36 Replies to “Wynne looks for revenue”

  1. I saw that speech. When Wynne said that the Liberals “absolutley” left Ontario a better place than 10 years ago, I almost sprayed my coffee across my living room.

  2. Damn, I read “the Liberals absolutely left Ontario, a better place” then realized there was no comma

  3. Yeah you and me both….what a mess….
    I know I’m not impressed that, de facto me, and every customer of Hydro One are paying for a small area’s(GTA/”Golden Horseshoe) upgrades through my power bills.
    Bird Choppers………

  4. What about the getting back the billions spent on the unnecessary / useless green energy in Ontario..
    Every dime of it BORROWED so the sleeping public wont feel any pain from their leftist political agenda being pushed through..
    Bridges and transit it seems is another story altogether.. Gotta dig deep and its gonna hurt forever because it all so obviously necessary..
    I say put it on our green tab….

  5. Nothing is going to change in this province until people grow some spine and balls and get really $%#&*^g angry.
    And in the last ten years that I have not seen one tiny piece of evidence that leads me to believe this will ever happen.
    The average Ontarian has all the determination, brains, self-reliance and courage of a neutered ram.

  6. *
    i guess that 600 million dollars the liberals pissed away TO NOT BUILD energy-related infrastructure would come in handy right about now.
    and how much money did she just burn to placate the teachers unions?

  7. It’s a condemnation of both the GTA media and Ontario civil culture that we are even entertaining the idea of allowing this criminally malfeasant Liberal regime to run for office instead of indicting them for their many breeches of public trust and open malfeasance. Another indication the province’s political culture is dumbed down and resides in dreamland.

  8. Let’s see…Hydro One, Ornge, windfarm/bird blenders, gas-fired power plant cancellations. Just wondering what that money might otherwise have done to benefit Ontarians. Or maybe if it hadn’t been spent at all?
    Everybody’s laughing at the financial mess California’s in only because they haven’t looked at Ontario.

  9. We Albertans thank Ontario for the 140,000 population increase in the last year. A lot of it was due to economic refugees from Ontario. The eventual increase in voting power will be nice but after the buggers screw up their own economy, they come here, shovel crap for $28 per hour with endless overtime and vote for the various Marxist parties.

  10. The average Ontarian was educated in schools run by the likes of Kathleen Wynne. The well of civic responsibility is thoroughly poisoned and it will take two generations to decontaminate. (That’s two generations after someone figures out how to start the process, which they haven’t, yet.)

  11. Look that gift horse in the mouth. Many of those economic refugees carry the disease of Liberal minds and will spread it. You elected PC governments for so long the opposition gave up and joined the ruling party, to take over from within. Under a Lougheed or a Klein you’d probably be paying for the rebuilding of all your flood damage with cash reserves. Under a Stelmach or a Redford you find you need to borrow like McGuinty or Wynne.

  12. One way Premier Wynne can return some lost revenue to Ontario is for her to surrender her salary and pension. She can also scrap the unwanted s x ed program her accused child p n friend developed.

  13. “…The average Ontarian was educated in schools run by the likes of Kathleen Wynne. The well of civic responsibility is thoroughly poisoned and it will take two generations to decontaminate…”
    Well, I wouldn’t want this construed as support for our pathetic education systems, but things like determining what is wrong, and developing the courage and responsibility to speak out against it begin in the home. The deficiencies in our schools are just reflections of the values of the society that tolerates them. And I don’t think that the state of affairs in any other province’s schools are anything to brag about either.
    Once a large enough segment of society becomes soft and cowardly, I just can’t see how that can be reversed. How do you get chickens to promote chicken-hawkery, or teach opossums to attack?

  14. Not subsidise the bird choppers? I thought that George Smitherman, when a provincial Cabinet minister, had locked Ontario into long-term contracts for wind farms.

  15. Maybe Wynne should bring back the photo radar vans. They worked so well during Bob Rae’s regime to bring in revenue.

  16. At the St Clair stockyards in the 60’s they used a Judas goat to lead cattle down a chute to their slaughter,the Judas goat would veer off at the last moment.
    Dalton McGuinty was Mike Creepy Crawley’s Judas goat leading Ontarians down the path to economic slaughter then veering off to his own payday.
    Creepy Crawley’s reward?
    Millions of dollars for him and the presidency of the federal Liberals.
    How many of his friends profited from the bird blenders?

  17. The transit part is simple; educate people in what shoes to wear and instruct them how to walk to and from work. For those who live more than 20 miles from work, they could sleep in the office during the week and walk home for weekends. Ban the practice of parents driving their kids to school and the problem of childhood obesity will rapidly disappear. For those who disdain the pedestrian route, the welfare recipients of Ontario can be hitched to rickshaws and carry people from one location to another. In this manner one gets some of ones money’s worth and deals with one of the most prevalent problems of people on welfare; being grossly obese and constantly whining that they don’t get enough food.
    There you have it – a city transportation plan that would be the envy of any environmentalist with health benefits to go along with it. Once enough money is saved from medical expenditures as a result of having a fitter population, one can consider building transit infrastructure but it likely won’t be needed them.

  18. Wynne’s solution will be higher taxes on the productive, which means more industry fleeing Ontario, which will be followed by higher taxes on any remaining industries and eventually bankruptcy. It’s the death spiral many Dem states are experiencing. Problem is, as Ontarians flee Ontario to find work and a future in the well-functioning provinces, they’ll take their voting habits with them.

  19. The obese, entitled welfare of Ontario go running (pardon the pun) to the doctors with mobility issues…and get a free taxpayer paid for electric “scooter” (or whatever they are called). They use it as their car…up and own the streets ,in traffic, with a little flag waving in the breeze.
    No way will they be pulling any rickshaws.
    I take it you will NEVER sign any papers for them to get one Loki….

  20. “… Problem is, as Ontarians flee Ontario to find work and a future in the well-functioning provinces, they’ll take their voting habits with them….”
    The ones who have the drive and initiative to pull up stakes and go where the work is probably aren’t Liberal or NDP voters.

  21. Leaving aside all the possible jokes about public transit, why not let infrastructure and public transit in Ontario become investor-owned and market-determined, instead of government-forced?
    Wynne won’t, which leaves only two realistic possibilities — Andrea and Tim. If you don’t believe that Andrea (who is certainly the more visually appealing) has anything much to contribute, in any meaningful way, to these questions, I’d say that it’s time to “screw up your courage” (as Jack Granatstein and Michael Bliss said about Stephen Harper, at the time he was Canadian Alliance leader) and vote for Tim.

  22. Wynne said Liberals know it will be a tough sell, but that money must be found for transit and other infrastructure projects.
    Yeah. Start with a civic, provincial pay cut. MPPs having less staff. fewer foreign trips.
    Get rid of useless schools with even more incompetent teachers. Cut bureaucracies in half. Starting with useless directors. Give up the green projects. Stop subsidizing cash eating provincial businesses. That would be a start. Oh I almost forgot. Rid yourself of the human rights circus.

  23. The Glengarian, you’re right, I have a rather dim view of electric scooters. With a scooter, a 250 lb guy with bad knees ends up as a 350 lb guy who’s totally out of shape and no orthopedic surgeon will touch him given how high a surgical risk he is. Unfortunately, there’s lots of doctors out there who will write a scooter prescription for patients who should instead be prescribed appropriate analgesics and get walking.
    One of my successful patients was told his knee OA was so bad that he’s need immediate surgery. He was a retired logger and his knees had taken a beating. I gave him a prescription for Tylenol #3 and told him to walk, which he did. He often walked a route from downtown Vancouver to Boundary road or to UBC and back. When I last saw him he had graduated to Percocet but still walked 10+ miles/day and never did have surgery. As a result of his walking he lost considerable weight, felt way better and was a textbook example of how judicious use of opiates can improve function. Surprisingly, during the 12 years he was my patient, his knees didn’t get any worse on xray. If he’d been prescribed a scooter when he had so much pain that he could barely walk, he’d likely be dead by now.

  24. Raise transit fares. You can ride the system anywhere and all day for $3.00
    Fare to get to the airport in van from downtown is 4.25 last time I was there. There are over 1 billion rides and the thing is packed. Tells me they charge too little.
    In fact I would charge at least 4.25 anf then add on another 50 cents as an expansion fee. So over 10 years there is 17 billion.
    Then there is the waste that everyone else is pointing to. Lots of places to find money without disturbing non gta taxpayers.

  25. Just as an aside Loki…do you ever wonder why diabetes is epidemic?
    The standard kids meal cooked up by the welfare mom is white bread sprinkled with white sugar….

  26. Yes, what happened in schools was allowed by people who closed their eyes and voted for whoever promised them an easier life, and the same people largely didn’t spend the time and effort at home to discover what the schools were really doing, let alone the time and effort to counterbalance it. Other provinces’ education systems may be not as bad as Ontario’s, but only because they are behind the “progress.”
    I don’t know how to turn things around. History shows too many examples of societies trying to do that with a Big Idea, usually with a Great Leader, and that usually all comes to Bad End.

  27. I’m not as far gone as that logger but after a few years of soldiering in my twenties I had several lower limb injuries was early on that road to osteoarthritis. My own experience is in line with what you prescribe. I’m fifty, and it shows, but my work is physical activity, I usually don’t need painkillers, and I can still run a bit, ride a bike, and walk all day looking for deer.

  28. Somewhat ditto here, and cracking L4 in two places by jumping off a combine or truck in my early 60s did not help either. The cracks fused within three years and I can not walk like I used to, but still walk a mile every clement day. I only take painkillers when necessary. Our family doctor gave me a cortisone shot three weeks ago and I feel ten years younger.
    Back on topic. The sad thing is that voters after they have been appropriately brainwashed as in so many jurisdictions will generally vote for the free lunch.
    As a few commenters have said, I hope those coming to work in Saskatchewan and Alberta will leave their free lunch mentality behind.

  29. Hope you’re right, but Calgary’s turning Liberal Red already from all the newcomers. People don’t like admitting their ideology is flawed, even as they run from the results of that ideology.

  30. “…Calgary’s turning Liberal Red already from all the newcomers….”
    Can you show me one large urban center in this country that isn’t red?
    It is the inevitable result of government offices, government jobs, businesses that are dependant upon governments, and the dependency crowd.

  31. Again, I hope you’re right. It would be a shame to see population-heavy chunks of Alberta elect Liberal MPs in the next decade.
    Just watch Texas. Dems are doing their best to turn it into a Dem state. And usually it’s the cities that carry the whole province/state in the end. You’re right about where the free-lunch crowd congregates and grows.
