The Tolerant Left

If Mitt Romney had a grandchild, he may look like this. Indeed, his newest grandchild, Kieran James Romney, has been adopted … into a loving family that will care for him and nurture him and raise him to be a fine young man. End of story? Not if you’re one of a number of Leftists who couldn’t let this event go without spewing out a little venom.
If one day Chelsea Clinton adopts a black child, do you think any of these same people would ever dare say such things?!

11 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Chelsea adopt? She’ll have no choice.Who’d marry or have sex with Free Willey’s love pubic lice? Her mom sure ain’t gonna teach her anything about men,what with all the women she has “known”. White girl beyotch is so screwed! Next they’ll be raising the whitey as a blacky.(phew.sorry.channeling a leftard for a sec there)
    And a simple answer,Robert…NO (but I knew it twas ever a rhetorical query)

  2. Love the comment from “HunnyB”. It is she and her ilk that foment much of the black/white race animus.
    Human garbage; she is something you’d find laying in the gutter and would step over, accordingly. Adopting this innocent child to the likes of this person could be considered child abuse.

  3. But but but..he’s a republican and must therefore be a black-hating racist self-serving slug only interested in growing his own wealth at the expense of others. He (or anyone even remotely related) could never possibly be even the slightest bit interested in giving the child a good home…it’s just a little prop of course.

  4. “it’s just a little prop of course.”
    Heh…remind anybody of Maddona?
    How’s that poboy n&&%r making out?

  5. The truth is that liberals hate diversities with such intensity, that any chance that one could escape a life of crime and drugs is simply intolerable.
    I have yet to meet a liberal who did not openly crave seeing a black kid bleeding to death on a sidewalk.

  6. If Chelsea ever adopted a black baby she’d be a saint and it would be more proof that her dad was “the first Black president.”

  7. If anyone steps out of the leftie construct of the world they are attacked. Leftist ideology says that conservatives hate blacks therefore the adoption of Kieran by the Romneys must have evil motives underlying it, there can be no other reason.
    Just wait until young Kieran has to mow the lawn as part of his chores, the cries of slavery will ring from the rooftops.

  8. Justthinkin, how much do you want to bet you’re going to be quoted back as an example of how hateful the Right is? Misquoting is part of their stock in trade, after all. Yes, you’ve added the equivalent of a /sarc at the end, but I suspect you’re too subtle for those who actively seek to be outraged. Why, when they wake up at 11 or 12, I expect we’ll be hearing all about it.

  9. Let’s just state the obvious – the leftoid zombie horde has been brainwashed to hate/attack anything that differs from the zombie left mold. They are at war not debate. Debate is over in this era of slavish indoctrinated partisan antipathy. If you value your freedom, property and life – never turn your back on the zombie horde and NEVER trust their government.
