30 Replies to “Unplugged”

  1. I feel badly for Johnny Crouton-related Desmarais: his Power Corp is currently in the process of helping themselves to part of a pension plan overage to which I’m a member. Poor Paul won’t be around to enjoy the stolen spoils.

  2. Mississauga Matt
    With investment income at disgustingly low levels, how can there be such a thing as a pension surplus? Life must be hard without any Liberals in power. Maybe Desmarais figured out a way to take it with him.

  3. In somewhat related news, Liberals across Canada are astounded by the sudden lightening of the colour of Chretien and Rae’s noses.

  4. And it was because Dear Papa Desmarais owned a big share in BNP-Paribas Oil,that Jean Chretien refused to enter the war against Iraq,although it was peddled to the masses as a noble refusal to take part in war.
    I’ve draped my house in black for the next few days in deference to the man who really ran Canada from the 70’s to the turn of the century.
    Now, if only they can dump that damned Harper,things can get back to normal.

  5. “…a person of such incredible integrity…” said former PM PAul Martin. I am inclined to agree, I do not think Desmarais’s integrity is credible.

  6. Right you are don…its been my pleasure to end the long reign of ‘power politics’.
    On your last point, I think they will find that PMSH will prove a tougher nut to crack.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. Total also took a huge bath in the American alternate universe solar panel
    meltdown along with taxpayers, of course. There were other facets like N.B.
    windmill installations of which little is heard of.

  8. It should be really interesting when they read the will who get’s the liberal party of Canada. (I mean the share not owned by Chairman Mo)

  9. The family said it will hold a private funeral and that a public memorial service will be organized at a later date.
    In other words, he’ll be buried secretly under cover of darkness, like Nicolae Ceausescu, and for the same reason—they know full well that if anybody with any decency had his way Desmarais wouldn’t be getting even the pretense of a Christian burial (the mockeries presided over by Roman priests don’t really count).
    If they have the sense God gave them his Paul and Andy won’t mark the grave, unless they want Canadian patriots fighting to be first to spit on it.
    Au revoir, Paul Desmarais—aye, I pray I shall soon see you again from the bosom of Abraham, as I and the faithful departed of Protestant Canada enjoy the spectacle of your torments in Gehenna, with Mulroney’s, Chretien’s and Martin’s for an encore.
    Rest in peace? I will indeed sleep easier tonight, thank you, and so will all loyal Canadians.

  10. You’re wrong, Dick. Roman priests don’t exist anymore.
    Silly Dick…
    One segment of this corrupt political powerhouse is gone. Good riddance. Now let’s blow the lid wide off of this wretched disease infecting Canadian politics and send the rest of cabal packing or to prison.

  11. Dick the man’s body isn’t even cold and you are passing judgment on the man…that is hardly your call and might I say somewhat arrogant. Since when do you get to sit in God’s seat?
    Its not like the man didn’t have a charitable bone in his body…however you wish to view Mr. Desmarais’s political maneuvering; he didn’t just roll around in his money like some cartoonish Mr. Burns.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  12. Right you are Don morris. For those of you who may have missed the whole dirty, greasy, corruption ridden saga, it was in Western Standard Magazine. Link is here:
    Also informative:
    And we should all care because Power Corp and papa paul’s estate has stolen $$$ from all Canadians – esp. from Ontario people who had their hydro Co. stolen by a seedy manitoba born pal of Paul’s – M. stlong -a fetid, filthy, living piece of flesh in China.
    My Dad used to say people can be judged by the company they keep; ol Paul may have some heavy lifting to do when he gets to the gates of St. Peter, if Dad was correct, and Dad is getting more and more accurate with every year I live. Just saying…

  13. Hope he rots in hell.
    Next sod that needs to die is Maurice Strong.
    World will be a better place without those two thieves.

  14. hans…speaking of arrogance, are you the one who was asked twice, that I saw, to pare down your sign off in here, and look at you, you still waste band width to cress your ego. Not very kristian of you I must say!!!!!

  15. Are you saying that you are my “ENEMY – 666” with all that that entails oh monitor of the monikers?
    Fact of the matter is, I have shortened my moniker considerably.
    May you live long, love much and laugh a lot.
    Keep smiling, I am 🙂
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  16. You can bet you eye teeth that a hundred more wannabe power mongers are now fighting it out to take his place.
    Though I doubt few are as crafty, or devious as he was.
    As for his soul, that’s up to God to decide.
    His legacy of evil though in this Country. Along with Maurice Strong’s, still stinks up the Nation

  17. As I said on a previous thread, if you can’t say anything good about a person don’t say anything at all. Crickets…ZZZZ

  18. Slater, the other day was the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto where various Catholic states under Don John of Austria defeated the Ottoman Turks, saving Christian Europe from Muslim domination. Oh yes. there wasn’t a Protestant in sight.

  19. That wasn’t charity, that was marketing. He threw money at the old Church of Rome madrassah turned leftist madrassah styling itself the University of Ottawa so he could have his name plastered all over campus as if he’d built it with his bare hands. “Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!”
    “When thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.” If Desmarais had been serious about “giving something back” to his alma mater for their sake and not his, he could have found ways to do it anonymously.
    If his conscience had really been bothering him, he could have cashed in his assets, refunded the Queen double the money he’d stolen from her over the years and given anything left over to Christian charities, and devoted what years remained to him to preaching God’s word and exposing the Adversary and his agents in high places—and I’m sure he would have had plenty to expose.
    Problem is, nobody who ever had a conscience or put anything ahead of his bank balance, least of all his soul, ever got as rich as Paul Desmarais. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” So spoke our Saviour, who would know if anybody would.
    Paul Desmarais has had his reward, rest assured.

  20. This from Mulroney at a gathering at the Desmarais’ last Saturday night (gag alert):
    ” … I can tell you with absolute certainty that, in its almost century and a half of existence, Canada has never produced an individual more honourable, more principled and more accomplished than Paul Desmarais.”
    … and more enmeshed in Liberal politics. Paul Desmarais was the Godfather of the Liberal Party of Canada. Brian Mulroney worked for Power Corporation in a number of capacities, as did Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Maurice Strong, and, presently, Bob Rae’s brother, John. Pierre Trudeau served served in the mid-1990s on Power Corporation’s international advisory board, his assistant Ted Johnson also worked for Power Corporation, and Trudeau’s very close friend, Michael Pitfield, during his time in the private sector, was at one time a Vice-Chairman of Power Corporation and is currently listed as a Director Emeritus. Power Corporation has its many tentacles securely wrapped around Liberal interests.
    And, the reason Jean Chretien refused to join the U.S., our closest ally, in the war in Iraq had nothing to do with peaceful tendencies — oh, we all know the Librano$ love peace, peace where there is no peace — but, rather, that Chretien’s in-laws the Desmarais (his daughter, France, is married to André Desmarais) had oil and gas interests in Iraq and did business with Saddam Hussein. War with Iraq would jeopardize the Desmarais/Chretien grandchildren’s financial legacy.
    I guess if you’ve been on the Desmarais gravy train for most of your life, as Mulroney has, you might consider the late Paul Demarais “honourable … principled and … accomplished.” As for the rest of us, Paul Desmarais appears to be the godfather of a vastly corrupt Liberal hegemony which has taken Canada down a very dark road.

  21. Power Corporation — how appropriately named. (Thanks to Mark Steyn for pointing out the obvious.)

  22. Hmm…
    If Dick Slater isn’t careful, he’ll lose his Internet privileges in the secure ward.

  23. tubby black wrote a fawning piece today in the Nat Post. Suggested paul didn’t clean out the assets of corporations he purchased (unlike the aforementioned) black.
    Desmarais did a lot of damage. With friends like the criminals chretien, mulroney, martian, mo strong and bob rea, he held sway over important decisions in Canada and abroad. I don’t think PMSH is beholden to him.
    Doesn’t he hold the mortgage on cretien’s digs?
