Reader Tips

Sacha Korn is an East German-born musician, manager, consultant, and record label owner whose opinions — about the EU’s propaganda and false promises, about how children have been raised to apologize for being German, about the dehumanizing of regular folks who hold non-state-approved views by calling them “right” — have caused the Reductio ad Hitlerum fallacy to be tossed around by his critics.
After Google-translating numerous articles about him I found no statements of his that would justify the accusation; he did invite a collective gasp when he said he’s at the point where doesn’t even know what the N-word actually means anymore due to its overuse (sorta like the word “racist” over here), and he’s been accused not deleting blog comments that his accuser deemed offensive, etc., but that’s about it.
Korn, for his part, says he considers his views to be neither left or right, but rather those of a generation “that has no desire to be f***ed.”
Anyway, I really just wanted to play Korn’s techno-pop-ish and flat (like a millpond) version of the Deutsche Nationalhymne, expanded to include all three verses. It’s like “O Canada”, but it’s German, eh?
The comments thread is open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. You should *seriously* read this whole thing, start-to-finish: “Alberta woman fights to reclaim home from ‘Freemen’ renter who declared it an embassy.”
    The bare facts stated in the headline don’t even begin to describe the almost nightmarish strangeness of the story.

  2. My son and I discussed this deal today. Since this fella has declared it an embassy, with diplomatic immunity, if some guys went over there and beat his ass off the property…would that be a crime..?..

  3. Free men are homegrown white Natives.. Native sons just looking to sign a more profitable treaty with the government..
    Honestly.. 30 000 freeman in Canada.. passive aggressive REBELLION against…

  4. Don’t Freemen, have their own laws, rules, making them up as needed?
    If a couple of temporary self-professed Freemen, went over and evicted the trespasser, reclaiming the property for it’s rightful owner?
    Claiming the right to enforce their own laws.
    Would that be a crime?

  5. I would suspect that many of Korn’s critics might prefer the “International”.
    Neat touch having the German national debt clock in the background.

  6. Roger Kimball posts a syllabus from Cornell University’s upcoming Radical Thought on the Margins II conference, and asks “How much had to go wrong in how many institutions to make this festival of minatory garbage possible?”
    Check out the co-sponsoring departments under the syllabus.

  7. In “Me and my niqab” British blogger Mick Hartley questions the entire premise of Sunday Times reporter Rosie Kinchen’s gimmicky article about the nasty and disapproving reactions she encountered while wearing a niqab. Worth reading.

  8. Back in the 80s & 90s, Canadian medical schools reduced their acceptance rates because certain government policy makers thought there were too many doctors. As a result, at a time when Canada needs more doctors to care for an aging population, the number of doctors per person in Canada is falling. (Via )
    On the other hand, we’re going to have lawyers coming out our ears:

  9. Antelope, thanks for that link. Explains quite a bit about why there’s a huge shortage of GP’s in the interior of BC. The Fraser Institute article doesn’t look at some of the more important points such as the deliberate decision of medical schools to accept female applicants in preference to male applicants which may be more qualified and the moronic replacement of the rotating internship with the family practice residency.
    When it comes to female physicians, they spend much less time working than males. While most male physicians work 80+ hours/week, female physicians prefer to work far fewer hours. Also, women get pregnant and take a year off with every kid. That means that the doctor shortage is going to get far worse than the Fraser Institute predicts.
    Secondly, there was a perfectly functional rotating internship that everyone went through following medical school. This was a 1 year, purely hospital based, program that gave interns an exposure to all areas of medicine and, following that 1 year internship, they could be licensed as GP’s. After gaining the skills one needs in an intense hospital setting, many of the newly licensed GP’s were quite ready to head to rural areas to practice and pay off student loans. They were about as prepared as one could be to deal with anything that they came up against and a lot of them ended up staying. In many cases, they’d practice for a few years and then decide to specialize having had a considerable amount of time to think about what they really wanted to do.
    Then, a group of big city GP’s with inferiority complexes, thought that being a GP didn’t given doctors the prestige they required and so they proposed a residency in family medicine. This consisted of a watered down first year in a hospital and then a year working in various physicians offices to get the “office based skills” that supposedly weren’t taught in the rotating internship (takes a few hours to learn when one starts out in practice). The result has been a disaster. After their first year of practice, doctors come out of their hospital based rotations with freshly acquired skills, but then generally work in a large city practice. The dirty secret of most city based practices is that there’s very little acute medicine and I’ve heard of 2nd year family practice residents ending up in female practices of which 80% of the population is women who are there to get pap’s done as they don’t want a male doing the procedure. I suppose that’s better than ending up in a Vancouver practice that deals primarily with homosexuals and one is doing the rectal equivalent of a pap seemingly endlessly. The other thing about big cities is that a lot of the GP’s specialize and, while it’s nice to have someone you can send all your chronic fatigue patients to, spending a few months in such an office setting is the last thing one wants for a doctor who’s going into a more rural practice.
    I guess I forgot the other part of the idiocy that took place at the time of the “family practice residency” invention; that was that medical students had to make up their minds about their future specialty before they had any real experience with medicine in the trenches. Thus, “family practice” wasn’t a favorite of many and the exciting specialties such as cardiac surgery, neurosurgery and other potentially high billing specialties attracted more than their fair share of applicants. Also, once committed to a specialty, it was impossible to change if one didn’t like ones choice. And, to make matters worse, it’s essentially impossible for a GP to get into a specialty residency now. Even a specialist who wants to become a GP has to go through an incredible number of hoops to do so. The bureaucrats have been the only winners in this Kafkaesque restructuring of Canadian medicine.
    So what we have are lots of unemployed cardiac surgeons and neurosurgeons and the only option they have is to leave the country if they want to work. What we’ve also got is a group of newly graduated “FP’s” who are terrified of dealing with any real medicine and their skills deteriorate even further when they work in big city walkin clinics where they basically just refill prescriptions and a serious condition, like someone with strep throat, is sent to a local ER (real story as related to me by an incredulous ER doc). Often they miss quite serious illnesses and my recommendation to any of the locals is to never go to a Vancouver walkin clinic. Almost none of them do any hospital work any more making me wonder if this was all really a statist plot to break the power of they physicians organizations as many of the city “FP’s” could be replaced by nurses; some of the rural nurses I work with are scarily competent.
    So, while the medical system is currently FUBAR, I have absolutely no concern about my future employment as I get a chance to deal with complex cases on a daily basis and see very few of the worried well who are the primary people who see physicians in large cities. I enjoy what I’m doing, have no plans to retire and my only problem is turning down work.

  10. I don’t’ mean to bore people about David Suzuki’s appearance on a question and answer show in Australia, but I am appalled that this man receives millions to sprout his global warming myths and knows nothing about the basics. Here’s some of the transcript from the show:
    ” BILL KOUTALIANOS [audience member]: Oh, hi. Since 1998 global temperatures have been relatively flat, yet many man-made global warming advocates refuse to acknowledge this simple fact. Has man-made global warming become a new religion in itself?
    TONY JONES[host]: David, go ahead.
    DAVID SUZUKI: Yeah, well, I don’t know why you’re saying that. The ten hottest years on record, as I understand it, have been in this century. In fact, the warming continues. It may have slowed down but the warming continues and everybody is anticipating some kind of revelation in the next IPCC reports that are saying we got it wrong. As far as I understand, we haven’t. So where are you getting your information? I’m not a climatologist. I wait for the climatologists to tell us what they’re thinking.
    TONY JONES: Do you want to respond to that, Bill?
    BILL KOUTALIANOS: Sure, yeah. UAH, RSS, HadCRUT, GISS data shows a 17-year flat trend which suggests there may be something wrong with the Co2 warming theory?
    DAVID SUZUKI: Sorry, yeah, what is the reference? I don’t…
    BILL KOUTALIANOS: Well, they’re the main data sets that IPCC use: UAH, University of Alabama, Huntsville; GISS, Goddard Institute of Science; HadCRUT. I don’t know what that stands for, HadCRUT; and RSS, Remote Sensing something. So those data sets suggest a 17-year flat trend, which suggests there may be a problem with the Co2.
    DAVID SUZUKI: No, well, there may be a climate sceptic down in Huntsville, Alabama, who has taken the data and come to that conclusion. I say, let’s wait for the IPCC report to come out and see what the vast bulk of scientists who have been involved in gathering this information will tell us.
    STEWART FRANKS [audience member]: In an opinion piece last week you wrote that the Great Barrier Reef was threatened by the increasing frequency of cyclones. Everyone watching and listening can onto the Bureau of Meteorology’s website and see that there is no increase. In fact there has been a decline over the last 40 years and no increase in the severity. Are you not, by exaggerating…
    DAVID SUZUKI: That I have to admit…
    STEWART FRANKS: …or even just getting wrong, are you not actually vulnerable of actually undermining your very own aim in that, you know, the Great Barrier Reef does have environmental threat, but cyclones ain’t one of them?
    DAVID SUZUKI: All right. That was one, I have to admit, that that was suggested to me by an Australian, and it is true, I mean, it may be a mistake. I don’t know.”
    And what Suzuki doesn’t know about GMOs is even more bewildering.
    (I’ll say no more about him.)

  11. antelope, it was Bob Rae and his NDP that drastically reduced admissions to medical school, thus leaving us overpopulated — baby boomers growing old and flooding hospitals — and chronically under-doctored.
    ‘Any chance these Greenies formed an “overpopulation plan” in the ’80s. People in hospital, or not able to get into a hospital, will die — and are dying — because of this shortage.
    Sarah Palin was right on when she talked about “death panels” and Bob Rae is the chair of the panel.

  12. Neo-AGW PR*.
    *Progress Report.
    “Climate Change Has a PR Problem”
    “Sangita Iyer
    Broadcast journalist, environmental advocate and documentary film producer (B.Sc., M.A.)”
    “Posted: 12/06/2012 2:54 pm”
    “Last but not least and once again, the media and the scientific community need to work together, as the media are constantly looking for stories and the climate science community has plenty to offer. Clearly the two are interdependent on each other and they need to strengthen their relationship in order to provide effective coverage of climate change if we are to engage the public and spur political action before it is too late.”
    “Margaret Wente
    Climate’s big PR problem”
    “Last updated Tuesday, Sep. 24, 2013 7:11AM EDT”
    “A funny thing happened since that blockbuster UN report in 2007 called for urgent action on global warming. The world stopped warming up.
    This fact is a monumental PR headache for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is set to issue the first part of its next report on Friday. It’s hard to call for urgent action when nothing much is happening.”

  13. Loki
    When living in a large city, my wife’s GP did absolutely nothing. Almost everything was passed on to a specialist. I moved back to a small town where GPs do virtually everything short of major surgery. In my youth, all doctors were not only physicians and surgeons, they practiced as both physicians and surgeons and did major surgery. I am not sure why the decision to dumb down the profession was made.

  14. AGW’s Cold Case.
    The Missing Ice-Free Northwest Passage.
    “frigid waters of the Northwest Passage”.
    “fighting subzero temperatures and ice”.
    “The Coast Guard has located the sunken helicopter which crashed in the frigid waters of the Northwest Passage earlier this month, and will be fighting subzero temperatures and ice in an attempt to recover the aircraft.”
    “Coast Guard to try retrieving sunken Arctic helicopter”
    ““The ice and weather conditions will continue to present a significant challenge to the recovery operation,” the Transportation Safety Board said in statement.”

  15. Sync – you realize there is a massive effort by the police industry and the corporate crony media to demonize the freeman/common law movement – we have no way to know if this con man has any legitimate freeman association or ideology other than what he may use for his own criminal enterpises. I have read and listened to the philosophy of the Free man on the land leaders and they espouse a philosophy of common law property rights and rule of law. Yes they don’t want to buy licences or pay income tax but neither do they want UI, welfare. pensions or any benefit/entitlement of the collectivist state. They simply want to be left alone by the state to exercise their right to free trade/commerce under rule of common law claim – what this miscreant has done is so far from the common law movement’s ideology as you can get. He has defrauded and trespassed against a person who has a right of claim on her own property – AAMOF, the woman whose property is encumbered through a fallacious claim by a blatant thief would probably get help from the people who associate with the common law movement.
    Don’t fall into the zombie zone the police monopoly and the consensus media set for you concerning the freeman/common law movement- hear/read for yourself what these people (freeman movement) is all about – don’t make the deadly mistake of taking any opinion from the MSM without scrutinizing their narrative first.
    The reason I believe the Freeman movement has a modicum of validity is the unprecedented demonization I see the most perjuring organizations (police industry/bar assn./MSM) in this nation are running against the movement. It;s the same libelous narrative they ran on firearms owners prior to the registry.

  16. Justthinkin, go to “”, enter the URL in the box on the left (or cut-and-paste or drag-and-drop the German text there) and select the languages — German to English, in this case, and click “translate.” The syntax of the translation will be a bit garbled but you’ll be able to get the gist of it.
