Caption Contest: The Winners

Bumped for announcement of our winners. First the runners-up:

Leave a quarter… I’m not at my other job either. – andycanuck
Obama’s Telepromter falls on Hard times – dkjones
Ergonomic … ATM …. BETA ….. Model! – Joe Molnar

And the winner is…

Signposts. Doing the jobs that American’s won’t do. -Iowa Jim

Send me an email, I’ll get you fixed up with a book.
(Original post below)
Photo credit, SDA Norm: “three hours before this picture was taken your standard mope was bumming money from motorists exiting I-40 onto Eubank Blvd, Albuquerque, New Mexico. I guess he had better things to do, but wanted to maximize his profit potential by strapping his sign and deposit box to a nearby post to keep the good times rolling.”
I’m stumped for a headline, so here’s your chance at a free book from the expansive SDA free book library. Contest closes Saturday at midnight.

76 Replies to “Caption Contest: The Winners”

  1. Thanks to Obamacare, in order to avoid penalties bums must now beg on a part time basis only.

  2. Occupy Elsewhere tests Panhandling on the Honor System
    These days bums are so lazy they’re just phoning it in.

  3. Beamed up to the mothership for tea, crumpets, and a fully invasive body scan. Please give generously to fund my addiction to liberal governments.

  4. Homeless score victory from Human rites tribunal, now freed from the emotionally shattering task of holding their own signs. Government to provide 10 billion in funds to research sign holding technology. Obama “If I had a son that was homeless, I wouldn’t want to see him holding a sign”

  5. After Ezra Levant’s ground-breaking reportage yesterday on The Source, Suzuki feared his revenue streams would soon dry up, so he decided it was time to diversify…
