WAIT! I Can Name The 9 Year Old He Was Banging!

Peace Be Upon Him…

Men, women and children were lined up and then gunned down with AK-47s after failing to name the Prophet Mohammed’s mother or recite passages from the Koran – sure-fire proof they were ‘kafirs’, or non-believers.
Others fled and sought refuge in shops, bank vaults and store rooms as grenades exploded and bullets fired around them.

More about the victims
at BBC.

32 Replies to “WAIT! I Can Name The 9 Year Old He Was Banging!”

  1. At National Newswatch this AM, I looked for this story,found it way down near the bottom, the top dozen or so articles ALL about Stephen Harper,and all in the negative, even with two Canadians including a diplomatic corps person in the victims list.
    I suppose the MSM does have priorities.
    I confess I have no idea who Mohammed’s Mother was, or any of his other family,for that matter. My response to the question would have been ,”Stanley Ann Dunham”, which may have been good enough.
    Let us hope the soldiers deal with the mysterious “gunmen” with treatment similar to that they dealt to their victims.

  2. Time to stop donating to the party of the government in power until they get serious and stop all Muslim immigration AND investigate the activities of those who are here. This is war against Christianity,Jews and all who are termed Infidels by the terrorists in the name of Islam. If it requires a war measures invocation so be it. Don’t assume what happened in Nairobi cannot take place here. We will sleep walk until the bastards start taking over our malls killing innocent babies, women, children, no matter. Canada is all too complacent, bordering on the stupid, ignoring the obvious.

  3. Caught parts of Lowell Green’s radio call-in show on CFRA Ottawa this a.m. – today’s topic was Islamic religious fanaticism.
    A few of the callers were Muslim, and they (sadly) fit the very stereotypes of Muslim Males that we are told just doesn’t exist in the real world: angry, violent, rude, and resistant to all reason.
    And they weren’t calling in from Kenya.

  4. Liz, you think that if the Conservatives lose, the Lieberals with Jr. Turdeau at the head of the party will stop Muslim immigration?
    You’re living in la-la land and this is not the time to play games with blaming the “party of the government in power” with everything.
    If you’re a Conservative government, it takes a huge majority to accomplish anything.
    Jr., BTW, will open the doors because he can’t offend his new-found buddies.

  5. This “vote for them because the alternative is worse” meme has got to end. Harper has his majority, either he uses it as a Conservative majority or he loses my support and my.
    The list of egregious policy on Harper’s part is getting too long.
    Oh! and Mohammad’s mother’s name was Angora.

  6. I will vote for the Conservatives but I will not give them money unless they show they are serious about this potential threat to our safety. I realize the alternatives are not a fix either but we need to deal with those in power to persuade them to take action in whatever manner it takes.
    It’s akin to sitting back and yakking about Iran acquiring nuclear capability, just watching and doing nothing as they continue developing it.

  7. Perfect heading!
    Given that I’m white/Western in appearance, under similar circumstances I’d probably use that line if I had the chance to speak up, just for the five seconds of satisfaction I’d get before the b@stards blew my head off.

  8. For those bashing the Conservative gov’t for not doing enough, before you think about not voting for them or not giving them money take a good look at what the alternative is. Not voting for Harper is a vote for the alternative and what they would do to this country is horrifying to think about. Some of Junior Trudeaus activities would suggest that he’s already be bought and paid for by the people you want to keep out and as for the NDP they’d just open the doors and let everyone come in and we’d all be under sharia Sharia law in no time. And this is just one tiny fragment of the damage the left would do to Canada.
    I’m not happy about everything that the Conservative government has done over the last few years but they’re a far better choice to govern this country then the alternative.

  9. Let’s add among the number of dead to count the pregnant women. What “brave” people it takes to shoot a woman and her unborn child.
    Rest assured that any Canadian terrorist will meet the same fate as Omar Khadr and those who blew up Air India flight 182. Rather that they get killed in Kenya.

  10. Who let these foamy mouthed islamist mutts into a predominantly Christian nation?
    “Odinga had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Muslim leaders, which eventually led to the deeper incorporation of Sharia into the Kenyan legal system, with the accompanying loss of women’s rights.
    “Obama had campaigned with Odinga and strongly endorsed him and the atrocities committed by Odinga’s followers eventually forced a coalition government in which Odinga became Prime Minister and sold out Kenya’s civil rights to Islam.”(Daniel Greenfield, frontpagemag.com, April 6, 2013)
    Odinga the Obama’s Muslim cousin

  11. Somehow I don’t think the wizard of Oz has ever voted Conservative.
    Canada’s bureaucracy has been stuffed full of liberal/socialist aparachuks for decades. An election doesn’t change that.
    Incrementalism is the name of the game.
    Slow and steady wins the race.

  12. Agreed, Hopefully they get the same justice that the Russians gave the pirates they caught.
    gellen, “Jr., BTW, will open the doors because he can’t offend his new-found buddies.” Possibly coreligionists after his performance in the mosque this summer?
    robw, exactly. Swallow and gulp, as they have morphed into Liberal lite and are afraid to antagonize people who will never vote for them anyhow.

  13. These Islamists did not create the perfect shooting gallery situation that they took advantage of in Kenya. Gun control did that.
    So if you want to know who to kick for all that, go find a liberal. Reason 2197 why hippie punching is never wrong.

  14. BBC could be covering for one of their own tribe.

    Has British ‘White Widow’ been killed in final assault on Kenyan shopping mall? Officials say body of white woman terrorist found at scene

    (h/t BCF)

  15. The original terrorist’s mother’s name was Angora. Is that where we get the term “mo hair” from?

  16. Ah yes, Aisha – Mhmed married her the day she turned nine – and consummated the marriage.
    I see from CNN {!!!!!} that several of the terrorists were American, and Fox has said that the
    Nairobi attack will benefit recruiting in the US. I think it is time we took our border with the US
    much more seriously, and made it difficult for Americans to enter Canada. We have never known
    what was coming over the Mexican-US border, and now they are growing their own!

  17. The Americans were told specifically about the Boston bombers; NSA couldn’t identify a spy in their midst and British and American “intelligence” couldn’t guess this:
    Face-plant time; talk about the bleeding obvious!
    Maybe they are a waste of money and should all be fired and we hire Mossad to do our stuff. Hint: Their is a difference between DATA and INTELLIGENCE or INFORMATION.

  18. Doowleb, I concur. It is frustrating for us ultras, but we have to be practical. As long as their is direction and motion, stick with it. If either of those disappears, raise hell.

  19. Actually I suspect the political bias in the bureaucracy is not just preferential hiring. It is as much, IMHO, the simple matter of the mindset which seeks government employment rather than a real job or starting a business.

  20. Charles Martel stopped the Moors at Tours in 732, and the Austrians stopped the Ottoman Turks at Vienna in 1683. This war has been going on since the 7th century. Problem is, we don’t know we’re in it. Unless we smarten up, our descendants (those of us who bother to have any) can look forward to a long dark age.

  21. The American security apparatus now is run for the suppression of Americans, especially the decent ones who might offer resistance to the new Obama police state/Homintern. They are useless for anything else. People who think that for all of this surveillance they are safer should at this point be
    severely disabused.

  22. Some people don’t even know they’re in it, some know that it is already lost. I don’t think there is anything legal we could do about it. The society we live in is committing suicide.

  23. We have two choices in the long term then. Save ourselves, and build our own little refuges beneath the radar or “go partisan” in that WW2 resistance sense. Only it won’t be any romantic “La Resistance” but a grim, sad attrition, like Yugoslavia. And, NSA guys, I’m just making an observation based on historical reality.

  24. I stopped sending them my money when they caved to the opposition and began spending like idiots. Every time I see an Economic Action Plan commercial another inch of dust falls on my wallet.
