16 Replies to “He was right.”

  1. And yet they are still sinking further down the the tubes of ruin(socialism)then they want,or can admit to.Wonder what the average American is going to think when they wake up,and realize that greater empires than them have gone down the some sh1t hole,due to apathy?

  2. Seems reasonable; except for the same old, same old, approach of brinkmanship has lost the support of the majority of aware American voters and more of the American voters are aware.
    I believe the ordinary aware voters are about to initiate a third party or a much changed G.O.P. such as happened in Canada when the Reform Party upended the Progressive Conservative Party. The effect of a split vote for the aware Canadian voters meant a period of “buying party supporters” being in control.
    The complacency of the Canadian Federal “buying support party” deepened. The coalescing of the aware voters established a new political party at the Federal level and a sensible government.
    Unfortunately the politicos of the “buying party supporters” moved from Ottawa to Toronto and established Ontario as a have-not Province. Cheers;

  3. John McCain appears to have gone over to the dark side.
    Boehner may be a RINO, but he appears to want to stand firm on this.

  4. by putting the socialist healthcare off for 1 year is a good political move,as it will then “start” in 2014 and create a mess in the election year, and that could play well for the GOP, and may even carry on till2016 into the presidential election, in the GOP favour. But politics should not be the first consideration, properly governing the country should be in first place. Sadly, politics is now “played” like a competitive sport.

  5. Yup — elections have consequences.
    When he was running, Romney said his first act if elected president would be to repeal Obamacare.
    He lost. The man who introduced Obamacare won.
    It’s called the will of the people. Democracy.
    And anything else is just actions of a bunch of kamikaze nutjobs and party-over-country traitors who have done more to harm their country than Al Queda.

  6. He lost. The man who introduced Obamacare won.
    Romney introduced Romneycare, so he actually progenated it.
    And anything else is just actions of a bunch of kamikaze nutjobs and party-over-country traitors who have done more to harm their country than Al Queda.

  7. And anything else is just actions of a bunch of kamikaze nutjobs and party-over-country traitors who have done more to harm their country than Al Queda
    Oh yes, the Kleptocrats believed in that, right? Sure, I remember how they stood behind W when he defeated algore: they meekly acquiesced, because it was the “will of the people”, right? Ditto when he was re-elected, as I recall.
    And they supported Bush through the Iraq war, and when they won the House, Pelosi assisted Bush without question, because it was, again, “the will of the people”, yes?
    Tell your support worker it’s time to shut off the computer; you’re too clueless to be online by yourself.

  8. It’ll go down the tubes like the Roman Empire at first bit-by-bit, then all at once. McCain ain’t important enough to compare to Stilicho, but he’s sure trying hard.

  9. peterj;
    In my simple approach isn’t affordability the deciding point? Politicans have now realized that capital markets are not the determining factor in their activity. The Demos and GOP in the USA and the Liebels and CPC in Canada willfully spend beyond the ability to pay. Drill down in both countries and you discover that state and provincial governments, municipalities and god forbid individual citizens are doing the same thing. Voters wring their hands over deficit spending but they vote these people in and hold no one to account. Why do banks get such a bad rap? Generally they are one of the few institutions who say no to those who want to spend beyond their ability to pay. (Unfortunately the ‘no’s’ are selective’)
    The interesting aspect of this situation will come when the USA $ is no longer the reserve currency of international trade. The USA Central Bank has been injecting trillions of dollars into the system. It keeps them going and also allows trading nations a currency for settlement. In the near future the USA will lose that usefull tool and the internal fallout will be serious.

  10. In his dotage John McCain is confusing rank and file Democrats with patriotic Americans, and Barack Obama and Harry Reid with human beings.

  11. Now SDA did it, it messed with LAS’s Messiah John McCain!
    Together they defend Al Qaeda and other pedophile’s murdering and raping their way across the globe.

  12. The simple approach is always the most logical but also means no spin, coverup or complicating the hell out of something common sense indicates is bad for all concerned. Government is notorious for avoiding the simple approach because it usually eliminates empire building and leaves all the high rolling rent seekers out of the equation. You are certainly correct Re: the dollars slide as international currency. From 90% in 1952 to 15% today with nothing to back it up except slipping optimism and much too late for the simple approach. The Chinese are already whispering fire but the first country that yells fire will empty the economic theater with a panic not seen since the late 20’s. The 2008 recession will seem like child’s play once international debt holders come to understand that they are the proud owners of of pieces of paper with no value as they can never be repaid. That’s where war always comes in handy. The winner will be debt free, full employment, patriotism to shift thinking away from who is really at fault and a reset to every entitlement and expectation. Of course, with the nuclear proliferation in today’s world there are a lot of wild cards, but desperation is a exceptional motivator. That’s the simple approach. The complicated approach is Detroit after removing the police and fire department. One of these approaches is inevitable. Not if….just when. Forward.

  13. Oh, the ‘kleptocrats’ threatened to shut down the gov’t. did they?
    Go inject some testosterone before you talk to a man like me you carload of monkey anuses.
