s being reported we’re investing reports of a 24 year old Ontario resident being one of the so-called “militants” in Nairobi attack. Bullshit, they’re trained terrorists, not mere militants.
    We better check further into the Somalia enclaves in this country to find out just how many are trotting back “home” to terrorize. It can’t be called fighting, it’s cowardly acts of terrorism
    It’s not enough for the government of Canada to say they’ll help Kenya after the fact, they need to ensure none of these ISLAMIC dregs of the world are living here and supporting and taking part in terrorist attacks while we’re supporting their families as they breed in the safe haven called Canada. They can’t support their families and spend time doing terrorist training in far off lands.

  23. I was working on the South Ottawa by-election when a muslim man came in to vote, with four women – obviously his wives. The only identification one of the women had was a Quebec health card. I bet all four women were receiving social security payments.

  24. Robert of Ottawa;
    I come from that part of BC where fundamental Mormanism encourages multiple wives. Authorities have been after Winston Blackmore for decades and have now convicted him of tax evasion.
    If the law of the land does not allow multiple marriage then so be it. My issue is that this law is enforced selectively. Authorities will pursue Blackmore because his group is a small 500 person denomination. The very same multiple marriage scenario is going on in the Muslim faith in Canada and nothing is happening about that.
