The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

The Threat We Face

The president, his chief operative Valerie Jarrett and his chief political strategist David Axelrod all came out of the same Communist left and the same radical new left as I did, and all have remained heart and soul a part of it. As someone who turned his back on that destructive movement, I can say with confidence that they have not. If a person belongs to an organization or is the supporter of an idea that they come to see as destructive or evil, the first thing they will want to do when they leave is to warn others against it, to warn them of the dangers it represents. If a person does not do this – that tells me that he or she hasn’t left the destructive movement or abandoned the pernicious idea but has just put another face on them. Instead of calling themselves communists or socialists they call themselves liberals and progressives. This camouflage is very old. I never once heard my parents and their party friends refer to themselves as Communists. They were progressives – and registered Democrats.
The fact that I had a radical past allowed me to see much of this coming. But even I never thought we would be looking so soon at the prospect of a one-party state. Those words may sound hyperbolic, but take a moment to think about it. If you have transformed the taxing agency of the state into a political weapon – and Obama has; if you are setting up a massive government program to gather the financial and health information of every citizen, and control their access to care; and if you have a spy agency that can read the mail and listen to the communications of every individual in the country, you don’t really need a secret police to destroy your political opponents. Once you have silenced them, you can proceed with your plans to remake the world in your image.

26 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.
    I can smell a Commie a mile away. That’s right, I said a mile! Not a commie kilometer!
    They have the smell of death all over them.
    Question is: Is there enough 2nd World War Vets to mount an offensive?

  2. Governments are like people. They start out as children, with no power. Then they grow bigger and stronger and become a force that cannot be advoided. At least, not by it’s own citizens. As it grows older , it becomes the central character in each of it’s citizen’s lifes. They all grow old and die eventually. The US government will be 225 next year. Old age . I think it is probably getting senile. It will be gone one of these days. We will welcome the new infant.

  3. Well said Horowitz. For all you SDA American readers, send that link to everyone in your address book.

  4. “They have the smell of death all over them.”
    I always saw it as the smell of decay. WW2 vets ? No, but Korean and Vietnam as well as Iraq and Afghanistan Vets who know they were political pawns in wars that were never winnable under current operational guidelines. As far as smelling a commie a mile away, the stench coming out of our schools universities is enough to gag a maggot.

  5. Yep and they know it….
    Napolitano(Homeland Security) listing returned veterans as a security threat, ahead of the guys in the sheets and pointy hats, is proof enough of that.
    The Viet Nam vets and especially the Gulf War and A-stan vets….old enough to know how and young enough to be able….
    The restraining factor for the cops, in the Washington barrycade protest, was the embarrassing factor is that the WW2 vets are real senior citizens….as some Viet Nam vets are now….
    Interesting times….nothin’ civil about civil war…

  6. The sooner that the population realizes again that the only good commie is a dead commie, the faster freedom will return to the USSA. There’s no debating with commies and the only way to deal with them is to either kill them or cow them into submission. The RINO’s have no clue of what they’re up against probably because they’re members of the political class who see themselves as superior to the unwashed peasantry that still believes in the irrelavent writings of dead white males who scribbled a few words on a piece of paper in 1773.
    The only way the US will ever amount to anything again is if the whole US political class is destroyed as it has set itself up as a de-facto monarchy arrogantly assuming that there is one set of laws for them and another for the unwashed peasantry. The window for revolution is small and one hopes that patriots will soon start the procedure of cleaning out the cancerous growths that have appeared in the body politic.

  7. Horowitz is correct, of course, as many of us whose ancestors fled the control freaks in Europe can attest.
    Why is it these lyrics keep popping into my head every time the subject of there commies and their enablers come up?
    You can’t even run your own life, I’ll be damned if you’ll run mine.

  8. It’s the party system, stupid. Politicians have corrupted it to the point it no longer belongs to the citizenry. We now simply get to elect which royal family gets to plunder us the next 4 years or so.
    Right or left, the hardcore partisan will always put his party ahead of his country. Big, self-absorbed government is literally strangling democracy, enabled by a vacuous msm and a populace too bloody busy trying to survive to challenge the empty rhetoric they are consistently fed by all sides.
    This left/right battle is an artificial civil war fought by self-interested partisan *ssholes who have caused irreparable damage to our countries.
    I am starting to think it is the smart ones who refuse to cast a vote on election day for any of these pr*cks.

  9. Obama and his minions believe you “didn’t build that” and “we’re a part of government.” It shouldn’t come as a surprise they’re statists.
    Pre Obama, the Dems gleefully went along with GOP spending/borrowing, took it to new highs, so Bubba could warn us not go back there; and the “rich,” even though they already paid an obscenely disproportionate amount of tax were too greedy to pay just “a little more.”
    Despite such gibberish and contrary evidence the GOP managed to lose to the argument that bigger government is better for you. The voters, in sufficient numbers, bought it, aided by the complicit mediarazzi, illustrated by Crowley’s careful Benghazi obfuscation, forgave an egregious security error. Meanwhile an ambassador along with some operators were hung out to die, but that wasn’t the story. No, you see Obama and Clinton knew it was a terrorist attack, that’s why they let Americans die. That’s why there was a bad video speaking tour, that was just cover, nobody else knew there was indeed a terrorist attack, except the entire world intelligence community and many others including yours truly. You didn’t have to go far south of google to know AQ did that attack.
    Americans in sufficient numbers voted in a government whose ethos states anyone who doesn’t believe in ever larger and more intrusive government and signing the taxpayer on to higher taxation and massively unfunded liabilities is some flat earth holocaust denying tea bagger, and violent of course.
    Recently, though the GOP did pull a bit of a stick in the eye of the Dems with their Obamacare delay insistence in the budget, but at least they finally showed some backbone.
    Biggest government – if you don’t believe it you’re a redneck. Obama ran on it, the media ran on it, and he got elected on it. The financial piper will come calling soon and the penance will be enormous. Obama won’t worry though – he’ll be safely ensconced elsewhere in his retirement, insulated from the crushing fiscal price of his excessive government, but more importantly with his Obamacare presidential legacy assured.

  10. Selfishness drives ignorance drives hubris drives folly.
    Woe betide those who follow this shallowness of thought and living.

  11. “The further the people get from truth, the more they will hate those who tell it.”
    That comes from George Orwell and is as near as I can get to the exact quote heard on the Rush Limbaugh show today.

  12. “Don’t telegraph your goals; infiltrate their institutions and subvert them; moral principles are disposable fictions; the end justifies the means; and never forget that your political goal is always power.”
    Now,carve that in bronze and send it to every conservative you know, as that’s the only way,short of a bloody revolution,that we’re going to “take back America”/Canada.
    I’d LIKE to believe it will all come to an end in 2016,but the Republican’s best candidate will turn out to have patted the ass of a cheerleader, or acquired an abortion for his mistress,so again conservative America will end up with another half-assed compromise candidate who’s too chickenshit to get ugly in the debates.
    America is about to become “The People’s Democratic Republic of America”,and I believe unless there’s a Chairman Mao in the conservative ranks,somebody clever and utterly ruthless, the current political situation is going to remain for a long time.
    Loki, your comments may be “insane”,(just ask any progressive) but they’re absolutely correct!

  13. They wasted over $600 million on an “Obama-Nation(tm) Cares” website that doesn’t work…you can’t even sign up to the program; even if you were brainwashed into compliance.
    But of course these political lepers are going to run your life ‘progressively’…because they will save you from some fictionalized bogeyman!
    Leprosy…I’m not half the man I used to be!
    An accurate summation of political disease that affects the body politic…
    But hey things could be worse; you could be a “Samaritan leper”!
    Luke 17:17-18
    Now he was a Samaritan. 17 Then said Jesus, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? 18 Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?”
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  14. Exactly peterj and FrankQ. Communists can only succeed via terrorism, sadistic, unthinkable horror – the type of personal, unrelenting physical and mental torture that turns even strong souls into silent, obedient hollow men. Men who fought the Commies, in Russia, knew of these unspeakable atrocities but never spoke up because they knew of the consequences for themselves and anyone connected to them. Most were dead at once with the smallest squeak opposing the Communist state. Millions died…millions of people died: men, women, children..and are still being killed for being human.
    Roasting live people on a spit over a slow fire, putting a person in a spiked barrel and forcing a friend to roll the barrel until the person inside stops screaming, ripping open an expecting lady’s stomach, pulling out a living child and then handing it to the mother with it’s wee feet and hands ‘clipped’. The shock that men could treat fellowmen with such terror then and sleep and eat made the average person’s soul go into a state of inertia.
    People who saw mothers butcher and boil their own children for food and witnessed unthinkable acts of evil could not speak or think of those acts because said witnesses lived and were guilty because they were alive; everyone associated with atrocities knew that all who survived, survived because of something that said survivor had said or done… the evil spread to eastern Europe, to China, to Africa, to South America and to North America. Socialism is soft Communism, just waiting for an opening to explode into hard Communism. Hate, Evil, horror unleashed on decent people opens the doors for unlimited power and control by human haters – the Godless legions of beelzebub.
    God is the only One to turn to at such desperate times, people’s souls can survive even the worst of times if they have the courage to live or die with faith in the ultimate good of God, even in the horror of a society controlled by men who are controlled by the human hater; Beelzebub. It all boils down to this, IMO, the battle between good and evil; love and hate.
    This article is a warning shot advising all of us of the tactics – Thank-you for the ‘heads up’ to this article, peterj and Kate, thank-you very much for giving this article a posting of it’s own here at SDA.

  15. I know Horowitz is right, but 47% in America not paying taxes, 49 Million on Food Stamps, 19 Million on Disability, 12 Million Free Cell Phones, 12 Million Absentee Ballots from ACORN, 15 Million Illegal Mexicans throw in another 15 Million Stupid White Liberals and Bada Bing Bada Boom you got yourself an election.
    The road to Freedom is gona be tuff.

  16. Jema
    when the church quit burning witches at the stake, a vacuum was created, the kommies filled that vacuum
    humans are believers, and once one belief system no longer fills the need, a new system will fill the void. That cycle will be repeated over and over again. Most Christians will admit that the “church” has made huge changes over the last 400 years, but they don’t understand what they have admitted to. Which points to one of my main contentions about ppl, and that is that they do not understand that they do not understand. And kristians are some of the worst of that malady!! And that is why the lefties keep winning elections, because all they have to do is say “gay”, birth control, or abortion, and the religious rite lose their direction, and thusly cause the election loss.

  17. It will take more than Vets to turn this around.
    What is needed is people of God to repent. Crying out to the Living God for change. Starting with themselves.To have the courage to stand up for what is right.
    Revival is always started in tears of repentance.
    Than throwing out the evil in their lives voluntarily. The idols like , money, power, self fulfilment, personnel achievement, instead of each helping each other.. Stop being selfish, but caring for your neighbours first.
    Than you can fight a spiritual war. Make no mistake this is a conflict of the soul.
    Its a paradox that to have free will, one must submit one life first to Yeshua.
    The God of Israel is all about people making choices.
    Fighting evils like abortion, or school perversion.Government corruption. Will take a vast amount of commitment with bravery.
    A real reason to allow men to be free. Not the chattel of a man dominated Government.
    Peoples hearts have to change before the rot can be dealt with.
    The misuse of power.The hatred of life, human existence especially. Is all a symptom for a lack of love for any one except themselves.
    We will always have the poor, the disenfranchised, the hungry. This can be mitigated not by man’s effort, but simple kindness with renewed hearts.
    That takes an act of God.
    We have become a callous people with deaf ears. Time to turn around & face those who would turn us into Groups of cattle. Those that would steal our Individuality, for the collar of slavery for an imagined Utopia.
    Constitutions, Nations, peoples are only as good as the Spirit that animates them.
    The rest are just decelerations of Our faith in righteousness against the foulness of our trying to make ourselves gods.
    We need to stand for what’s right as individual fortified with belief in those priciples that bring life. Not death.

  18. Stench of maggots in our universities is right, as is sasquatch about nothing civil about a civil war. A saber to your mother’s throat when she was two years old is not civil.
    Obviously Canadian Observer never had any members of his family live under a communist regime.
    don morris and Jema54, exactly. A Makhnovist told my wife’s grandfather while “visiting” the village that killing a man was like squashing a bug and doing this while he had his thumb squishing an imaginary bug on the table.
    Revnant Dream, exactly. NME666 is right about vacuums will be filled.

  19. I should have added, everyone one of us should save David Horowitz’s essay, memorize it, and send it to everyone you know, as he is absolutely right about what happened and is happening now.

  20. Spare me. If I were to dig around the archives of this blog, there’s probably a bunch of unintentional hyperbole about how we were supposed to all be living in the modern equivalent to the Soviet Union by now. They’re trying to implement a system in the states that keeps all of the previous insurance companies in place, and everyone here is crying communism. I lived in communist countries and America aint close.

  21. While I’m glad people are opening discussing true Christianity and repentive faith, we have to remember the ball is rolling for a big showdown against Israel.
    For the AC to attack Israel, the US has to be out of the picture. Will it be via nuclear or metor? Dunno, but we do know it says about fire being the next destroyer, not water.
    The US will probably not be nuked, too many believers in the country, but it will turn into a nothing. No power, no money, no influence. Coupled with weak leadership, the Middle East is wide open.
    China will march and when it does, the US better move out of the way, which it will because the borrower is servant to the lender.
    Good times, means the end is really near then, so those reading, take time to enjoy family and life and turn your hearts back to the real Jesus, the one who loved you enough to die for your sins and give you hope and eternal life.
    For those who mock or say what sin, I’m not talking to you folks. Carry on your merry way. Cause and Effect, just like the Matrix.

  22. You are correct Tim. Perhaps the term communist is a bit of a misnomer in trying to nail the politics and operational mode of the current Washington regime. My thinking pegs it as a kind of crony corporatist kleptocracy which is led by marxist autoritarians and operated by beureaucratic imperialists – very similar to China – corporatist affluence for the political class and cronies and authoritarian statism for the plebs.
    In many ways the Washington DC mirrors both imperialism, fascism and Soviet socialism – the constant war-making and military industrial/surveillence/intel complex economy is there. The devalued money printing is there, the political ruling elite and their crony corporatist enablers is there. A two party system which operates as a single party state in operational mode. Primary government agenda is the continuity of the status quo political regime. Rampant corruption, kleptocratic administrators, police state tactics used against even minor dissent, defacto suspension of posse comitatus and habeas corpus, state use of torture, state purges of political dissent, controlled propagandist media, stagflation, a phantom menace to focus public hatred at, a political class virtually immune from accountability/prosecution, and a permanent under class.
    AFAICS – the only real difference is the forced austerity of soviet Russia and the wide spread economic collapse of Fascist Europe – and that will change with the pending default and currency crisis – witness the current food stamp riots/looting in Louisiana, multiply that 1000 fold when both currency devaluation and federal default happens – you will see the true nature of this mutant fascist/communist governing cabal when it goes to a permanent martial law state to cope with the crisis. FEMA camps anyone?

  23. So your okay with using the IRS against political foes, including individuals the State deems unfriendly?
    Even if only for political ideology?
    Along with I suppose the right of the NSA to be an Invisible Gestapo. Opening mail without writs, collecting Data from medical records, to who your friends are on face book. In other words no privacy. Schools that are nests of socialism where kids can’t even play tag, but its okay for perverts to post perversion to Kindergärtners. The President can use the DOJ to snoop with phoney crimes into any reporter they want. A president that leaves his Ambassador to die.
    People going to jail for speaking the truth, or making a movie that was used for a cover up of the Governments own misdeeds. Republicans & Democrats except for a few individuals act like a one party Machine. The Media Party except for the odd ball out in complete collectivist synchronizer of opinion.
    The TSA groping people except those who actually are terrorists in fear of profiling.
    Yeah Tim you have lived in a Communist Country. So long that this seems normal to you?
