6 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Those numbers don’t include the millions of non registered/illegal weapons that are being sold.
    Our local trader,,
    you know,,
    the guy that has on a heavy raincoat and when he flashes it open instead of something obscene,
    he has some nice looking 357 mags or 9 mm Beretta’s for sale.
    Heck, one guy took me out to his pickup camper and showed me three, 3 different AK-47 assault weapons,
    I thought the Russian communists only made the one they tried to kill me with.
    He said extra ammunition was hard to get, but that he would get it for me..

    Thank You Pres. Obumbles for the illegal black marketed gun trade.
    Soon, there really will be a gun behind every blade of American grass.

    NSA, if you are reading this, Kiss My ASS..

  2. Much truth to this spoof – Barry has been the number one reason for the unprecedented firearms and ammo sales to both the civilian population and federal agencies – as he gears up for his war against red state voters.
