17 Replies to “This Is Awkward”

  1. There was Op Ed similar to this in the National Post a short while ago about the fact that some considered Al Gore and the 1300 AR4 IPCC scientists to be Nobel Peace Prize winners for their work. The author’s opinion was that they were anything but prize winners.

  2. This was throoughly hashed out a few months back – the Nobel committee was asked for clarification and they unequivocally stated that the prise was awarded to the IPCC only and not to any specific contributors. The best a contributor can say is that they were a contributor to an organization which was awarded a Nobel prize. Mann and several others were roundly criticised for claiming they were recipients.
    That said, given the track record of the Nobel committee in awarding prizes to confirmed slime-balls lately, there may well be more prestige in claiming to be a Nobel Prize loser.

  3. Every crackpot enviro type is usually described as a Nobel Prize nominee. Because crackpot enviro types nominate each other. Such things are unverifiable as the Nobel people do not publicly acknowledge nominees. I was thinking of personally nominating Adolph Hitler for the Peace Prize for his compromises at Munich so I could invoke the ghost of Hitler at the mention of “Dr. Helen Caldicott, Nobel Peace Prize nominee.”

  4. I sent an email to the G&M about a similar claim made by Andrew Weaver in an article. Here is what I wrote starting with a quotation from the article:
    “Andrew Weaver is a Lansdowne Professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria and a Member of the B.C. Legislative Assembly. As a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he was among the scientists and officials who shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.”
    I think it’s wrong to refer to himself as “sharing” the Nobel. The Nobel was given to the IPCC and shared with Al Gore. I don’t think individuals who worked on the IPCC report can refer to themselves as sharing the honor. It was granted to the organization–not to the individual members. When it was granted to the Red Cross, you didn’t hear of every person working for the Red Cross claiming to be a Nobel Laureate.”
    The editor who replied disputed my interpretation, but I was able to find the source. Both the IPCC and the Nobel committee admonished those who claimed to have “shared” the prize or claim to be a Nobel Laureate. I didn’t receive a follow-up reply and now that the article is buried, I doubt the false claim will be fixed. Perhaps, however, it will prevent further such specious claims.

  5. Methinks Lord Monckton is simply making the same ridiculous claim as the rest of the crew, despite having no basis to make the claim, to point out how stupid the claim really is. I really don’t think that someone who disagrees with almost everything the IPCC does would seriously claim a chunk of the Nobel Prize. Gotta love that Lord Monckton.

  6. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to dolts that want reduce the use of oil, but the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by Norway, which is one of the worlds largest exporters of oil.
    Irony or hypocrisy, you be the judge.

  7. Don’t worry. They’ll get around to it one of these years. Perhaps this was just anticipation, knowing it’s in the cards.
    In the meantime, I’m glad to report that I have won the No Bell prize. It goes to anyone who doesn’t use Bell for their telecommunication services.

  8. Scar: Can you give me the source of Lord Monckton claiming the Nobel Prize? I find that hard to believe.

  9. Kroket: Monckton made the claim in a talk at the Fraser Institute some years ago. He cited his contribution to the IPCC as his qualification, but pointed out that the pin he wore was not from the Nobel committee, but rather was a look-alike given to him after he had addressed a group of physicists. Its metal was from an asteroid or something.

  10. If they didn’t get a piece of the $500,000 which comes with the prize they didn’t ‘share’ in the prize.

  11. By the logic of ‘sharing’ the Nobel Peace Prize, any European citizen in a country that belongs to the EU is also a Nobel Peace winner.

  12. Fifth paragraph down. This is the actual letter from the IPCC.
    Statement about the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
    The IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for its work on climate change, together with former US Vice-­‐President Al Gore.
    In its citation, the Norwegian Nobel Committee said that the IPCC and Mr Gore shared the prize “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-­‐made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”. In its announcement the Norwegian Nobel Committee stated that through the scientific reports it had issued over the past two decades, the IPCC had created an ever-­‐broader informed consensus about the connection between human activities and global warming, and that thousands of scientists and officials from over one hundred countries had collaborated to achieve greater certainty as to the scale of the warming.
    The prize was awarded at the end of the year that saw the IPCC bring out its Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).
    The prize was awarded to the IPCC as an organization, and not to any individual associated with the IPCC. Thus it is incorrect to refer to any IPCC official, or scientist who worked on IPCC reports, as a Nobel laureate or Nobel Prize winner. It would be correct to describe a scientist who was involved with AR4 or earlier IPCC reports in this way: “X contributed to the reports of the IPCC, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.”
    The IPCC leadership agreed to present personalized certificates “for contributing to the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 to the IPCC” to scientists that had contributed substantially to the preparation of IPCC reports. Such certificates, which feature a copy of the Nobel Peace Prize diploma, were sent to coordinating lead authors, lead authors, review editors, Bureau members, staff of the technical support units and staff of the secretariat from the IPCC’s inception in 1988 until the award of the prize in 2007. The IPCC has not sent such certificates to contributing authors, expert reviewers and focal points.
    For more information contact:
    IPCC Press Office, Email: ipcc-­‐media@wmo.int

  13. He’s still a “winner” with some at ASU. Ran a search for Michael Mann on the ASU cite and got this (the body of the PR below that says “winner” now says “contributor”):
    Search Results
    You searched for: michael mann
    About 51 results (0.33 seconds)
    Dr. Mann-Climate Change and American Values
    2013 E. James Holland Symposium on American Values featuring distinguished speaker Dr. Michael E. Mann on Climate Change & American Values.
    Symposium Schedule – Angelo State University
    2 p.m., Opening of the Symposium: Keynote Address The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars – Dr. Michael E. Mann Director of Earth System Science Center and …
    ASU Annual Holland Symposium
    3 days ago … Climate change will take the spotlight as internationally known scientist and Nobel Peace Prize-winner Dr. Michael E. Mann addresses Angelo …
