15 Replies to “Could’a Been In Kenya”

  1. You people must stop scaring this poor little boy! How do you expect him
    to rehab into a non terrorist society? Although cutting off his hands would prevent him from picking up a gun.

  2. Last time I checked the Lord’s prayer does not contain the phrase, “And blow us to Kingdom come”…
    I’m sure they’ll start up a new sitcom on the CBC:
    “Welcome back Khadr”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. Omar Khadr is a terrorist superstar. Of course he will get back in the limelight as soon as he is free to do so. And for him “the limelight” is fire and explosion and blood.
    As far as he is concerned his Canadian citizenship is a flag of convenience. As far as we are concerned, he is a traitor (having fought against an ally) as well as a perpetrator of a war crime (killing a US military doctor who was attempting to treat him); and we (Canadians) should treat him as such.

  4. “I don’t know how much more this kid can handle,” Omar Khadr’s lawyer tells Michael Friscolanti
    The ‘KID’ is almost 30 years old. In fact this time next year Khadr will be the same age as the U.S. Army medic that he killed with a grenade after he was supposed to have surrendered.

  5. Does anyone care how much this man approaching middle age can handle? Why wasn’t he required to avoid Canadian courts as part of his patriation? The idiot wants kiddie prison?

  6. You could be right, but I think Our Little Omar is now wise enough to take everything we will give him,and THAT will be very substantial.
    I’d guess Omar will be offered financial compensation, plus free living and education, followed in a few years by an offer to run for Parliament by one of the short-memory Parties.
    Omar Khadr, MPP for Toronto-Whatever Ethnic Enclave, yeah, sounds about right.

  7. We can all thank ex-Safety Minister Vic Toews for taking him back and handing him over to Corrections Canada thereby washing his hands of any responsibility like he’s always done. The man was and is a COWARD. The present minister Blaney is making noise (much like Toews) about not letting Khadr on the street, so we’ll soon see if ‘walks the walk’

  8. Let’s be honest- he is going to be set free before Christmas. The Canadian government has never been serious about rooting out or punishing terrorism.
    This “kid” could very well murdered our own troops.

  9. “I don’t know how much more this kid can handle,”
    Let’s throw him in solitary for life and find out.

  10. I still don’t understand why he has not been tried for treason. Yes, yes, I know he is a media superstar but I don’t think the average Canadian has any sympathy for the murdering bastard.
