11 Replies to “Canadian Graffiti”

  1. Orr > Lemieux > Gretzky > Crosby
    There fixed it for you.
    (Though before Crosby got his jaw broken he was possibly better than gretz)

  2. When people take more of an interest in hockey rather than the state of the country, we are screwed.
    Harper> Mulclair> May> Trudeau
    There. Fixed that for you.

  3. I don’t see the connection between Wayne Gretzky and Bing Crosby.
    Is it that they both lived in California?

  4. And where does Gordie Howe fit into this? Maybe at the left, as >>> the rest.
    My favorite Gretsky graffito remains, “Jesus saves!!! But Gretsky scores on the rebound!”

  5. Actually,that was posted on a billboard in Boston, “Jesus saves,and Esposito scores on the rebound”, years before Gretzky was in the NHL, about 1970.

  6. I saw that overpass on the weekend, driving to pick up a friend’s daughter from camp. We both laughed our heads off.
    But, even Wayne said, Howe > Gretzky.

  7. Hmmm….there seem to be gremlins in my laptop today.
    I meant to type Gretzky is less than Howe, but for some reason the sign for less than won’t show up. Voodoo from Waynes fans I suspect…
