31 Replies to “The Nature Of Things”

  1. Uh, huh.
    Where and when was this alleged Suzuki news conference held?
    Seems to me like Ezra is just having a bit of fun and there there was no actual news conference.
    I’m not buying.

  2. Ezra, you need to shadow Suzuki…. everywhere. He’ll be compelled to travel out of country to one of his other MANY homes! SAVE CANADA! 1 week, tops! :))))

  3. According to Global News earlier this morning:
    “David Suzuki will announce his Carbon Manifesto. (11 a.m. at Toronto Courthouse, 361 University Ave. )”

  4. Thanks Miles.
    Can’t find any mention on the Global Toronto website.
    Still, tweet goes out at 8:50, news conference at 11.
    No question, Ezra is having a bit of fun, since it’s unlikely he chased Suzuki off two hours before the event 🙂

  5. suzuki likes to get there early so his “sweet bit of crumpet ” bodyguards can get the full inspection.
    he announced to the world 2 weeks ago that Steve was preping a prison for environmental activists.
    CBCpravda has paid this nutbar too much . he has slipped a cog

  6. So, you’re privy to how early Suzuki gets to news conferences?
    Congratulations on your inside knowledge.

  7. I have no great love of Suzuki.
    It’s not like Ezra is a journalist. He’s Sun TV’s performing monkey. He gets on stage, prances about yelling for however long, working his audience up into a frothing frenzy. I don’t particularly blame Suzuki, or anyone for avoiding a clown who will most likely just edit the “interview” in a manner that most represents his interests.

  8. Levant does ham it up a bit…but he’s no clown. The liberal shills of the HRC’s found that one out the hard way. If he was a mere clown Suzuki would be able to refute him in a debate too.
    I have no problem with Suzuki selling nothing to stupid people for fun and profit – but it does bother me when he does it on the tax payer’s dime and pretends to have a scientific basis for his arguments.
    I like the idea of journalists that ask the tough questions of the guys that claim to know it all. Isn’t that what a journalist is supposed to do?

  9. Dr Fruitfly FLEES the scene…!
    We love you Ezra, that is truly PRICELESS.
    The “CO2 is gassing the planet” hustler, can’t stand the withering stench of his own corruption.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. Ezra’s not a clown, he’s a tar baby. His strategy is to behave in as buffoonish a manner as possible to attract attention to himself, and when the fruitbats engage with him thinking him no great threat he switches to full-on lawyer mode.
    He does play fast and loose with the facts too often for my taste.

  11. So email Dr Suzuki and inform him that Mr Levant has implied he’s a coward; then ask Dr Suzuki to hold an AGW debate with Mr Levant to put him in his place.

  12. “He does play fast and loose with the facts too often for my taste.”
    and suzooker is a truthfull fella?????

  13. I would like to be informed as to what, where and when Ezra Levant played ” fast and loose” with the facts. Chapter and verse please.

  14. Really don’t have to dig too hard, oh gullible one.
    That Ezra arrived at an 11 a.m. news conference at 8:50 a.m. and scared away Suzuki.
    Honestly now, you’re telling everybody here that you actually believe that?

  15. No information about the content (or timing) of his Carbon Manifesto but alot about the pretend trial for David Suzuki that excludes critics but then it is performance art.
    […]That is the premise of a mock trial–and work of interactive art–which will see Suzuki judged in court of public opinion at the Royal Ontario Museum on Nov. 6.[…]
    To get the event rolling, Suzuki announced his “Carbon Manifesto” Tuesday. It’s a document written by Suzuki, Brown and lawyers involved in the production. […]
    I don’t Tweet. Does anyone who does want to go on the Twitter feed and ask if Dr Suzuki is bicycling from Vancouver to Toronto?

  16. If Ezra tweets in Toronto at 11:50 am and you live in Vancouver it will read 8:50 AM. (Math is hard, time zones harder)

  17. Ezra is a better reporter than the combined reporting pool of the CBC and CTV. The left hates him, as you can see by John’s post, but then again the left hates anything relating to a Canada/USA that used to be independent and proud. We live in the age of the weenie and that means nanny rules. Sun news and Fox are the only sources that don’t give a damn what nanny thinks. They are what journalism used to be before the lefties decided that 2 sides to a story would only confuse the simple minded public.

  18. Ezra should do a Hinterland Who’s Who segment on Suzuki running away from his natural enemy, an honest journalist:
    (use your best Hinterland Who’s Who voice…)
    ” The parasitic Greater Bloviating Green Peckerwood can be found dining on tax dollars while furtively avoiding the gaze of honest taxpayers and reporters….”

  19. Carbon is the basis of all life on the planet, including ourselves and this greentard wants to reduce it. Okay I understand now, he’s advocating for depopulation under the guise of saving the planet if I’m correct on that assumption.
    What a psychopath, must be a former junkie or something

  20. Ezra is really the ONLY journalist in Canada. The others are cheerleaders….sort of like Baghdad Bob.
