Fold-and-smooch auto-asphyxiation

Natural selection among humans is making a long-overdue comeback:

A meteorologist who has covered weather for the Wall Street Journal tweeted that he has decided not to have children in order to leave a lighter carbon footprint, and is considering having a vasectomy. (Eric Holthaus) also stopped flying….”I’ve never cried because of a science report before.”

For god’s sake, man, get out of the gene pool, dry yourself off, and keep spreading the good news:

According to another tweet from Holthaus, the Dutch artist known as Tinkerbell, who calls attention to animal rights issues through works that use the remains of dead animals, had herself sterilized last week for a similar reason.

Keep hope alive.

47 Replies to “Fold-and-smooch auto-asphyxiation”

  1. I hope it is a start of a trend.
    Global warming is not happening which means that humans are extremely likely to be the cause of this non-event,therefore you go out and sterilize yourself. If that makes sense to you,you are making the right decision.
    The IPCC report states there has been a 15 year “hiatus”. Does that not make them DENIERS ?

  2. These people are mentally ill.
    At least they will not be breeding any more liberal flakes like them.
    Good riddance.

  3. The religious zeal of a pious man or he never liked girls much anyway.. Either way I think environmentalists make awful parents.. Imagine being dragged to the annual Earth Day looney toon festival.. Dressed up like a weed and fed organic proge for your efforts..
    I wish them well with their self loathing plan.. I suggest they stack themselves up at the south pole so they don’t decompose.. When they feel death coming on around 45, they can make the low carbon walk to the tip of Argentina and swim to the promise land..
    Al Gore could go first leaving a trail of 100 dollar bills to help the rent seekers establish their migration route.. NASA could run computer models on how nice and warm the water is.. The MSM might be able to finally turn a profit because all the old liberal went south..
    I must be dreaming…

  4. “In its previous assessment, in 2007, the U.N.-sponsored panel said it was ‘very likely’ that global warming was due to human activity, particularly the CO2 emissions resulting from the burning of coal, oil and gas.
    The change means that scientists have moved from being 90 per cent sure to 95 per cent – about the same degree of certainty they have that smoking kills.
    LOL So they’ve been lying about smoking too, the bastids.
    That’s it! From now on science is dead to me.

  5. These are the facts:
    Climate change has happened.
    Climate change is happening.
    Climate change will happen in the future.
    We have always tried to follow the dictum: “Walk gently this good earth”. This is good husbandry; mankind was put on here to cherish the planet, not just to exploit it. But there are limits on the sacrifices we are willing to make.
    Sr. Joan Chittister puts it well: “The point is that what we do not live we do not have a right to require, and that is for two reasons: first, because it is a hollow call to insist that others do what we do not do ourselves and, second, because it requires for the sake of requiring something rather than for the merit of the requirement itself.” Until I see Drs Gore and Suzuki actually living the restricted lives they are calling on the rest of us to submit to, I won’t believe in their belief of the immenence of global climate catastrophy. And, sans that belief, I feel no requirement to modify our already modest lifestyle.

  6. If “they” would keep their head up their collective ass’s, it would cut down on CO2 emitted as well as methane.
    A twofer!

  7. If only all science could be so easily be reached by consensus.
    “C: The 95% is basically expert judgment, it is a negotiated figure among the authors. The increase from 90-95% means that they are more certain. How they can justify this is beyond me.
    Reporter: You mean they sit around and say, “How certain are you?” ”Oh, I feel about 95 percent certain. Michael over there at Penn State feels a little more certain. And Judy at Georgia Tech feels a little less. So, yeah, overall I’d say we’re about 95 percent certain.” Please tell me it’s more rigorous than that.
    JC: Well I wasn’t in the room, but last report they said 90%, and perhaps they felt it was appropriate or politic that they show progress and up it to 95%.
    Reporter: So it really is as subjective as that?
    JC: As far as I know, this is what goes on. All this has never been documented.
    JC conclusion: Well, I have no idea what goes on in the sausage factory. 95% – take it with a grain of salt (or a stiff whiskey). That’s their story, and they’re sticking to it.
    So that’s how they come up with their certainty percentage. Wonder who supplied the donuts.

  8. I really admire their sacrifice for their cause. Everyone who believe in it should follow their example.

  9. Michael Ingantieff in his new book Fire and Ashes says he was “framed”, also says he was “blind sided” by Paul Martin. But the words that leapt out of the radio when I listened to him being interviewed yesterday were: “I did Canada” — speaking of traveling the hustings. I DID Canada !!!
    Disgusting — in all his smugness. Canada dodged a bullet with him …. full interview starts at 23:30

  10. Let’s see, a meteorologist who cries when he reads “science” reports that confirm he has swallowed the Global Warming kool-aid, and an “artist” (nee taxidermist) who adopted the name of a Walt Disney fairy (why do I doubt that it was because of any physical resemblance) who crusades for animal rights by desecrating the dead bodies of animals…
    I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the vasectomy/sterilization were probably unnecessary, although I certainly welcome the elimination of even that infinitesimally small possibility that these two might have reproduced…

  11. I couldn’t help but notice that Eric Holthaus was not willing to take the most logical step and take his own life. No need for a vasectomy. No need to vow to stop flying. The ultimate carbon reduction plan………..
    The trouble with these lunatics is that they never think things through.

  12. Watch out, with no kids of their own they are going to think that that deserve extra input into how we raise ours. Oh wait, too late for that one….

  13. This is what real power looks like. You can be can be proven hopelessly and completely wrong and still move your aganda forward.
    AGW and climate change theory have created an international bureaucracy whose tenticles reach into every government in the world, giving them a degree of command and control over industrial productivity, wealth distribution, energy allocation, taxation and social policy. The false science is not the story. The advancement of international socialism is what we’re witnessing. Proving that global warming is not happening will not make a difference any more than proof that welfare, multiculturalism or state-controlled education is detrimental to free societies changed anything. Climate theory is just a new weapon in the socialist arsenal.

  14. Frances;
    You put it so well. A sage old man, now gone, said ‘Obviously there is global warming or we would be under a 100 feet of ice!’ Anyone who does not think that man can seriously impact his environment is ignoring reality for whatever reason. Inevitably that means that man has to question what impact these activities could represent.
    Questioning our impact has to start individually. So much of our activity is based on useless crap that means nothing. I honestly do not know what should determine our impacts. Certainly not intellectually dishonest people like Suzsuki or Gore. It seems every group involved have a vested interest.

  15. It is amazing to what extent a blend of socialist/Luddite thinking has been inculcated into our western societies. The collapse of the Soviet Union sure left a vacuum and the need for a replacement religion.

  16. Tinkerbell and meteorologist are phoneys – they’re your run of the mill attention seekers. Real progressives would petition government to change your behaviour while holding the power to grant exemptions. They’d push for a birth fee or child tax with waivers for those who live in the progressive-approved ways or are politically important. Only apartment dwelling, one child, recycling, knowledge economy workers need apply. /s

  17. Sooooooo. Just what impact did the dinos have,CT? After all,they exhale CO2,they fart.And what about the massive forest fires/volcanos that ruled back then? And before you try,CO2 LAGS temp rises by ~800 years.It must be Bush’s fault!

  18. Interestingly enough I inherited a set of bloodless casterators from my grandad’ I’d be more than happy to set up an assembly line to clip these twits

  19. ‘Obviously there is global warming or we would be under a 100 feet of ice!’ Puerile.
    Try this.
    -Obviously there is global cooling or we would be floating on an ocean of molten iron.
    Silly right? What’s worse is that agreeing with any part of their argument, any part, advances their position and gives them unearned credibility. They are the ones who define global warming, not you or your ‘sage’.
    There is no global warming. End stop.
    And those of you who applaud these Zealots for so publically airing their decision to forgo reproduction seem to forget that environmental extremists (and Leftists in general) begin by striking a self-righteous example and their next step is to make that practice mandatory through passing laws which force everyone else to do the same.
    They’re socialists. It’s what they do.

  20. So, if we advertised free doses of organic cyanide, to be taken by all True Believers Earth Day next, would Canada Post experience much of an increase in parcel traffic?
    Or, is their sadness, grief, and commitment to a better world, as I suspect, miles wide but only a fraction of a millimeter deep?

  21. Right on all counts rosseuage.
    All I would add is that we must remember who lead international socialism in this crusade – Mo Strong, Club of Rome Elites, and transnational financial interests based in Europe. The band leaders for global collectivist authoritarianism are the wealthiest interests on the planet – this should make it abundantly clear that large scale socialism was never about justice for the down-trodden masses but a way to concentrate power and wealth in an elite ruling super class – national socialism’s “ubermenchen”. Climate/eco hysteria-junk science is just the latest manifestation of aggressive Fabian socialism moving into global realms.
    As for the nutty weatherman who is engaged in puritan-like self sacrifice based in fallacious science and errant ideals – expect to see more of this as traditional religious spirituality is replaced by secular eco-scientific theosophism as the mass educated/indoctrinated/engineered society rejects divine monotheism. The void left by engineering out the spiritualistic moralism in the human spirit must be filled by some kind of elysian belief system – fabian socialist engineers have known this since the 19th century – the so-called “one world religion” of the one world government clique can be seen emerging as this new Gaia-eco-pseudo scientific Kabbalism of earth first and people last zealotry – a conditioned belief system in which the individual is steeped in guilt for their own existence and becomes submissive self-castigating pseudo-religious accolytes conditioned in eco-junk science mysticism. Ultimately this belief system creates the perfect lemming – mindless self-effacing zombies who are bent on eradication of their own kind for mother earth – everything the elite eugenicisits driving the socialist world order could wish for.

  22. Absolutely,Ken.Anyone who would get so hysterical over a report from a dubious source like the IPCC needs years of psychiatric therapy.
    Instead of a vasectomy,though, I think he should have gone whole hog and opted for castration. Always thought of his type as “nutless wonders” anyway.

  23. There are important arguments missing from the political and social policy side of the CAGW debate. Historically humans have thrived under the following conditions:
    Climate- a warm climate has always yielded advancements – roman warm period and medieval warm period. It’s the cool eras that coincided with decline. The optimal temperature and conditions for both humans and environment is unknown. It is assumed that what is good for humans is bad for environment but in North America the environment has improved even as CO2, temperatures and population has increased.
    Political – more freedom and liberty enabled the greatest advancements – enlightenment, democracy/republics. The social welfare state can only survive under a free, prosperous society. Communism is a death trap. Even in western social welfare countries you can see that too much government interference causes decline (Detroit, Greece, UK) more often than success (Scandinavia)
    Economic – affordable essentials in the modern world has done more to alleviate poverty and improve the standard of living than any government program. The credit for affordability goes to technology and innovation. In theory, government could assist R&D, and there are success stories, but generally they inhibit innovation by championing the wrong technology.
    Consumption is not a big concern, IMO. The bigger concern is that the ruling class, through ignorance or malice, is pushing for policies that are opposite to those that have historically paved the way to advancement. They want a cooler climate, less political freedom and less affordable essentials (food, shelter, energy).

  24. I read an article that noted an example of 95% scientific certainty is gravity. So, if an object falls it accelerates downward at 9.8 ft/sec/sec. It can be empirically demonstrated by observation. Neither a flawed 70 – 100 year climate record nor the science behind it come anywhere near that certainty. Never have, likely never will.
    This politicized climate science in its present form is right up there with GMO scares, frankenfoods, death by radio waves and probably moon landing denial. The IPCC should state what the evidence tells them, they’re 100% sure humans aren’t causing warming because there hasn’t been any anthropogenic warming anywhere on the climate record. Cherry picking a period of 70 years where temperatures and CO2 rose together, itself the peak of a warming cycle that’s been ongoing for over 500 years then claiming 15 years is “too short” a time frame is ridiculous and cannot be seen as science.
    Their models have been falsified by observation, plain and simple. But the IPCC and the rest of the climate change gang are all in. Some say they’re doubling down, but with what? What, if expected, we see cooling going forward? Are they then going to say we won’t see the consequences for 100-200 years while relying solely on 50 or so years of warming? They’ve squandered their political capital and risk public opinion turning against them.
    How long do the watermelons think they can keep up their pollution/emission bait and switch? Maybe just maybe (low certainty on this one) the mediarazzi will see this for what it is – weak science buyoued by the promise of taxation largesse failing miserably to decrease pollution, though brilliant at lining the pockets of the rent seekers.
    If Gore, Suzuki et al are truly intelligent people, they should consider a speedy retirement off shore rather than pretending the latest climate data proves anything whatsoever.

  25. Oddly, most mainstream Christian churches have enthusiastically embraced CAGW and its preferred policies. I’m not sure they’d make a very good replacement at this point. Historically, the Catholic religion was resistant to both democracy and science that conflicts with its religious texts. Many Christians sects were anxious to persecute heretics. Very similar to CAGW tactics. BTW, I’m speaking to the religious establishment not all of their followers.

  26. “Oddly, most mainstream Christian churches have enthusiastically embraced CAGW and its preferred policies….BTW, I’m speaking to the religious establishment not all of their followers.”
    True enough – with the UC of Canada (when not denigrating Israel) spouting the drivel that “stewardship” is what Christianity is all about. Other denominations are behind the UCC in the Green Parade, but most seem to be doing their best to catch up.
    I am surprised that many people who don’t believe a word of the AGW crap still count themselves as adherents…maybe because there doesn’t seem to be anywhere else to go. To date, few if any of the mainstream Christian churches have had the good sense to stick to the virtues of the ten commandments and Christ’s teachings and leave the environmental lecturing to the enviro-parasites.

  27. Then there is the smoking security blanket they love to drag around..
    Way back when activists in university decided smoking was so yesterday and made the decision to study it into the ground.. The Tobacco companies attempted to call them on their dubious research techniques, throwing everything and the kitchen sink at their obviously unhealthy product..
    Nobody cared about the political science being waged on a dirty habit and everybody involved in the kill smoking end of things got the taste of social engineering / power on their tongues.. Hero’s every one of them for being statistically dishonest.. This can not be understated in context to the global warming campaign of today..
    They think they can take the social engeneering tobacco 101 campaign and fluff it up into a global anti capitalist campaign using the exact same tactics.. From hero to zero because nobody really liked smokers anyway..

  28. Of course Occam it would take some kind of calamity to bring about the collapse of free-thinking, western-style enlightenment as you describe. You know, catistrophic economic failure, the suppression of contradictory political theories along with the silencing of recalcitrant social and scientific voices and a subservient press. Maybe some ‘wars and rumours of wars’ thrown in to create a heightened sense of crisis. What do you think the chances of all those stars aligning at the same time? Nah, that could never happen.

  29. “Oddly, most mainstream Christian churches have enthusiastically embraced CAGW and its preferred policies.
    Nothing odd about trying to remain current, co opting one religious movement with another.. Whos to say the Church hasn’t been approached and offered a piece of the green pie $$$ to tell its congregation to support green efforts..
    One hand washes the other with green holy water is insurance that nobody goes thirsty..

  30. thanx for that post, as I was about to point out to Occam about the same thing, kristians never quite git it!!!!

  31. I’m not here to bash religion. To each their own etc.
    I am generally skeptical and cynical about the motivations behind any organization that wants to save the world – secular and religious. The CoE for example had a significant amount of money invested in environmental funds when they were preaching the morality of green initiatives. Today they support fracking but this change coincides with the church standing to gain royalties from fracking for ancient land holdings (from the Daily Mail during the Balcombe fracking protests). Their views suspiciously track their financial interests not the well being of their members. Like I said, I tend to be cynical.

  32. “Oddly, most mainstream Christian churches have enthusiastically embraced CAGW and its preferred policies.”
    When they abandoned Christ, they had to come up with something.

  33. Excellent summery of the situation Occam and rosseuage. The Agenda 21 ghost hovers like a black cloud over the earth, people keep trying to see through it but it is so vile that few have the stomach to set their minds on blowing the whole thing into outer space. The hypocrisy of the human haters is evident yet many ‘feel’ that they can hold evil agenda driven liars to account. The liars are not afraid because they are the holding the power of the purse and believe that people lack the self confidence to ‘risk’ their ‘nanny’ lifestyles for the liberating power and freedom to control their own lives.
    Outrage needs a comeback, IMO. The glowbull warming thingie was/is a hoax designed to impoverish and enslave all people – agenda 21 states the human haters’ agenda in plain, easy to understand language – where are the pitchforks and the outrage? If people cut off the $$ (tax revolt) and refused to obey any of the petty rules and laws that bureaucrats have dreamed up then we would once again be on the high road to being ‘Czars’ of our own lives. If people refused to wear seat belts (on principle), refused to wear bike/ski helmets (on principle), refused to pay car registration/parking tickets (on principle), refused to follow food and smoking laws (on principle) and stopped cow towing and started blasting any new ‘regulation’ goof with outrage and dismissal…if…Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem about this and said it far better than I:
    The Global warming hoax sleazes should be greeted with pipe smoke, rotten tomatoes and scorn every single time that they venture out of their houses; loud and rude and the ‘smart meter types should be on a steady run replacing their meters every time that they are ripped from the walls by unknown meter terrorists who ‘came in the night’ or ‘invaded when nobody was home’. Use the same ammo that the human haters use because they do not and will not ever; listen to reason.

  34. There is your typically mentally ill liberal for you. Stupid and selfish enough to announce his “grand sacrifice” to everyone. I hope these tools realise that no one cares about them enough to note how they “nobly” threw themselves on their swords for the planet.

  35. The Church and Green have to play nice because there are children in the room.. They both have their futures heavily invested in early indoctrination.. If they disagree in their message the children will wonder why the adults are idiots and tune them both out..
    Kids have a way of doing that..
    Its not so much that the Green Church shares any values at all.. But they do share the same real estate..
    Location, location of those flexible fertile young minds..
    Giving that up would be like throwing your cause to jaded 50 year olds like myself.. Zero growth..
    So why is the Church green? Because the leftists are teaching paganism in the public schools.. From one class to another without any soul searching conflict, tends to keep the mind open and malleable..
    God wants me to be green 🙂 I know its true because they told me so..

  36. You are correct about the WHO agenda to ‘denormalize’ tobacco smoking, It was a temp plate for the Glowbull warming hoax and the tobacco hoax was just as egregious. The smoking thingie was designed to divide people into two warring tribes using a habit as ammo. The zealots spiked their hate (for people who smoke) with a pack of lies about the evils of a simple herb that some people like to smoke.
    The zealots got the desired results…and they carried on.
    Very interesting observation, Jay.

  37. I know we’re seriously off track here, but here’s my take on things.
    The churches have taken the same route as municipal governments, farm organizations and a host of other groups purportedly representing the people: they have abandoned their responsibility to stand up for their people against the incursions of big, rotten, greedy, power-hungry governments.
    I guess it’s far easier to spout on about the splendid opportunities that green energy legislation will provide than denounce the painful effects of increased electricity costs on our senior citizens or the hard times visited on working families when businesses close and relocate because of hydro rates.
    It’s a lot easier to let the words stewardship and sustainability roll off the tongue than to go to bat for the poor bugger who was just had a big chunk of his land made worthless by a bureaucrat’s circle on a conservation map.
    All guilty of the same thing: abandonment of their principles, and then their people.

  38. Gore and Suzuki intelligent ? Perhaps higher than their followers but that’s not saying much. Opinionated scare mongers that became wealthy selling snake oil would be closer to the truth. Santa will lose his home, polar bears drowning and years of pushing the chicken little syndrome has kept the gravy train rolling, strongly supported by the bottom half of the gene pool and the MSM/CBC/CTV mouth pieces. Intelligence is reserved for people that question why data has to be manipulated because the end result does not meet the dire prediction of gloom and doom. Real intelligence will follow the money and question the ulterior motive of the UN and Agenda 21. Real intelligence is what governments fear most and the primary reason dictators purge intellectuals as soon as they seize power, because they question policies, unlike the compliant sheeple. Gore and Suzuki are not overly intelligent, but they are the front men and useful idiots always prized by the real powers behind them. Intelligence will actually check out both sides of a story. Both Gore and Suzuki want to see deniers jailed or worse. That shows a narcissistic superiority complex but not intelligence.
    And Jema, you are correct as Eric Holder himself stated deniers should be treated with the same template that worked on smokers.

  39. Combine these mooks with all the folks who aren’t vaccinating their kids and there is hope for the future.

  40. I,m all for opening spaying clinics for all proven “progressives”. A free voluntary neuter job.Our way of saying thanks for not spreading your contagion.

  41. Exactly! All hail the new religion.
    Peterj, one world government is the endgame of the UN and Agenda 21. You are right about the template, as you ca see the same template being used now to demonize people with some extra pounds, people of faith, as well as on “deniers”, and in other areas. No doubt Kulaks will be on the list shortly.
