21 Replies to “Take Me, Obama”

  1. Obama selects which reporters get to ask questions and she wets herself.
    Harper does that and she whines like a two year old.
    So Canadian journalist of her to embrace hypocrisy.

  2. And the “journalists”, as usual, wore their kneepads for the occasion. All softball questions, no icky, “right-wing”, Teabagger questions, asking, you know, for truth and calling The Empty Suit on his Administration’s spitting on the American people and the Rule of Law. I don’t know who disgusts me more-Obama or the sycophant propagandist “journalists” of the MSM.

  3. It recently occurred to me that PressTV and CBC differ mainly in that CBC propagandizes against (instead of for) their own country. Beyond that, basically the same.

  4. Well after the WWII vets had to storm their own memorial, tourists are hastened out of Yellowstone by Park Ranger “Gest*p*”…
    You’re lucky it’s still Oktoberfest; because next you vill all be speaking german ja?
    Its too bad that Helen Thomas wasn’t leading the charge for the press corpse; but she has gone on to her eternal reward.
    When you know you’re been milked by the press corpse; you should drink more beer.
    Wiesnhit 2011 – Kuh Yvonne
    Oktoberfest in München (Mir ham Durst) – Wiesnhit 2012
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. How long does the popular press think it can completely fool the populace, as bovine as many may be? Obama is ordering the removal of WWII vets from THEIR memorials. That doesn’t merit a question?

  6. Has anyone counted the number of dumb and dumber journos we have “reporting” the news heavily slanted to their left wing biases? It must be wonderful to be paid and have the opportunity to be so thrilled by such a powerful man as their hero Obama.

  7. ‘bama will never be short of humidors for his Habanos….
    Jennifer Ditchburn: old Cree word for Monica Lewinsky

  8. This would have made a great comedy skit. If it weren’t true. Just imagine all these great Journalists more interested in Obama’s dog, Chef or golf score than the Nation.
    The Media Party proved long ago how compromised they are. Now its just comedy.

  9. This has been going on for decades. It is just been more obvious that last number of years. The vast majority of journalist do even bother to hide their leftist bias anymore.
    What Jamie said.

  10. What’s even more amazing (than the tweet) is that this person regards herself a journalist!?!?!?

  11. Max, you’re forgetting something. The Bush presidency. When a right-winger is in control down south, their media is ashamed of (and tries to make fundamental changes to) their country too. “Right” in this case in the same way as the National Socialist party from Germany – anyone who isn’t the right kind of communist.

  12. Yeah well, it is obvious that Obozo will leave a legacy, like David Dingus(sp) left as a mayor of New York City.

  13. What did he talk about? Important things like changing the name of the Redskins? Basketball? Where he’s taking Michelle and the kids for their next vacay? How important it is that women get free birth control and abortions? How many turds his dog Bo makes in a day? Did he sing a little?

  14. Google: “Take me, Obama” = 47,900 results. Almost all of which are Kate/SDA.
    LOL at the dedication to a fine meme!
    Well done Kate, well done!
