Home Run For Republicans – MSM Hangs Itself

ObamBam.png“I’m tempted to call it a clown show but that would be insulting to clowns”
Unbelievable: Obama gets no questions at presser on disastrous ObamaCare rollout or holding Senior Citizens at Gunpoint in National Parks
It ran for one hour and six minutes, with 12 different reporters being called on — although, notably, not Ed Henry of Fox News — and between them they couldn’t muster one question about the catastrophe that is Healthcare.gov or the spectacle of National Park Rangers locking senior-citizen tourists out of war memorials and/or inside their hotels.”
Update: Republican Congressman Duffy so skillfully stretched News Anchor Andrea Mitchell’s neck she was rendered speechless. (Last couple of minutes are the best)

29 Replies to “Home Run For Republicans – MSM Hangs Itself”

  1. Mainstream media journalists these days make (the famously “incurious”) George W. Bush look like Leonardo da Vinci.

  2. Home run? Sorry Rob, file this one under “Mission Accomplished, thou good and faithful minions.” We just watched him get away with it again.
    I’m fairly certain the skinny weirdo with daddy issues sat in the Oval Office, steepled his fingers, and said “exxxxcellent!” about it all later on.

  3. I’m so embarrassed (not to mention enraged) about the treatment of those tourists at Yellowstone. Yes foreigners, please travel across oceans to visit my country, go to Yellowstone to experience the wildlife: and by wildlife I’m referring to the indigenous species of mindless roid-head apparatchik. Sadly not a rare species, nor an endangered one. Not yet anyway.
    I don’t even recognize my country anymore. It has changed so much just since 2008.

  4. I watched the whole thing and couldn’t help but marvel at his ability to lie, spin the truth and distort the facts. The economy is improving, debt has been cut to insignificant levels, employment is growing at record pace and it’s only Republicans that are impeding even greater gains. The trained seals in the reporter galley just sat there and lapped it up. Absolutely incredible to watch such a mental vacuum in action. The Country is screwed and the chance of recovery is zero. I saw the proof firsthand. Death by political correctness.

  5. Yup the idiots who stayed home and elected this guy as the result can sit back and enjoy the full pleasure of watching the US sink into the abyss knowing they stood on their principles damn it! Limbaugh theorem will prevail once again here. Obama has positioned himself so he’s not to blame once again. Powerful forces in Congress and the Senate have shutdown the government and likely he’ll make it appear as though he saved the day.

  6. I don’t see how this can be construed as anything more than another victory for Obama.
    He just looked Presidential in front of a group of fawning Reporters,and millions watching on TV.Democrats must be happy tonight.
    Home run for Republicans?!

  7. Obama, meet Goebbels…..oh I see you two have already met. Maybe Obama could also employ Baghdad Bob. I’m sure he is still around somewhere.

  8. It’s not so simple.
    The ghost of Andrew Breitbart hangs over each presser.
    A reporter’s smart move is to avoid ruffling the feathers of a vengeful narcissist, collect the money, and go home to drink yourself into a stupor.

  9. Congressman Duffy hits it out of the ballpark. Andrea was left speechless; what could she say? Duffy cooked her goose and she looked fried.

  10. The “news media” were part of the theater, and they knew it. They’re in this all the way, with obama, and when he decides to run for president for a third term(to see the recovery though, you know you can’t change ships in mid-stream), the media will still be was him. Just watch!
    I know there are many here that think at some point the police/military will come to their aid, stand up for whats right and disobey the gov’t and go against Obama. I’ve been saying for 2 or 3 years now, that won’t happen. They will continue to follow obama’s orders because they know his power. Just look what he’s willing to do to seniors at parks, memorials or as far as that goes, airports. They also know, he can read their emails or texts, besides it’s a gov’t job, you get to wear a gun and badge and it’s far better to be with him, than against him. At this point anyway.

  11. Thanks, Rob, but I don’t hate myself enough to listen to Obama for a minute let alone an hour and six.
    Rep. Duffy was bang on. Why aren’t the Obamas enrolled in Obamacare? Do they think they’re above the law? Those two questions should be repeated until everyone in the USA is asking themselves the same things.

  12. What difference if Rep. Duffy hit a home run or not? Tomorrow is a new day and a new spin, yesterday will be forgotten.
    Bill O’Reilly hit a home run in his new book when he asserted that America was doomed. Why? He feels that the majority of citizens are living in a alternate universe through their electronics. Tweeting nonsense, video games, enough apps to amuse for a life time. They are not paying attention to the real world for the vast majority of their time. When they do they are swallowing the progressive BS that dominates the media. Critical thought is too hard and takes to much time to form a valid opinion.
    We are hooped! Obama is the leading example but it is no different in Canada.

  13. Let us see now.
    The shutdown of national parks by the current occupant of the White House and his unaccountable paper pushers is an action that those familiar with socialists, communists and fascist would understand.
    That class is collection of most miserable people on this dear earth, that is spiteful and works on principle of envy.
    They closed the parks and other places with optics that they are saving money. As it appears they are spending more on keeping them closed and pushing people around than if they left those open without services.
    This is so gross, only unanimous paper pushers can do this without any consequences what so ever.
    Get the proles excited about the freebees and you can do practically anything. Like the socialists would say, shit on their heads and they would not mind.
    Is it because they dumbed down the American population that the ruling class can do this?
    Again, what the hell happened to the American people. They behave as a flock of sheep that can be pushed around by useless people with paper in their sticky fingers.
    Been recently down in Kalispell Montana, sitting in a bar, talking to the people, they seem to be absolutely resigned to socialism. They seem to have lost the spirit of freedom.
    What the hell?!
    Republicans are for the most part scared like chickens to stand up and fix thing. The meme is ‘we are going to lose”. How so?
    It may surprise many of them that even the freeloaders understand that once you run out of other peoples money, you are done.
    Sad, sad story.

  14. “I know there are many here that think at some point the police/military will come to their aid, stand up for whats right and disobey the gov’t and go against Obama.”
    I don’t think there are “many” who blog here who are THAT delusional!
    Maybe a few….

  15. Am I delusional to think that even a worm may turn someday?
    I would not be surprised if some pushback eventually gains traction.

  16. Hey geezers, stop looking at those geysers. They are now the property of The One.

  17. The global economy is threatened, and you guys think the biggest issue is seniors/vets being locked out of a park?
    Get some perspective. Those guys didn’t fight and die in a war so they could go to a park. If they’ve forgotten that, they need to be reminded that this is bigger than their visit to Washington, as important to them as it might seem. (And I think a lot of them see that, and realize who is actually behind this shutdown, and is desperately trying to shift the blame.)

  18. The global economy is threatened by the massive debt that western nations have acquired, and it is time to stop it before we all end up like Greece and other southern European countries. Those that would implement a return to serfdom are behind the shutdown. See Friedrich Hayek, “The Road to Serfdom”.

  19. Peterj “I watched the whole thing and couldn’t help but marvel at his ability to lie, spin the truth and distort the facts. The economy is improving, debt has been cut to insignificant levels, employment is growing at record pace and it’s only Republicans that are impeding even greater gains.”
    Petej WTF are country you talking about? I hope your comments are satire. If they’re not let me help you: the debt is AT RECORD LEVELS AND DEFICITS ARE GROWING AT A RECORD PACE, THERE HAS BEEN NO REAL JOB GROWTH IN AT LEAST THREE YEARS, yet you argue it’s growing “at record pace.” The US will soon experience a debt tsunami as legions of aging boomers access health care and pensions while withdrawing their productivity from the economy while the POTUS and the Senate give a one year Obamacare registration hiatus to business and labour.
    The GOP/HofR agree to all of the budgeted spending but ask that individuals and families be given the same one year exemption granted to business and labour and the DEMOCRAT SENATE/POTUS refuses to pass this and “shuts down” government.
    Why should the GOP knuckle under, defy their constituents and roll over 100% to statist Democrat demands for more and more and more government and more and more and more debt. Spouting ignorant MSM talking points just shows you for a kool aid drinking statist cheerleader. Did you actually listen to the video? I think not or you are so addled by MSM/Dem talking points that you’ve lost touch with reality.

  20. Yup , satire. I was stating what the anointed one said. The first line of my statement should have given you the hint.

  21. No problem. Sometimes I skim articles instead of actually reading them. I doubt if anyone here has not done that same thing.

  22. How can you awake the already dead?
    Its long past time the for any Collectivist Zombie to recover. The soul has departed.
    All the can do now is eat the corpse of a Once great World power.
    I truly hate to say that, because the whole Planets going to suffer from this disaster called Obama. In fact already is.

  23. … but how in the name of all that’s holy can the Usurper’s approval rating be anything above, mmmnh, maybe 3% … or, 5% ABSOLUTE MAX ????
    [In *MY* household, his approval rating is hovering somewhere between “butter-tubs-with-moldy-leftovers in the back of the fridge”, and “crawly-things-I’m-not-sure-are-dead in corners”. Yecch.]

  24. You obviously work for a living, but look at it from the other side. 48 million on food stamps, (snap) REAL unemployment rate of 20% +, 12% black population that adores him and the entire shallow end of the gene pool as well as the mandatory political correctness base and you have approx. half of the population. The Republicans would keep the core social safety net but that leaves question marks as to who, what and where entitlements will be cut. Safer to dance with the one that brung you attitude over rides the possibility of a weaker social safety net with Republicans. Hence the approval numbers.
