A Billion here, A Billion there

Pretty soon you’re talking about real money.

Ontario’s Liberal government will spend a billion dollars to cancel two gas-fired power plants, a sum that puts the scandal among the costliest in the province’s history and threatens to damage the party months before an expected election.

22 Replies to “A Billion here, A Billion there”

  1. If the Liberal party of Ontario isn’t “damaged” now there’s no chance of it ever being damaged.
    If there were a responsible opposition sitting in that legislature they’d vote a non-confidence immediately.
    The revelation on the gas plants is a scandal of major proportions.

  2. Absolutely disgusting. Criminal doesn’t even begin to describe it.
    But why is Horwath still propping up the current corrupt regime? If she doesn’t withdraw her support NOW she is as complicit as the Libs in this criminal activity.

  3. The opportunity cost for diverting people and planning time to the gas plant wouldn’t be that high. God only knows what other work the company passed up because their people were tasked. The Liberals really should learn more about how business works in the real world, as opposed to the crony capitalist “beyond capitalism” system that seems to be their normal mode.

  4. This still does not include the future cost of transmission losses to move the power from the new location in Sarnia to the GTA, which needs the power, and the reason the plants were to be located there.

  5. Hudak vows to scrap Mississauga power plant
    Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak pledged Wednesday to get rid of a gas-fired power plant west of Toronto, just one day before Ontario voters head to the polls.
    The Tory leader has repeatedly derided Premier Dalton McGuinty for promising to pull the plug on the 280-megawatt facility midway through the campaign, calling it a crass attempt to grab votes.
    Asked if he’d scrap the Mississauga plant if he formed the next government, Hudak replied: “That’s right. Done. Done, done, done.”
    Liberal or Progressive Conservative, what’s the difference?

  6. Nonfeasance?
    Any, or all three might well describe the McGuinty/ Wynne Ontario Liberal regime in regard to the cancellation of a Gas Plant in Oakville.
    Jail time for the corrupt current governing Liberal bastards is the most appropriate term they deserve, not a governing term!
    And Andrea’s ND’s just keeps them in power!!

  7. The bills and overuns for these gas plant manoeuvers are on the shoulders of the Liberal Party of Ontario and not the taxpayers of Ontario. he decision to pull the plantt after construction started was entirely political and since being made as part of an imminent election strategy, the costs should be borne by the party as an election expense.

  8. And the cost total STILL isn’t complete. It doesn’t include the marginal interest on long term Ontario bonds. All of this simply adds to the provincial debt, and it has to be amortized. With compound interest. At the long term rate of more than 6.5 per cent. Transmission losses are chump change compared to this.

  9. We had no obligation to pay Transcanada, but they probably had already kicked back the illegal bribe to get the contract to Liar McSquinty by that time so we had pay hush money.
    Is there any other reason anybody could come up with why we paid Transcanada?
    “They’re stupid” doesn’t count given their houses, cottages, chalets, cars, staff and financial holdings .

  10. Ottawa Citizen (home of Dalton McGuinty)
    Headline – “Duffy ‘dishonest’ in use of office:RCMP”
    Side article (next to large picture of an elk killing story)- “McGuinty pushed gas plant costs to $1B: auditor” cont’d on bottom of Page A4.
    No editorial.
    Online version has no mention of this subject in the top stories and has an unflattering photo of the Auditor General.
    Time to resurrect The Ottawa Journal.
    Cancel my subscription Ottawa Citizen.

  11. The hypocrisy in the Libs treatment of Liberal rent seekers/voters
    in Liberal supporting Mississauga and Oakville vs the Liberal
    rent seeking investors inflicting their windmills on ONPC held
    rural ridings is truly breathtaking. Especially when you add in
    the fact that these close in gas fired power plants were deemed
    vital to not only powering the growing needs of the GTA without
    the need to fight through the expensive morass of nimby opposition to
    new long distance transmission lines BUT VITAL TO PREVENT UNSTABLE
    WHOLE GRID in southern Ont.

  12. So what took so long to figure out what the cumulative costs would be?
    Perhaps the people hoping to make political hay on this issue are no smarter or honest than the criminal liberals?

  13. Hey,
    On cbc’s 6pm (Maj.) nat’l broadcast last nite there were exactly zero stories about this, even tho it was breaking news ALL DAY.
    We did get extensive coverage on:
    > Duffy’s $60k
    > Cdn~BRA spying
    > MTS/Allstream’s denied a permit to sellout to Egyptians by Cdn Security Org.
    Farging Amazing (even by their normal grotesque partisan standards)
    Niall from Winnipeg

  14. Another sad but big part of this story is that the CBC and CTV brainwashed LIV voter will no doubt still return the Liberals to power.

  15. Another sad but big part of this story is that the CBC and CTV brainwashed LIV voter will no doubt still return the Liberals to power.

  16. “The bills and overuns for these gas plant manoeuvers are on the shoulders of the Liberal Party of Ontario and not the taxpayers of Ontario.”

  17. Well, you might be right. At minimum, though, if there is no difference between the provincial Conservatives and Liberals, I’d have to conclude that, by your logic, things couldn’t be any worse under the Conservatives than they are now.
    Aside from that, I’m not just sure one can assume that, had Mr. Hudak been premier, we’d be all of $1.1 billion worse off today. The track record of the two outfits is a bit asymmetrical, if you ask me: you know, like how Mr. McGuinty and Mr. Harris each vowed to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation not to raise taxes and not to run deficits? How did that work out, again? Of course, Mr. Harris inherited a deficit from, um, Bob Rae, whereas Mr. McGuinty inherited no such deficit. Or, like in Ottawa where $250 million disappeared down the Sponsorship hole (the whereabouts of $40 million is still unknown), and the Conservative senate “scandal” comprises a couple of hundred thousand dollars — maybe.
    The greater — strategic, actually — outrage, of course, is Ms. Wynne whine-moaning that she needs yet higher taxes to pay for infrastructure investments. I think that’s going to be a bit of a hard sell (understatement of the century to date). Christina Blizzard points out that Ms. Horwath likes to “stomp her feet” about how many MRIs the $1.1 billion for the gas plants could have purchased. I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know how many Taj Mahal forensic psychiatry hospitals it would pay for: about 2.2, actually, based on the $500 million that the Liberals spent building the new 100-bed facility in St. Thomas (that’s $5 million capital cost per bed, and that doesn’t include operating costs). So, comparing the Liberals (higher taxes for more waste, all ’round) and the Conservatives (privatization and non-government financing, including participation by public sector pension funds), I think I’ll be voting for Mr. Hudak’s approach.
    And, I think you’re being a bit hard on Mr. Hudak on another level, too: if he hadn’t made the commitment to move the gas plants, the Liberals wouldn’t have this self-inflicted millstone around their necks now, would they? Genius? Of course not, but maybe not bad politics after all.

  18. This mother of all scandals perpetrated by the Ontario Liberal Party far and away surpasses the overspending by all the Senators put together, it’s peanuts by comparison, but you’d never know it by the coverage in the MSM. This was a deliberate act by the McGuinty Liberals of Ontario, which his successor Wynne signed onto for the sole purpose of winning seats.
    We thought Adscam was bad, this surpasses it, we have this huge debt piled onto already indebted have-not province once the economic engine of the country. In the real world people would go to jail for such maneuvering but in Liberal loving Ontario they are allowed to remain in power with the support of the NDP while the Media Party concentrate on Conservative Senators, a pittance by comparison.
    Keeping in mind Liberals do lie, Wynne is sorry,it will never happen again under her watch, yeah,right, McGuinty expresses his regrets so let’s just forget the whole thing and pay your taxes and ever increasing energy bills, or freeze in the dark.
