9 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Excuse me.My name is not Imadinnerjackect,so you can trust me.As has been said before,if the UN says something,it is worth sh1t.

  2. Look, let’s be pragmatic here. The UN an America/NATO have didded arounf so long that we cn be assured Iran has a nuke, so does Pakistan – probably courtesy of China or Russia it has a medium range delivery system – they did this to neuter the destabilizing US nuclear proxy in the ME (Israel who obviously has US nukes although it isn’t supposed to) – so a this posturing after the fact by the UN and its camp followers is just so much butt covering and prep for justification to allow a nuke showdown in the desert. World peace my butt, the UN us war sanctioning body!

  3. “This is hilarious”, except for the fact that it is so pathetically sad, and shows the utter travesty that the UN has become.

  4. Seems that the UN is a self-parodying organization. One can easily predict which countries will be in charge of certain aspects of UN statist culture by how bad they are in a particular area. For example, the worst human rights violators are generally put in charge of human rights organizations. Presumably we can look to the former Rhodesia being put in charge of economic development organizations, N. Korea being responsible for agriculture, China for environmentalism, and Saudi Arabia for religious tolerance. Finally there’s one positive aspect to the UN – their consistency.

  5. Loki;
    You forgot Canada as a leader in carbon sequestration. Of course I’m just joking.
    Pakistan has a bomb and possibly North Korea. Westerners have been conditioned to think the worst of Iran but the bottom line is their revolution was supported by the majority of their people. The USA has orchestrated a number of covert attempts to topple their government. IMO this misdirected foreign policy resulted in 2.5 million dead in the war with Saddam. I understand why they want a bomb. Their position on Israel is irrational but not that radically different than the rest of those countries in the ME.
    I have always thought the UN a joke as questionable members occupy positions of influence. I guess the theorist believe that dialogue trumps ethics. For me geo-politics always wins out. It determines why the USA is the dominant power in the world and why Germany will succeed while Athens burns. The UN is a rich mans excuse for consultation over events that are already determined.

  6. Yeah well considering Norwegian enlightened policies lately…which would make Karl Marx blush…..this Iranian diplomat may be an improvement…….
    The COLD WAR is over and our side won…..make ya wonder…..
