23 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The Toronto Star is outraged to find out what they already knew is true:
    (Ontario)Power plant cancellations could cost $1.1B: Auditor general
    Why? To win election seats, that’s why. Oh, but let’s investigate the in and out scandal, perhaps with an Elections Canada swat team.
    Only a knuckle-dragging mouth breathing tea party conservative wouldn’t give premier Wynn the benefit of the doubt, it wasn’t on her watch after all. Hmmmm.

  2. Lance, I am not a cook and I can barely feed myself, but I want to thank you tremendously for this post on cooking a turkey.
    I was engrossed for the first time in my 60 years by the art of cooking. I never wondered until now how a turkey was cooked beyond tossing it into the oven and taking it out at some point.
    All I can say is that I now know how a turkey can be cooked, and also how food I prepare for myself could taste better than warmed up animal tissue.
    Thanks again for the post!

  3. Globe and Mail, Tuesday, Oct. 8. The social work establishment still doesn’t get it. Third letter down:
    “Statistics on low income tell us if national and provincial anti-poverty initiatives are working – whether government should stay the course or do something different.”
    Actually one very common knock against numerous government initiatives of all kinds, widespread in auditor generals’ reports, is that governments fail to investigate whether their programs and spending are effective at all, with statistics or without. Which indicates that it’s not about the programs, it’s about the spending.
    “If a government wants to eliminate social spending, the easiest way is to say that there is no credible data establishing a need for the funding. The easiest way to lose the credible data is to kill the survey that provides good information and replace it with one that produces unreliable data.”
    If a social engineer wants to continue to pretend that vast quantities of government programs are an effective way to solve real or imagined “social problems” while maintaining his cushy career in an ivory tower at taxpayers’ expense, the easiest way to do it is to push for a mandatory census to dredge up the required “information”.

  4. National Post, Tuesday, Oct. 8. Andrew Coyne reviews Susan Delacourt’s new book, Shopping for Votes.
    Coyne says he’s skeptical about Delacourt’s thesis, which he presents as roughly “whether everything that has happened in politics or government over the last 60 or 70 years can be pressed into the same template: of the decline of citizens (high-minded, engaged, concerned only with the public interest) into mere consumers (cynical, disengaged, concerned only with the satisfaction of their basic wants), and of politics along with them”.
    “When was this golden age in politics”, he asks, “when the electorate was of such sterling quality? Was it back in 1919, when Mencken was describing elections as ‘an advance auction sale in stolen goods’?”
    I might add that most people are engaged most of the time with living their lives, whether working to support their families (oddly missing from the “public interest” versus “satisfaction of base wants” dichotomy, which is telling) or otherwise attempting to enjoy the limited time they have on planet Earth. It is not possible for a person to be concerned only with the ephemeral and probably undefinable “public interest”.
    Coyne: “Delacourt’s real target, it is clear, is not so much politics as consumerism.”
    This illustrates what I’ve said many times: that to the leftist, a “citizen” is a person who, when the government says “Jump”, answers, “How high?”
    Coyne points out that if a “citizen” can’t get his mail delivered, he might be able to talk to his MP about it, and the MP might be able to do something. The “consumer”, on the other hand, can just take his business elsewhere.
    He adds: “In the literature, [this] is described as the difference between ‘voice’ and ‘choice’.”
    The real difference is that it’s much more difficult for leftists to manipulate people who have a “choice”.
    Over the past 60 or 70 years, government has expanded massively, butting into every nook and cranny of every individual’s life, with vast quantities of handouts to all and sundry, and volumes of lawbooks full of thou-shalts and thou-shalt-nots. A sizable portion of the population has become, or has been made, dependent on these tax-paid handouts, which politicians have been only too happy to encourage. Given all this, is it any wonder high-mindedness has gone by the wayside? It was the politicians who killed it, to serve their own ambitions.
    And something tells me the only cynicism on display can be found not in the base “consumer” but in Susan Delacourt’s apparent inability to identify what is going on.

  5. PET Cemetery Report.
    We love da “icon”.
    “Canadian business icon Paul Desmarais dead at 86”
    H/T Ad$cam Liberal Jeancula Chretien.

  6. Regarding Desmarais, if one can not say anything good about a person it is best to stay quiet, so I will remain quiet.

  7. Dr Patrick Moore G&M
    Two humanitarian scientists, Dr. Ingo Potrykus and Prof. Peter Beyer, used their knowledge of genetics to create Golden Rice, a variety of rice that contains beta carotene, the essential nutrient that we make into vitamin A. They were aware that two million people, mostly young children, die each year from vitamin A deficiency. Most of them live in urban slums in Asia and Africa and eat little more than a cup of rice each day. Conventional rice contains no beta carotene, resulting in 250 million preschool children who have chronic vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A is necessary for eyesight and the immune system. As many as 500,000 children go blind each year, half of whom die within a year of becoming blind, according to the World Health Organization.
    Since Golden Rice was first announced in 2000, Greenpeace has made a concerted effort to block its introduction. They have waged a campaign of misinformation, trashed the scientists who are working to bring Golden Rice to the people who need it, and supported the violent destruction of Golden Rice field trials at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines.
    Last week we launched the Allow Golden Rice Now! campaign with a demonstration at the Greenpeace Canada office in Toronto. We are not asking Greenpeace to give up their general dislike of genetically modified foods. We are only demanding that they make an exception to their policy, on humanitarian grounds, for Golden Rice.

  8. “Russia Hints at Drug Charges Against Greenpeace Activists”
    “MOSCOW, October 9 (RIA Novosti) – Russian investigators said Wednesday that drugs have been found on board a Greenpeace ship seized last month, raising the threat of new charges against a group of activists and journalists awaiting trial on suspicion of piracy.
    Investigative Committee chief Vladimir Markin said in a statement that the substances found on the Arctic Sunrise icebreaker were presumed to be poppy straw and morphine.
    He said “the charge already pressed against all [the detainees] will presumably be modified.””
    “Russia May Lock Up Some Greenpeace Arctic Activists For Life In Wake Of Combative Tones By Kumi Naidoo”

  9. Of Liberal leaders.
    “Liberals are up in arms over Michael Ignatieff’s new memoir.”
    Present leader:
    “While Muslim women are shut out, Trudeau prays alongside an Imam”
    Previous leader:
    “It wasn’t Ignatieff’s fault; it was Liberals’ fault for
    picking him”
    “Blame for the Liberals’ crushing 2011 election defeat lies with the party for flocking uncritically to an unproven, and unfit, leader.”

  10. AlMohammed’s Crypt: Smile for Moh.
    “John Greyson and Tarek Loubani post YouTube video from Egypt”
    “Canadians John Greyson and Tarek Loubani release video saying thanks”
    “Canadians John Greyson and Tarek Loubani, who are waiting in a Cairo hotel while the Egyptian bureacracy decides to finally let them leave the country, have posted a short YouTube video expressing their thanks to supporters:”.
