31 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. I truly wish Canada would expose the UN’s Agenda21. The NDP would all suffer anurisms. Every time I hear the dippers or lieberals talk about sustainable anything, I know it is a buzzword for Agenda21

  2. I sent a letter to the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario about 8 months ago. I asked for Hudak’s stand on Agenda 21.
    The reply from the party must have gotten lost in the mail.

  3. Hudak is still trying to figure a way to be for it and against it at the same time. Same as every other issue.
    PC party needs to be dissolved. Time for the Ontario Conservative Party to be born. Or better yet, the Ontario TAX CUT Party.

  4. “…I asked for Hudak’s stand on Agenda 21…”
    Surprised you didn’t get an answer to the effect that international concerns are federal matters.

  5. He should address the UN and do a clarion call for the world to wake up to the massacre of Christians and other non-Muslims in the world. Who cares about the Coptic Christians and Syrian Christians?

  6. “…He should address the UN and do a clarion call for the world to wake up to the massacre of Christians and other non-Muslims in the world…”
    Or, how about…
    He should address the UN and announce Canada’s withdrawal from this useless organization, because of its failure to do anything about the massacre of Christians and other non-Muslims in the world.
    Now THAT would have an impact.

  7. “Mr. Harper evidently — and with good reason — views efforts to improve conditions for women and children as a more valuable use of his time than joining the blowhards at the General Assembly podium for their ritual 15 minutes of self-congratulatory oratory.”
    McParland hits another home run. Funny how the NDP are so sanctimonious about the almighty UN,with never a criticism of some of their non-Israeli members.
    Mulcair is an ass,we all know that,but he feels it necessary to re-prove that almost daily.

  8. Whodat (hudak) can’t count to 21, cuz ain’t figure the zipper out yet
    Canada should withdraw from the UN and bar any UN diplomat/beaurocrat/employee from ever entering Canada

  9. I salute Harper. Can we just stop paying money to this dictator club and forfeit our membership?

  10. You won’t either, as there is not much difference between the Ontario parties. Just enough difference to sucker the voters.

  11. All I can say is that I agree w/this comment:
    sucks to be a Liberal Diane. forever whining that your failed and destructive policies are being dismantled and discarded by a real Canadian government
    Giving the cold shoulder to the UN is sending a strong message. Good for Canada.

  12. Why would our Prime Minister waste his time talking to a club of dictators and despots who accuse Canada of Human rights abuses?
    Any time he riles the Leftists including the Media we know he’s doing the right thing.
    Actually staying away from that cabal is the nest best thing to withdrawing membership.

  13. The CPC will be an anti-world government party/government only as long as Harper lasts – the next CPC mook will sell all conservative’s butts out to the global socialist order – jus watch – so I’m the crazy here???

  14. The UN is, at best, a dead letter compound; at worst, part of the problem — fixing the Congo since 1956.
    Harper’s approach is exactly correct: imagine they held a meeting of dictatorial kleptocrats and no one showed up.

  15. I was struck by Lloyd Axworthy’s comment: “Is that any way to run the world?” One of the many reasons never to trust Liberals like Axworthy is that they are genuine in seeking to establish a body “to run the world”, one made up of self-important busybodies like themselves.

  16. Harper rejects globsl governance by the kleptocrats at the UN but he embraces globalist regulators at the G20 and Bilderberg – Hudak isn’t the only two-faced Tory in the wood pile.

  17. Stephen Harper’s silence says it ALL about the UN, for Canada!
    Thank You Mr. Prime Minister Harper!

  18. It would carry more weight with me if Canada cut off the money they pay in. The UN is another way that a level of bureaucrats live off the tit of those rich enough to tolerate them.

  19. Actually, I would say its worse because they commit fraud, rape, embezzlement etc. and pretend that it is actually doing good in the world. Evil and self-righteous, what could be worse.

  20. Occam, I agree. Why do you think the lame stream media got all steamy, speculating on Harpers retirement. They trot out their list of real conservatives. Names like Jim Prentice, Bernard Lord, Peter McKay “progressive” conservatives all.
    As a member of the Wild Rose party while attending meetings I asked Shane Saskiw what his thoughts were on Agenda21. Crickets. In our next meetings it will be brought up again and again.
