17 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Legal Insurrection: French diplomat stars in latest Pallywood production: Video contradicts French diplomat’s claim that she was roughed up by Israeli soldiers.
    Basically, she deliberately dropped herself to the ground while Israeli soldiers tried to hold her up, and then later claimed she had been “forced to the ground.”

  2. In “Me and my niqab” British blogger Mick Hartley critiques the entire premise of Sunday Times reporter Rosie Kinchen’s gimmicky article about the nasty and disapproving reactions she encountered while wearing a niqab. Worth reading.

  3. Sure glad I’m not a male hamster.The equinox was two days ago at 2:43 PM MDT. Of course that would be the vernal equinox down in OZ. Must be that cAGW thing switching days on the seasons.

  4. Toronto news:
    Five injured in Yorkville nightclub shooting
    “A Toronto man, Jermaine Morgan, 26, has been charged in connection with the shooting. He faces various charges, including five counts of aggravated assault and five counts of discharging a firearm to endanger life.”
    I’ve often passed this club on Cumberland Street, next door to The Pilot jazz venue, and wondered about it … I guess I was right.

  5. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    >>> Feature: AGW’s 16-year “slowdown”.
    “Skeptics have succeeded in “confusing the public,” said Michael Jacobs, who advised the U.K. government on climate policy until 2010.”
    “… though computer models aren’t able to simulate the temperatures that have been observed.”
    “Global Warming Slowdown Hinders Climate Treaty Effort”
    “The report identifies volcanic eruptions, a periodic decline in the sun’s warmth and natural variation in the weather as possible contributors to the lull in the overall pace of climate change, though computer models aren’t able to simulate the temperatures that have been observed.”

  6. Life for humans on this “Plane of Existence” unravels in the form of “choices”
    Yesterday, closing Men’s League Day at a local Golf Course, as an example I “chose” to hit “firway wood” as opposed to a “five iron’ off the tee on a par 3 hole, closest to the hole competition for next years membership as the prize.
    Good Choice.
    Ball ended up 18 inches to the hole!
    I play for free next year, if I continue on thie Plane, eh?

  7. Your David Suzuki appeared on a left-biased public-funded television show called “Q&A”, in Australia just now. He didn’t do well at all, to say the least. This Suzuki purports to be knowledgeable on climate science matters, has been treated like a guru since his arrival here by the vast publicly-funded media conglomerate (ABC) and yet he couldn’t answer basic questions pertaining to climate data.
    Daily newspaper columnist Andrew Bolt gives a summary. Here’s a snippet:
    ” David Suzuki on the very first question is revealed as a complete know-nothing. His questioner tells him that the main climate data sets show no real warming for some 15 years.
    Suzuki asks for the references, which he should have known if he knew anything of the science.
    His questioner then lists them: UAH, RSS, HadCrut and GISS – four of the most basic measurement systems of global temperature.
    Suzuki asks what they are.
    Anyone interested in global warming should know right there that Suzuki has absolutely no understanding of what he is talking about.
    In my opinion he is a phoney. ”
    Read on, there’s more.
    And the TV show here: http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/txt/s3841115.htm

  8. The Al-Shabaab Terror Cell That Attacked Westgate
    Sayid N. from Kismayu, Somalia.
    Zaki Jama C., from Hargeisa, Somalia
    Said D., from Damascus, Syria
    Mohamed B., from Aleppo, Syria
    Qasim Said M., Garissa, Kenya
    Ismail G., from Helsinki, Finland
    Ahmed Nasir S., from London, UK
    Mustafa N., from Kansas City, US
    Abdishakur Sheikh H., from Maine, US
    Abdifatah Osman K., from Minneapolis, US
    Ahmad Mohamed I., from Saint Paul, US
    Abdikarem Ali M., from Illinois, US
    Shafie D., from Tucson, US

  9. Choo-Choo! Peanut Butter!.
    Please find a better translation for “World Air Council”.
    H/T http://wattsupwiththat.com/
    “Environmental Policy: Chairman of the World Air Council announces resignation”
    “The global environmental policy, a radical change: After eleven years in office, announces the chairman of the UN’s IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri, his exit to. He’ll quit as chairman in 2015, he told SPIEGEL ONLINE. The dispute over the succession is opened.”

  10. “This is the start of what could be a colder and snowier winter, especially for Montana,” Pastelok said.”
    “First Significant Snow for Rockies, Northwest”
    “Warming Plateau? Climatologists Face Inconvenient Truth”
    “The researchers’ problem: Their climate models should have been able to predict the sudden flattening in the temperature curve. Offering explanations after the fact for why temperatures haven’t increased in so long only serves to raise doubts as to how reliable the forecasts really are.”

  11. “Global Warming Slowdown Hinders Climate Treaty Effort”?
    It doesn’t seem to have dawned on these clueless wonders that the global warming slowdown means we don’t need a f%#@ing climate treaty.
    Here’s a newsflash for the benefit of Bloomberg News and others: “Computer climate models” are still ruled by the maxim “Garbage in, garbage out”.
