23 Replies to “Those two in Egypt”

  1. No doubt they will be sentenced to constructing their own sarcophagus; and usefully employed erecting their own miniature pyramids.
    Lefto-activists who would be kings, in their own minds…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Coren brings up a point I have always asked about, but have never received a satisfactory answer;”where do these people get the MONEY to travel all over the world “?

  3. Would the Egyptian Government please make these 2 Canadian activists martyrs for their cause, whatever that may be! And hurry! Otherwise we shall have to hear about the tragedy of their imprisonment from the MSM for as long as it lasts.

  4. Im Canadian!
    The cry of the multicultural trouble maker..
    LOL.. If I was in a scrape I would be professing my innocence and reminding that I am not resisting arrest.. Saving the Canadian wildcard for when they get around to asking me who the hell I am..
    Respect goes a long way.. Establish it first if you can, then break the embarrassing news that your parents were Canadian and so are you.. Then smile the best smile you got.. Slip it in, don’t hit them over the head with it..
    You go to a place where life is so cheap it isn’t worth the price of a bullet and start playing political games.. Two gay activists in Egypt helping the Muslim brotherhood because they hate Israel? Very strange men who never played group sports because they don’t have a clue how to pick a team.. Lets pick the guys in the moo moo’s.. Pants are just sooo yesterday 🙂

  5. @Jay:
    “Two gay activists in Egypt…”
    There is nothing to suggest they are gay.
    Let’s just stick to the facts, they are sympathizers of the Muslim Brotherhood
    and of course they hate Jews.

  6. These jokers will end up back in Canada writing, than producing their film. “The great gay adventure”. ‘My bondage in an Egyptian Prison”. Let them stew in their “Tolerance”.
    I figure Normandy here, except fellow Jew haters gives a hoot .
    Enough of meddlers,now involving themselves in other Nations business. You play that game you suffer the results. All for a killer cult that wants them dead. It boggles the mind.
    Than wh n ever was these anti-Semitic nut balls ever rational?

  7. There is nothing to suggest they are gay… Where you been on this one..?.. Twinks galore!

  8. Just listen to their friends in Canada, they better shut up, or it is curtains for them, just for being. But if they want to start painting rainbows in the moslem world, they are in for a world of hurt, unless they start in Israel, the land the people they hate.

  9. Their gay status is irrelevant. The only relevant matter is that they were arrested in violation of Egyptian law. The only disturbing part in all this is that they have not yet been charged. British Common Law, to which Egypt subscribes, is that an individual cannot be detained beyond some reasonable time before being brought before a magistrate and charged.

  10. They could have flown into Tel Aviv and crossed into Gaza through that border.
    But no,they chose Egypt in the middle of a meltdown. Could it be because they were carrying a couple of dissembled remote control mini-copters that could easily be adapted for surveillance ?
    I think they were on their way to help Hamas. Put them on trial and if guilty lock them up. When they eventually get deported,arrest them as soon as they touch Canadian soil and put them on trial here for aiding a terrorist group.

  11. Canuckguy replied to comment from Jay on October 2, 2013 8:36 PM “There is nothing to suggest they are gay.”
    Er, except the “cinematographer” is a founder of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid” and produces soft-core homosexual porn under Canada Council grants! Watch Coren’s programme.
    EDIT: ‘gay’ + ‘porn’ == spam filter

  12. Exactly! If these two are found guilty of what they have been accused off hopefully they rot there, in the general population.
    The presentation by the guest blogger was really funny, and yes, who is paying for these two and others of their ilk. I expect that some union members dues are financing these little anarchist junkets.

  13. “British Common Law, to which Egypt subscribes,”.
    That was under Hosni Mubarak. All null and void now that the military has control. And yes they are both trinkets and yes it is relevant because it’s a insight to the stupidity and mental breakdown these two have when it comes to choosing sides. If the Muslim brotherhood had them they would already be dead and buried simply because they are gay. Political correctness is only a western disease and these two have a severe case of it. When they get back to Canada they will play the victim card and the CBC/CTV will lap it up. Admit they made a mistake ? Not a hope.

  14. The MSM has no interest in Kenneth Bae because there’s no leftist causes they can immerse themselves in. If Bae was a warming denier or gay/cross dressing trans sexual the outcry would probably be enough to get their attention, but he is a Christian and that is not worthy of special attention. Only the British seem to acknowledge that ‘lil Kim is a few fries short of a happy meal but even they seem to be under the impression that N Korea is China’s problem. If only Bae could smuggle out a note that he was actually a closet queen or something, he would instantly wake up the MSM in the west. If he could change his faith to Islam , Obama would probably be drawing a line in the sand immediately. But Christians ?……..who cares ! He was caught with a computer disk with pictures of starving N Korean children. Why would anyone think that would interest the MSM. Now, if they were gay children…………?

  15. @Aviatot: “….is a founder of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid”
    All right. I stand corrected. I did not know that. In my readings in the paper and the CBC coverage, I somehow missed that little tibit of information. So that covers the professor but Tarek is not queer(as far as I know) unless you have something on him and with him being a Muslim, I doubt he is.

  16. @Canuckguy – if you got your info from the MSM you didn’t miss the info, they are not presenting the info. You have to remember that the CBC are gatekeepers and propagandists, and not a real news organization. For real news you need other sources.

  17. @Dwayne
    “For real news you need other sources.”
    That’s right, that’s why I visit here and other rightish blogs for another viewpoint.
