“I don’t know,” says Suzuki.

A Q&A with CBC Fruit Fly Guy…

David Suzuki on the very first question is revealed as a complete know-nothing. His questioner tells him that the main climate data sets show no real warming for some 15 years.
Suzuki asks for the references, which he should have known if he knew anything of the science.
His questioner then lists them: UAH, RSS, HadCrut and GISS – four of the most basic measurement systems of global temperature.
Suzuki asks what they are.

h/t ron in kelowna

21 Replies to ““I don’t know,” says Suzuki.”

  1. Wow. That’s pissing on Canada’s national icon!
    Hope we’re closing our embassy our something like that.

  2. I hope someone has this on video, please. Otherwise this will fall into the great leftist void. “you are lying.” “It never happened.” “I was misquoted.” And if all else fails, “You are all racists.”
    None are so blind as those that refuse to see.

  3. This is precisely why it is rare for there to be any public debating on climate.
    The pushers know that they are full of shif, they know they arguments are non-existent or weak.
    I have no idea why the 9th level maggot decided to partake! Is he hard up for cash or does he believe his own crap so much that he just isn’t capable of understanding that there is a different view, backed with knowledge?
    Who knows, but I think it will be a long time before he gets back into a similar situation.

  4. The very best thing about this “Climate Change” scam is that the “professional” “journalists”, i.e. the kids who flunked math and science, had shredded their credibility. Their employers are now recognized as mere propaganda organs and enablers. As business studies the effectiveness of its advertising spends, guess who is getting the short end of the stick more and more often.

  5. Ever since Sooozook got a public podium he has not been a scientist, he is an Agenda 21 propagandist – now he is a senile propagandist – but a wealthy one. He should be audited not adulated.

  6. Now they need to do the same with Windbag Gore, trouble is he doesn’t take any questions, you never question someone who thinks he’s God and can predict Armageddon.

  7. Well, Ol’ Doc Jacuzzi may know dick-all about climate, but by now he’s certainly an indisputable authority on the gullibility of humans and their governments.

  8. Good on the Aussies! Both the government and even the ABC (the Australian equivalent of the CBC) are seeing the climate change rent seekers for the parasites they are and kicking them to the curb.
    Pity that no one asked him how owning three homes is sustainable.

  9. The article ” David Suzuki proves he’s pig ignorant about global warming ” can be found next to the main article. It is also entertaining.
    I wonder if Suzuki asked for any young comely lasses to accompany him on his tour?

  10. It’s his statement of defense for the upcoming trial, I believe the term is plausible deniability!

  11. “I don’t know”, sounds about rite for a lefty “scientist”
    on another note, I was having a debate some were else, until the leftwing nut job insisted that kommies are right wing:-))))

  12. I see in the transcript that Suzuki said:

    Are we going to listen to the Quran or an advertising agency?

    He didn’t just dis the Quran did he? Better appeal to our moral and intellectual superiors on this one. OK, “professional” “journalists”, how are we supposed to respond to an environmental activist who disses the Quran? #HeadSpinning

  13. Canadians take Suzuki too seriously.
    He’s not a REAL scientist and never has been.
    He’s an “operator”, a con man, who has latched onto a very profitable gig. It’s environmental showbiz.
    THAT is his forte, and he is VERY good at it.
    Expectations that he would behave as an AUTHENTIC scientist bestow upon him an undeserved respect.
    We have similar entertainers in the US: screaming negroid preachers who promise that if you send $5, God will fix your air-conditioner. These people are not viewed as beinbg blessed, or as authentic theologians.

  14. Does he ask for young pretty lasses to accompany him to counteract his ugliness or prove old rich men can attract young women?
    Even though he’s showing signs of going completely bugs he may want to show he has the capacity to draw on carnal instincts, showing signs of dirty old man syndrome,all in the head and goes no further.
    It’s sad to see a once respected scientist in the field of nature come to such a sad end. It may all have started with his fig leaf pose depicting the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  15. I remember Suzuki coming to Selkirk College in 1970 with his bio crediting him with revolutionary work on fruit fly mutation and genetics. His talk was not really about his research work it was about underground nuke testing in Amchitka island in the Aleutians. He has always used his research as a creditability tool for his political agenda. Combine that with his family’s internment during WW II as Japanese Canadians and the sympathy factor goes off the scale.
    An interesting exercise would be research into what Suzuki made in research versus what he makes in environmental activism. I suggest many factors higher in his current gig. That might not be fair but then Suzuki is hardly fair and balanced in his defense of his opinions either. My point about the income disparity is fair in the sense that the question should be asked about how much the scientific community benefits from their support of the global warning models they have promoted. Research dollars fund their existence and does that influence their conclusions or desire to fund further research. My brother-in-law works for a major contractor for the Canadian Space Agency. He ridiculed NASA for ‘privatizing’ their ‘lift’ program to SpaceEX for the space station resupply. His point was that their research and development would be ‘tainted’ by private capital’s need for profit. Pure research funded by government = discovery for the common good.
    The Australian video was not as damning of Suzuki as it should have been. Firstly Suzuki was able to label himself not a ‘climatologist’ even though he constantly makes quasi scientific conclusions about climate change. By establishing himself as not a climatologist he was able to dodge any facts presented at the discussion which challenged his public statements. Secondly the questioner who quoted the international bodies questioning global warming could not clearly explain who they were. That allowed Suzuki to make the ‘cherry picking of data’ comment which discredited the question.

  16. Sooo, he uses the same tactic as most religious types – when someone challenges his religion with facts, track record and numbers the sheep simply responds with ‘oh, I don’t know about that but I certainly and positively ‘feel’, ya feel that I am ‘justified’ in following my fanaticism/religion’.
    How does that saying go – you cannot reason with an irrational person by making rational statements. So what to do – ignore? expose? laugh at them? two by four over the head?

  17. Sounds like the suzuster is havin’ a rough ride downunder….still collecting his speeking fees tho’….

  18. Ezra did his monolog on the ABC interview gone terribly wrong lol.
    In his speech in Australia he wants politicians who won’t drink the AGW Kool-aid jailed.
    I suppose Billy Joel had it right. Only the good die young.
