Y2Kyoto: I’ll miss the polar bears

Poor Bears.

One prominent scientist said their numbers would be reduced by 70 per cent by 2050 while global warming proponents – including Al Gore and Sir David Attenborough – used emotive imagery to highlight their ‘demise’.
Yet there is one small problem: many polar bear populations worldwide are now stable, if not increasing.

I think we need Bloomberg up there to stop them from drinking Coke. All that sugar, can’t be good for them.
Via, NewsWatchCanada

9 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: I’ll miss the polar bears”

  1. No, no, no. Nothing but a bit of an anomaly. Matter of fact, it’s been accounted for…and discounted. Why, I even heard it here on SDA:
    “But soon(within a decade) even you knuckle-draggers will see the light and realize how wrong you were.”
    “…we are heading for a rough go of it. Surely within a decade…”
    So, I’ll have to learn to suppress my chortling.

  2. I’m quite sure the 1000 lb omnivores will all die of confusion when the ice is all gone.. There is no chance they will hunt the seals in their new nesting grounds.. No chance that they will adapt so they can survive..
    Just staring out at the open water making funny Porpoise Sounds..
    Listen to their suffering..

  3. And always remember, enviro-greenies, polar bears ARE as cute and cuddly as they appear in these photos. Their fur feels like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
    I recommend you go up North on one of those eco-excursions,and get up close and personal with one of those adorable fluffy cubs.
    The mother won’t mind,as they are intelligent enough to know you mean their baby no harm.

  4. Funny how long Polie-bears have been creeping about but they survived the Medieval Warming, the Roman Warming, the Minoan Warming and even the Holocene Climate Optimum….all of which were much warmer than currently…..and the tundra loon $h** didn’t release methane to kill us all……

  5. “and the tundra loon $h** didn’t release methane to kill us all……”
    Well…I sorta disagree,sasquatch.It did seem to kill off a huge amount of common dog f*ck,and brain cells in leftards.But hey,they are cute and cuddly,just ready to sing Kumbaya with all you eco-cultists.Another reason there hasn’t been a Coke product in this house for 7+ years.

  6. Well said and ditto here about no Coke products in the house.
    Sasquatch, the snake oil peddlers always conveniently forget climate history as it does not suit their agenda for us. Leftard history began in October 1917.

  7. “Leftard history began in October 1917.”
    Ken(Kulak). You give them waaaayyyyy to much credit.It starts tomorrow at 12 AM 30th September.Hopefully with a poly bear as their bunk mate.

  8. Should we maybe put a few pairs of polar bears in Antartica just in case the Artic continues to heat up – Just to be safe? I mean, when it comes to climate we can’t be too careful can we There would seem to be plenty of easily accessible food unlike in the Artic where they have to swim for miles and miles. Whatdyafigure MR. Suzuki, et.al?
