20 Replies to “Now he’s against it.”

  1. Seems like a lot of effete Torontonians have moved to Calgary. Wait for Nuit Blanc West next.

  2. $471,000? That’s probably twenty times what it would cost my local welding/heavy machinery repair shop to create and erect it. A lot of engineering my butt. Just weld the four plates at the bottom to the hoop and then weld them to a larger base plate which is held by threaded rods embedded in concrete.
    At 17 metres in diameter you just know that someone is going to jump or fly something through it and post the result on youtube

  3. Nothing new here. German artist are world famous for such simplistic, ugly, and expensive art.

  4. Pssst… If ya got a couple a million I got a great work of art for sale. The talented artist is incomparable in his skill paintin’ three stripes…

  5. more of our publicly paid for crap here . My “favorite” wasn’t in there though. I had to do some looking. It’s called the brotherhood of mankind. I’m shocked it didn’t come up as a top match for “calgary ugly naked people statues” in Google.

  6. O is for Obama. And $471,000 is a small investment to recognize the great achievements of Comrade 0bama. /sarc off
    We should institute an annual award for the ugliest piece of art in the country.

  7. I’ve seen that thing from the Beddington Trail overpass and wondered what the hell it was. I suggest they turn it 90 degrees, put it in the middle of the road and install a ramp on each end. That way taxpayers could literally jump through a hoop on their daily commute…interactive art, what fun!

  8. alderbroad Duh Farrel at work again.
    she wants 1% of cost overruns included in her pubic art slush fund. and those arent typos

  9. Nothing new here. It’s just typical of modern “artists” (and I use this term as an insult) who have no real ability other then the ability to convince public servants to dig into the tax payers pocket to provide them with a career they couldn’t eitherwise achieve.

  10. Don’t know much about art but I know what I like.
    This construct is a little too abstract or ethereal to convey significant meaning to anyone.
    A boondoggle reminiscent of the electronic clock installed at the west end end of downtown for the ’88 Olympics at a cost of $500K. Shows the correct time only twice a day.

  11. “The oldest mode of transportation is the wheel”?
    That really helps to clarify part of Calgary’s “problem”.

  12. It reminds me of some kind of an odd tele-tubbie type thing.
    Maybe it should be painted purple and named the ‘Nenshi’.

  13. Any piece of “art” that needs a paragraph to explain is just a transfer of funds from the taxpayer to a con artist. I would love to see art pushed back to where it was in the past, supported by patrons and not taxpayers. That way some pretentious millionaire can pretend to love being conned, but show how cultured he/she is. And artists can whore themselves out to some bozo instead of conning the politicians. Good work if you can get it, and stomach it, of course.

  14. It’s like having to explain a joke – all humour is lost.
    That said not everyone has elastic thinking, i.e., the ability to appreciate creative metaphors, analogies, parables, puns, etc.
    Calgary’s “ring” epitomizes the tyranny of the articulate.
    It’s a bad joke.
