31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Regarding the 30 Greenpeace activists being charged. That is good news. Hopefully they are of pension age before they are released.

  2. Thank goodness she was black. Obama’s got nothing he can use for race baiting. MSNBC must be very disappointed. Any Caucasian would have been somehow linked to the Tea party and Sharpton would be good to go for another week.

  3. I did not realize Johnny Carson could sing. I don’t think I ever heard him sing before, and I watch Tonight Show for years.

  4. I find sometimes youtube has its own speaker volume off. Check the little symbol on the timeline. I had sound but had to turn youtubes speaker volume up.

  5. >
    That’s still not a valid reason to shoot her.
    Menopause sure, but not for post-partum depression.

  6. Adobe Systems Inc said on Thursday that hackers had stolen source code to some of its most popular software and data about millions of its customers… hackers also took information on 2.9 million Adobe customers, including their names, user identification numbers and encrypted passwords and payment card numbers. He said the attacks may be related.

  7. “That’s still not a valid reason to shoot her.”
    I find this story fishy. Why would so many cops surround a vehicle with one young woman in it? And then kill her?
    Were they afraid of what her real story was? Were they afraid that a black woman hated Obama so much that she wanted to ram the barricades around the White House? Were they afraid of the negative things she’d say about the Obamessiah?
    Something about this shooting — a single woman with a baby in the car? — doesn’t pass the smell test.

  8. The TEA Party lot and RINO’s should take a close look at how the Progressive Conservatives and REFORM Party in Canada, coalesced into the current successful Governing Conservative Party!
    But is there a Stephen Harper type in the USA ?

  9. UNaBomber Strong’s IPCC Graveyard News.
    H/T Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    We have our climate under control; go back to work.
    “PHOTOS: First Blizzard of Season Rages Across Wyoming, South Dakota”
    “The first blizzard of the season is making its way across the Plains into the Midwest, dumping large amounts of heavy snow that has been impacting flights and knocking out power.”

  10. “Dutch legal action over Russia Greenpeace arrests”
    “The Netherlands has launched legal action after Russia charged 30 Greenpeace activists with piracy.
    The group was arrested last month over a protest on an Arctic oil rig owned by state-controlled firm Gazprom.”
    “For whatever Greenpeace thinks, neither al-Qaeda, nor China, nor Russia are very much afraid of the European Union or the United Nations and their works and pomps. Such power as their humanitarian credentials holds is provided by the shadow of the Navy; the thing that holds them back in the long run isn’t the prestige of the UN; it is the reflected glory of the stuff Tom Clancy described in the “Hunt for the Red October.”
    “The Tom Clancy Thread”
    “I guess Greenpeace got lulled into complacency by the fearful water cannons of the Japanese and the mild penalties which were formerly the price their protests. They didn’t count on the Russians who don’t seem to care too much about their NGO and environmental activist credentials. It’s interesting to read the comments on some sites by outraged Belgians or New Zealanders proclaiming their indignation against “outlaw Russia”.
    But they miss the point. Who’s going to stop Russia from doing what it wants? Will it be the Belgian Navy? Or the New Zealand Navy? Or the United Nations?
    The great thing about the late Tom Clancy, who recently died at the age of 66, was that he reminded a cynical liberal American and European audience just what exactly stood between the world and countries like Russia.”

  11. Red-Green Neo-AGW Report: PRognosis?
    Fear of Flying*.
    “IPCC report makes US meteorologist cry – and give up flying
    Man who broke down in tears and shared his pain on Twitter is liked and loathed for his pledge to do his bit for climate”
    “Why am I No Longer Horny?”
    “To those poor men who have been damaged and don’t even know it–instead they’ve been diagnosed as having a fluoxetine or alprazolam deficiency and are treated until they end their lives in desperation.
    This book is for you, with a prayer that you are in the future treated properly and that you get happy and whole again, at least as whole as those of us who are broken ever get.
    And to my best bud, Mike, God rest your soul. Your life and dedications will not be forgotten. Thanks for being an example for those of us who are not as capable.”
    *H/T Is-a-dore a Wing?

  12. “That’s still not a valid reason to shoot her.
    Menopause sure, but not for post-partum depression.”
    That’s a pithy point, but wouldn’t it have been nice if those 20 over-eager cops had been suffering from MANopause? Take a chill pill, dudes.
    (No disrespect of the gendarmes intended, of course.)

  13. “US surpasses Russia as world’s top oil and natural gas producer”
    “New drilling techniques extract oil and gas from US shale rock formations, putting the country’s output at 25m barrels per day”
    “The US was on pace to achieve global energy domination on Friday, overtaking Russia and Saudi Arabia as the world’s top oil and natural gas producer.”

  14. “Stephen Harper played role in U.S. shutdown: California billionaire”
    “An anti-Keystone XL pipeline crusader has written to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, suggesting Canada’s aggressive lobbying for the project played a part in the ongoing government shutdown south of the border.
    Tom Steyer, a San Francisco billionaire and a major Democratic party fundraiser, chastises Harper for saying he would not “take ‘no’ for an answer” from President Barack Obama on TransCanada’s Keystone XL.”
