8 Replies to “Take Me, Fidel”

  1. MR. FONTOVA: They — they don’t think about it. They don’t. Obviously, if you’re going on a vacation, you’re not going down this thinking about policies. And the tourists that go to Cuba, primarily Canadian, over a million, 1.1, 1.2 million tourists from Canada have been visiting Cuba; they don’t see that. They probably have no idea that it’s going on, and they’re not going to dig into it to see if it’s going on. They go straight from the airport to the fancy beaches which are, by the way, maintained strictly — we call it tourist apartheid because Cubans, especially the darker-skinned ones, are banned from the tourist enclaves under penalty of billy club and Soviet machine guns. So they don’t know what’s going on in Cuba, and they are helping them.
    I do Canadian TV shows, I’m proud to say, once every couple weeks on news, and I explain to them, you folks are propping up that regime. But most people are unaware of that, I think.

    He’s being generous there. The truth is that a lot of Canadians are blatant communists. Oh hey maybe I’m wrong.. here’s CUPW sending a delegation to Cuba to protest the release of some prisoners. Oh wait..

  2. Every time someone I know tells me they are going to Cuba for a vacation … I tell them that they should be spending their money somewhere that the government who steals that money is not our enemy.
    Remember that “Uncle Fidel” embraced the Trudeaus (may they all rot in hell) while making speeches cursing Canadians and Canada.
    Rot in hell.

  3. I have friends and family who routinely denounce all manner of “oppressive regimes” in the world yet happily spend a week or two in Cuba every year.
    The reason?
    Talk is cheap – but a vacation to Cuba is cheaper.

  4. One of these days, to Kate’s great sadness,and I expect SDA to be draped in black on that day, our Fidel is gonna go to wherever old commies go when they die.
    My biggest concern in life is,who will the Canadian government send to represent us at his funeral? I have a feeling the Fascist Stephen Harper may not send anyone, but hopefully the Loyal Opposition will send a delegation to Cuba.
    So,who? Libby,Pat Martin,or will they send Justin in a sharing -the- sorrow moment?
